Strange Aeons Radio


April 18, 2024 Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 268

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"The Connoisseur" premiered at the BoneBat Comedy of Horrors Film Fest! And Kelly probably should have gone to that.
Also discussed: Monkey Man, Fallout, Constellation.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That is Eric up there. Hello. And that is Vanessa up there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, gang. Here we are remote recording again. And it's not my fault. It was my fault. I went to a show concert out of town and I just got back concert was great. Bumping into my ex that I didn't really want to see that was not great. But let's talk about something more fun than that. Eric, you've got some news? Yeah, do we had the world premiere of the connoisseur last night? At the bone bath horror and comedy film festival. It was awesome. It was so good. We had a fair amount of representation to Carlos was there and JD was there and one of the ladies that was an extra was there who didn't know who I was. I thought that was funny. Oh my god. good impression is the director, the lady with the glasses. Oh. And Steve, of course, and his daughter who's prominently featured in it. Yeah, a lot of people were there. And it was really cool to see and the, you know, there's those moments in a any movie you've made, where if this goes right, the audience gets it. And that moment is when JD goes Joe. Buck comes up and the audience reaction was perfect. Oh, good. Part of what I'm saying is like okay, being technically thinking I'm gonna let's see what the sounds like sound here or what they look like on this big giant screen. Damn, it look good. It had a neat look where it didn't look like a super over polished. Studio Production has a neat, unique look to it on the screen and it doesn't look like you know, an overly lit, bright, low budget. Independents can often look so pretty good, then, honestly, the laughter was loud enough that I couldn't catch how some of the sounds played. While the bottle was progressing. Hey, spoilers, buddy. It went on one Bell needed to tell everybody what happens. It just says nothing. That's true. So it was a hit is what you're saying? Yeah, went went incredibly well. Oh, man. That makes me happy. Yeah, same all congratulations to you guys as well. You guys. writer director over here. Oh, my God. Yes, yeah. Did Rick Tillman show up? Yes, yes. Oh, good. Did John Fulton show up? I did not see him if he did. Okay, interesting. Sure. If he's the one that I gave my tickets to. I don't I didn't see stuff on either. But Camille was there. So that's I hope I don't miss anyone. But that's really cool. Well, what was the rest of the festival like? It's always good. They put on a hell of a show they had. I was only able to be there for the evening. So I saw the pine box boys, which all the bone bat fans out there. And there's one thing that confuses me about going to bone bat. There's something totally unique in this festival that nobody else does. And he has a live band perform. And they're really good. I think he's had the pine box boys four or five times. And you know, then there's the festival comes down, they start to get ready to play in half the crowd leaves a hole, you know, mostly shorts, although they are awesome. You might have a chance to catch them. But this is a live band. Yeah, he can't see a live band anyplace else. But that's okay. The festival. The festivals content is compelling enough that you know, everybody wants to see the shorts and one thing he does really well, or the bone BAT Team does really well is it's comedy horror that does mean, compound word there. He does comedy and horror. So sometimes there are there are comedies that are borderline not or like a very strange comedy. And this one was a comedy about a piece of poo, a high heroin needle and a US tampon talking to each other inside a claymation kind of animated thing talking about how everybody hates them. And it was funny, fun, really horror, it was oh, good or bad, then you get the light comedy, comedy comedy, and then he puts like a freaky, scary one. And it's a little more intense than it might be at another festival because you're not expecting it. And they do that really well with their programming. So that's awesome. I don't think I realized that they had just comedies there as well. That's really neat. They sort of sit on the borderline. That's why with like, with our comedy with the connoisseur, I'm like, it's really isn't hurt. It's really not. It's not not horror. It's a weird place. I'm, I've started to submit it to some other festivals. And I'm kinda like what genre is this? I'm not sure. I'm trying to find the WTF fire festivals, I guess. Yeah, that's a perfect fit. Yeah, it was. I heard that Brian Callahan was there. Did you get to see Brian? Oh, I got to see him briefly. talked to him a little bit, but I think him and Rick were went out were able to go out afterwards. Okay. Yeah. But yeah, what's going on? I'm like, I gotta go. Yeah, yeah. But the at least the the two blocks I was able to see and the one. And what's nice, and I don't know how it happens. Sometimes. It's frustrating because the shorts are so damn good. But not a lot of crossover between Bondi and cryptic con Seattle's present rate. Which is cool. And the Egyptian Is that correct? Yeah. Nice. That's a huge option. No. Yeah. This cool old theater that's made to look like an Egyptian temple that obviously people in the 50s or 60s thought was very cool. And yeah, it's a great, great place in Seattle to screen a film. It is definitely a large enough screen then going Oh, shit. What is this gonna look? Yeah. No problem. That's awesome. I did get a message from you right after words, saying that it played well. And I got a message from Carlos saying sigh I could probably bought a bag basically stay in may get proud of us. And he loved it. And he thought it was great. And I know it was the first time that he'd seen it. And even Rick sent me a nice message and a picture of the final title card and all that and I was like, Oh, that's really cool. So yeah, that makes me feel good. Yeah, yeah. It played well. But well, so look for attach your local film festivals or I have it on good authority that if you're at cryptic con, you can probably catch it there. I think it's gonna get snuck in. Oh, I wonder how we would have any poll or ability to get into the cryptic con Film Festival. We must know money pretty important over there. Yes, the the narcissism always makes me a little uncomfortable, but I usually end up doing it anyways. And Steve did hint it will also do may also play at the bone back. Best of that he does a cryptic con. Oh. Oh, that's very cool. Very, very cool. Okay, enough about us. Let's get to us. Yeah, obviously, an entire podcast just about us. I saw some stuff. We haven't talked about it. I did there like nine episodes in already. Have you guys been watching the new season of invincible? Yes. Felt very three or four episodes. I don't know where I am. But I'm yeah, I'm watching. watch that show. Just well never fails to gross me out. And and also, I'm just so impressed with everything in it. I love this show. Eric, I have you to thank for letting me know anything about invincible, which became my favorite comic after you introduced it to me. And this series just really captures the feel of it. Yeah. But you say gross out that one, the scene where that guy got shot in the head. Eddie, just like, Jesus Christ just keeps going and going, like God. Yeah. Yeah, it's I mean, it was a gruesome comic book anyway. But the fact that it that has translated the one to one over to Amazon Prime is kind of surprising the amount of punishment fit the bill they'll termites dole out is kind of setting or a fight. Every time one of them shows up and they're like, white shiny outfit. You're like, Oh, God, this is gonna suck. So that's what I've been watching. Invincible on Amazon Prime. Nice. Well, I just watched a show that I haven't talked about, but I just finished it out. It was on Apple. And it's called constellation. I've heard of this. Yeah. So the setup is, it's an astronaut who's up on the Space Station and something goes wrong. One of the crew dies, and they have to make their way back to Earth. One of them. The lady, the main one, barely makes it back. But she she's kind of fighting against all reason to do it, because she has her daughter down there. And she gets down there and things are not how she remembered them. Her car's a different color. She knows how to play the piano. Her daughter no longer knows Swedish, which is her mother tongue. So there's just all these weird things. And she's like something is wrong. And so the experiment that they were doing up on the Space Station, one of them it may have put her into the wrong place when she went home. Wow. Yeah, it's a hefty story. I didn't talk about it so far, because I wasn't sure if I was going to end up liking it or not. But I think that in the end, I really did it was it had a pretty compelling story. And I think if you watch it in one go, it's probably better than watching it in chunks. Because I was just like, I don't know. I don't know if they know where they're going or, but it ended up being pretty solid. So what do you want from that on? Apple plus? Well, it seems like every time we see something on apple plus we love it. So it's good. Yeah, it's kind of crazy. Except replace Helen. I quit just just because I don't think anyone's funny. That's my fault. All right. Sure. Hey, guess what? Wait, this isn't a Walter Hill movie. Refreshing. I watched one shutter popped up. It's from the 90s called mute witness. It's most recognizable because it has a fairly memorable video cover with a woman and her mouth is solely shot with the word mute. Okay, yes, I have seen this cover. And I thought I'd seen it but I apparently not. It's a mixed bag. It starts off as a fairly solid kind of slasher movie within a movie kind of setup where she works she does special effects for a film but she she can't speak but she hears and can does everything but then it comes becomes a Russian by criminal thing operation like she witnesses she gets back overnight and witnesses which she thinks is a snuff film which then leads into a bunch of underground I was like it's kind of the from dusk till dawn effect where it's like two really different movies. Like the first half I think a little better, but it's definitely worth seeing it's it's solid acting good. Well put together film it's just such a strange tone change as the movie progresses. Shutter has that one is one of their top rocker something like Okay. Was there anybody in it? We would recognize? I don't think so. Some you know, some people that you might go I've seen you in 40 TV shows but nobody that was no Lance Henriksen or anybody like that. shown up. mute witness. Interesting. Gosh, not William Hill. Well not that guy. No, thank God. I just finished watching a little indie film this this afternoon. called last night at Terrace lanes. guys heard of this one. Huh? I'm not sure low budget horror film about a girl and her friends who decide to go bowling. And she's a little surprised that that they decide on this old bowling place. Because what we find out is her dad works there and she and her dad don't really get along. And and then in the middle of this kind of school drama thing that's going on. This is the last night of this place, it's closing down. So it's last night at Terrace lanes. And there is a group of cultists who have decided they're going to use everybody there as sacrifice. Yeah. And so at a given time, while everybody's bowling and everything, all these alarms start going off on various phones and you suddenly see these people kind of stand up and they're wearing these blue hoodies with white masks. And they've they've chained the doors shut, and they just start pulling out machetes and butcher knives and everything and they just start going to town and hacking everybody up. And and it turns out that this girl's dad works there. She is an amazing bowler. So she knows how to throw a ball really hard. And her and her dad of course bond over having to save everybody. So as you can guess this is a horror comedy. Oh, good. And it's and it's pretty decent. I thought the acting was really solid in it. The story was nothing you haven't seen before. But it was well done. And it looked great. This is a rental I'm sure it's going to be showing up on shutter. It's not. It's not glossy enough to be prime or Netflix or anything like that. But yeah, I think you could do a lot worse than last night at Terrace lanes is wow, I have not even heard of that. But killing people. The bowling ball sounds pretty epic. Especially some pretty funny stuff in it. Not just bowling balls. Oh, okay. Good. Variety. Speaking of killing people with stuff, I went and watched monkey man, which. Yeah, Deaf Patel wrote directed and stars and it's one of those films that like, has not I don't think it's been marketed correctly. I was very confused. I thought it was like a kind of almost superhero esque film with a guy who takes on the essence of a character in Indian lore, the monkey man who's like the well known and brave and exciting, whatever. It's not it's basically kind of John Wick esque. Pretty, pretty fun. A lot of great action scenes Dev Patel did a great job is if you like revenge films where you get to see a lot of people get fucked up, then. There you go. This is a good movie for Yeah. It looks like a blast. And everything I had heard was that it was basically the Indian version of John Wick. Yeah, it's to the point where they actually have a joke in there where he's trying to get a gun and this guy, and it's really I mean, everything's in India. So it's like grungy and dirty and like underground and through homeless people or through the outskirts of people and in people who live in like cardboard boxes. So he's got this Indian like underground arms dealer, and the guy's got all these like horrible looking weapons, and he's like, here is going John wick's gun. And he's like, No, I'm not gonna be I think they I think they know it's definitely it's, I wouldn't say it's a one to one though. Like, it's got its own flavor, its own story, and it uses a lot of it's very true and loving towards Indian culture. Is the dialogue in English. Now, I don't remember. Um, well, in my I think it must have been, it must have been subtitled that part of my brain. I think it was an English I actually do think it was an English. That's weird. My brain was like, I don't know. What's it? Well, you did the scene there. And I was like, Oh, okay. English. Appreciate you to do a scene in Indian but give it a shot. You Eric Walter Hill movie. No, just kidding. Just kidding. I, I mentioned it briefly before so I'll tell you, which was undisputed. I didn't really talk about it, but I mentioned it so I'm going to go with a new thing that came out this week that I know nothing about. For the video games stuff, but fallout. Oh yeah, up on Amazon. Two episodes in and I think it's a lot of fun. Doesn't hurt. It's got Walther Goggins in it, you know, so that's nice, even if he doesn't have a nose. Yeah. But have you played the game? Vanessa? Fallout three is my favorite game. So yeah, so I've played Fallout three and part of four. And then I wasn't. Anyway, but yeah, so I know the world pretty well. And there's a lot of, it's so heavily, like, loving towards the games. Oh, cool. That's cool. But yeah, it's an it's enjoyable. And some really neat characters that seem to be well executed. And you could see how I could see how they would fit in a video game. But not knowing I'm not like, Okay, I know who a definite good guy and bad guy is, but I don't know who some of the characters you know, which is kind of fun. But, yeah, I think it's pretty damn good. See how it goes. It's always a joy. So in the game you come across, you always start off as a Vault Dweller, and you come out and you eventually find other vaults. So it's just so fun to see what the deal is, with whatever the vol is, because each of them are a bit different. So you're just like, what's in this one? What are they doing this fun? I want to know, I have to see. So it was just a lot of fun. I read an article that said it was the third best Fallout game. So I, one of the things I was reading about it said it's best when it's actually not following the video game directly. Yeah, and some of the additional stuff they've done to move from point to point or whatever it is, but it's a totally it's on a different coast. So okay. But yeah, definitely worth checking out, I would say. Yeah, I watched the first two episodes too. And although it hasn't grabbed me, I know I'll continue on with it. I've never played the game. So to be honest, I'm kind of confused what's going on in the series. What's happening? So Kelly, I'll fill you in with this uniform Okay, let me I do understand that that movies dole out information as you go along, and I assume that they will tell me the things that I don't get yet. Yeah, so yeah, yeah, I'm looking forward to it as well. All right, guys, how about we take a little break then. And then we when we come back, we are going to be talking about something in space now space, storing the intangible link hog from the redoubtable Miss Piggy, and the sanctimonious Doctor Strange. As we left the swine track last time, the crew had just been overcome with a fearful attack of boredom the endless fineness of eternal space. A pig could go on. They only lasted 20 minutes or go that long. We could have brought a TV set I'm missing all my favorite bowling jokes. When you're boring shows he cries it the sad parts what is the red light? Oh the red light means stop the green light means God. No no. Traffic lights twitch. That might have a console. Oh that light means we've been invaded by alien beings Yes, hideous creatures of some sort or roaming the ship. Go do something just take full screen. Captain. Sensors there are two creatures to two snakes. The readout one is very frightened and has feathers. The other speaks on sold off sprained Scandanavian He's dead gone somehow I miss them oh the endless sameness of eternal space Jonah next week and be bored again Bye we have returned. You guys, this was my sub genre pick. And the idea was that you could do any movie as long as it was like some other movie in space. So it could be. It could be one of the horrible franchises where they actually end up going into space like Jason X or leprechaun for whatever the idea was, you know, the movie Alien is called a haunted house movie in space and I was like, if you can justify your movie this way, then by all means, do it. Well, I should have done that. But I went the call the franchise way. And I picked critters for for my movie. You see them wreak havoc on. Balls those two eggs are the last two eggs. You are instructed to place the eggs in the pot. The last two eggs were launched into orbit. It won't scan. I can't tell you what's inside. I know they're having a blast for the pod and outer space. That's the careers you been floating around in that pod for over half a century. The killer hairballs have relocated congratulations, Charles. Just burn the ship. Get another ship. The only idiots and have a new place to play. Those are eggs. They've been busy they're dining from an all new menu of cosmic cozy you know those man eating pair of balls that you do not believe in? Why are we real? Close but they'd rather eat on Earth. I proposed that we just hold up here and wait for them to come rescue us where are the you do not coming in here with your god damn Stormtroopers. Someone must cooperate. Here you wanted these. These are the last ones. Critters full bleed in yours as cool, I am sorry. Sounds awesome. Have you guys seen critters four? Nope. I saw critters one and that was plenty. Well, critters one pretty decent. This one's fun. Critters two I would argue is almost better than the first one. All right. And then I've just heard nothing good about the rest of the critters films except that you know, the premise of these films is these little tiny creatures. Oh, I should have brought my crate in man. The premise of these creatures are they get loose on earth and they multiply and they're like, obviously it's a ripoff of Gremlins and they're these tiny little monsters that can roll themselves into a ball and all this stuff well critters for shit. I didn't put my timer on. Okay, timer I'll give myself nine minutes. Okay, I don't need that long. I'm not going to need that long. 1992 and find no budget or box office information because it went straight to video. No Rotten Tomatoes critics but the audience has it at 18% feels about right generous. Oh yeah, directed by Rupert Harvey. This is his only directing credit, but he's a producer on all the critter movies except for number two for some reason. And also producer on the blob pump up the volume and Nightmare on Elm Street The Dream Child Written by you guys, David J. Shell. Eric, or scow. How do you pronounce his name? The name sounds familiar. But you would know him. He is the writer who coined the term splatter punk for his Oh, I have writing rules. I also written Leatherface, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre three he wrote The Crow and he wrote healings run read. And it was also co written by somebody named Joseph Lyle, who has won credit and it is this film starring Don Keith opera, who has 38 credits. Four of those credits are critters movies, but he was also a black moon rising ghost in the machine and invasion. It also stars Brad dwarf was 177 credits including Lord of the Rings One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Dune, he's the voice of Chucky and the Child's Play Movies and the TV series and also stars Angela Bassett, who has 109 credits, including Malcolm X, the Black Panther and Avengers movies. And just recently the stepmother in damsel. Also in this is Terrence Mann, Anders Hove, Paul with Horne and Eric Deray from Twin Peaks. So it's it's a good cast of decent Jesus critters more. Yeah. So all right, you guys, this movie apparently picks up right after critters three, but I haven't seen critters three. And I was not invested enough in this to care. So surely the critter hunter who I do recall from the first two movies is about to destroy the last two remaining eggs of the critter species inside a spaceship that is orbiting Earth. So at some point, the critters have gotten into space, and he's followed them and he's going to destroy them. But just then he gets a weird holographic message. New galactic bio preservation laws make it illegal to completely exterminate any form of life, even if it's as horrible as the crates, which is the real name of the critters. So Charlie puts the eggs in this pod thing that's supposed to freeze them, but then he gets trapped inside and he gets deep frozen with these eggs. And then this pod goes floating off into space. 53 years later, space, the space container is found by the crew of a private space wreckage collector, we meet the crew which feels a lot like the crew of alien or alien for whatever, you know, this is a real rip off of alien movies. There's three tough guys in this hot chick and a teenager. So they pick it up this pod and they try to figure out what it is and where does come from. And then they get a message from the company Tara core, which says that they're going to get a huge finder's fee if they return the container with its content safely. All they have to do is take everything to accompany space station that's in their area to collect the reward. When they get to the space station, they realize it is dilapidated and abandoned and falling apart. The computer that runs everything is breaking down. And in fact anytime you ask it to do something it does exactly the opposite of what we get a shot of Angela Bassett in the shower here you guys and she has a spectacularly beautiful ass, which is about the only reason to watch this movie. You hit this point, it is time to turn the movie off. Because I will tell you what happens next. The captain fucks around with the container of course and when he opens the container Charlie the critter Hunter is alive and well although understandably confused, but the eggs have hatched, and the two critters attack and kill the captain Charlie's critter weapon jams on him so he isn't able to kill any of the critters who disappear by their usual means of making themselves into a little ball and rolling out a set. Meanwhile, the teenager Ethan discovers and befriends Charlie who convinces him to help him track down the critters. At one point, they end up in a garbage disposal unit right out of the Deathstar. And the computer thinks they're garbage. So she tries to jettison them. And when they tell her, they're humans, she basically responds with you're in the garbage chute, so you must be garbage. So you're gonna be jettison, but they escaped that. But by now the rest of the crew has found the dead captain. And they assume that Charlie the critter Hunter is the one who killed him. They catch him and everything and then they start talking to them. And this is when he realizes that 53 years have passed and everyone he knows must be dead by now. Which I don't quite get. I'm not I'm not super sure of how this guy becomes a critter Hunter. But I thought that in the first movie, he was an alien and he took on the form of this guy, but he's acting like all of his friends back in Kansas or wherever that takes place are dead now. Unlike what you you weren't human so maybe something had happened in three. That explains all this but I'm sure wouldn't count I wouldn't count. I bet the ratings vary in the world of continuity at all. Anyway, one of the crew members sneaks off and breaks into the station's pharmacy stealing all their drugs. But that of course, is when the critters attack and they are now much bigger. They're about knee high now. Charlie and the rest of the crew find some of the eggs and although they break them, they have to run for their lives because they'll start hatching and attacking them and these little critters are like this big there with tiny, sharp teeth. This ship they came in on gets damaged Of course, so they're trapped on the space station until the company shows up to rescue them. But of course the company bowls a Weyland Yutani and they want the critters alive. So now are dwindling crew are being attacked by the critters and the company. Will Charlie be able to kill the less of the critters before the company soldiers kill him and his new friends? Will Ethan the teenager trap the company men by telling the malfunctioning computer to open the doors and various sections of the station. And she actually closes those doors. Wow. And will they escape in the company ship? And when the credits roll? Will we see a title that makes no sense. It says no critters were harmed in the making of this film. The movie is quite bad. It's really boring. It's a real disappointment. Especially considering the pretty talented cast. It's got a great tagline in space. They love to hear you scream. As bad it does good. Yeah, so I mean, if you're gonna rip off alien, you might as well rip off the tag. Some trivia, when Charlie meets part of the crew after the trash compactor scene he is wearing Freddy Krueger is long sleeve shirt. This is a New Line Cinema movie. And so it's very obviously the same ready shirt. Film simultaneously with critters three, from February until July of 1991. However, all external space scenes and many sets are lifted from one of Don Keith OPERS. earlier films Android from the year 1982. The exterior effects are quite bad, but they at least are practical effects. So that that makes them kind of look good. And then finally, the footage of the cargo retrieval ship and docking with the spaceships are from Android from 1982. But the footage of Uggs ship at the end are taken from critters to the main course from 1988. And yeah, so that was my movie critters for I wish I had taken my own advice and just found you know, something else in space. Or even just I think I probably talked about Jason X ray because I fucking axe now now, maybe you should have just talked about that again. Well, the buzzer is about to go off. And now I'm vow that I've fixed my microphone. I'm curious if you'll be able to hear it go off. And he's second. And he second guys. And any second. This is what Vanessa actually has to hear. It is it is quite jarring if you're in the middle of something goes. Really not good when you're like trying to wrap up and be interesting and entertaining. And then it's like we're here to play the game guys. Vanessa, you want to go next? Sure. Put 10 minutes on. Should I should I let you listen to the ticking? No. Oh my god don't want to hear it. It's to me already. I'm like sweating. Okay. Check in the back of the room. It won't take you that long. So I went with the 2012 film lockout because that is a perfect excuse to talk about Escape from New York in space. It's the world's most secure prison. It holds the planet's deadliest criminals it's impenetrable because it's not old. I'm going to ask you a few questions. Do you dream while you're under a dream about you want to test me? Mr. President, there's been a massive takeoff on Ms working on A daughter is on a goodwill mission on that station there's only one man who can get around snow he's the best there is but he's a loose cannon don't get me wrong it's a dream vacation I mean I've gone to space I get inside the maximum security not get past all the psychos say the president's daughter if she's not done already I'm thrilled and he would think of me the gravity generated will hold you up you gotta trust me on this really are you doing I'm bringing you back from the dead attention on milk is a woman What the hell is happening here it's falling out of the sky. Jimmy Ebola impact on the Eastern Seaboard? You're gonna get out of here. What if this doesn't work? And you're probably gonna die it's perfectly safe. Simple, thank you so enough we're gonna get more into it a little bit later. But this has a rotten tomato score of 38% from critics and a very generous 46% from the audience. But budget is 20 million box office 32.2. So it did okay. Um, Director slash writers, James Mathur, who only has three credits to his name, Ray Aluna short film and the YouTube Music Videos stuck in a moment. So obviously very experienced as far as writing this film or directing it. However, he does have 60 Cinematography credits, including extraordinary which we've talked about before. And Frank and joyride also Stephen St. Laker leisure. I also has writing directing credit and he has only done six movies. Also short, and a bunch of episodes of Vikings. So I don't know what decisions were made as far as letting these dudes direct but I bet the writer the third writer slash producer, Luke Bussan might have a thing or two to say slash reasons he contributed to these guys showing up he wrote 72 films directed 36 He wrote valerian taken the transporter he directed Lucy The Fifth Element Leon The Professional and La Femme Nikita. I'm not a huge I like to have his films. Anyway, so starring guy Pierce as snow, not snake snow. Just call him by that name. He doesn't want to call it anything else. 96 credits his name including 473 episodes of neighbors. He's still in it. I didn't realize it was like oh my god. He's recently been in it. Lots of TV, including recently in mayor of East town in a very weird role that I was like, it's that guy Pierce. I see here. Also Prometheus Alien Covenant the rover Memento ravenous this guy's been around. He's a great actor. Maggie Grace is Emily Warnock who plays the president's daughter 51 credits to her name 36 episodes of loss is Shannon. She was in taken as Kim and remake of the fog which I know we've talked about and currently in Fear the Walking Dead as elfia I have not seen it so I don't know what that means. But she's in it. Peter storm were also in it too. And in 14 credits he placed Scott you would know him as Satan and Constantine or love in Armageddon, and Vincent Regan as Alex. The prisoner revolt leader 117 credits to his name recently Garp in one piece and lots and lots of weird Romans plus a lot of Roman dudes. So, story in 2079 ex CIA operatives, snow is interrogated for his involvement in a shooting, accused of targeting agent Frank in a hotel room. He then also is accused of hiding a case containing seat status Secrets. So it's like big metal Casey's running around with, they accuse him of treason and he is sentenced to 30 years at the MS one a floating prison and a space station above Earth's orbit where the sentence is done in stasis. Meanwhile, Emily, the president's daughter is the visiting Ms. One to see if the treatment of the prisoners is fair. She believes that there is some kind of conspiracy regarding testing and looking at the effects of long term Deep Space exposure on these prisoners and possibly they might be experimented on and other ways. They're using them essentially as she thinks they're using them as lab rats and she wants to know more because they seem to be waking up with dementia and sanity, among many other things. Well, interviewing one of the worst prisoners, her secret service agent becomes aggressive with him and the prisoner steals the guy's gun that he has dropped his leg and was not supposed to bring it in, but he did anyway. Then this begins a cascading effect of chaos as the whole station goes into disarray. The prisoner shoots several visiting White House staff as well as prison guards. He then takes one lab coat dude, and lets everyone out. He finds Emily and is about to have his way with her, which is a lot of what this film is. This guy just really wants to have his way with her all the time. When his brother Alex, who wakes up and is a bigger better prisoner with less than sanity intervenes and takes over the whole operation. He takes the rest of the staff as prisoners and he says we got to be smart about how we're going to do this. Now of course, snow is sent up to the MS one to find and save Emily promising him freedom if he successfully gets her back and he agrees the rest of the film is a mix of prisoners brutality, snow and Emily trying to escape a sublet subplot of snow trying to find his ex partner who is somewhere on the station, who's the only one who knows where this case ended up. Unfortunately, his partner was a lab rat and his brain is pretty scrambled. Will his friend slash partner join them for a scene and a half before getting sucked out of an airlock and freezing into a human popsicle taking us secure secrets, but then well, they discover the location and code the suitcase in a super complex and insane way insane way that Emily somehow figures out all on her own even though she wasn't there and had no part in the initial setup of this film. Will. Will Emily and snow had to jump out of a falling prison satellite all the way down to earth surface while she's unconscious with only one parachute and somehow still survive reentries burn? And will they finally kiss or will she stop him and banter in an irritating way because it's cute or whatever? This film has some truly terrible CGI, truly. God awful basically one sequence that is all CGI, it's a chase secret. It's bad. It's fucking bad. They basically blur half of it. The taxis look like something out of a bad video game. They're like flipping over. It's cool. There's also way too much cutting. I honestly am not sure if they like nothing feels real because it's like cut in here just like it did any I saw a fight to somebody punched somebody. And also because of that you're just confused the whole time as to what's happening because you're like, what room Am I in? Who am I looking at? To somebody die? I don't know. I'm good. Pierce is doing his darn best with a pretty rough script, including well good sprinkling of sexism, racism, a few logic holes, they cut off her hair to disguise her so they can get through the prison more easily. And that lasts for two seconds and then it's not useful anymore. However, a fun piece of trivia the only trivia I've got on this. The tagline Well, I'm sorry, there's two. There's two. The tagline is take no prisoners. The second piece of trivia in 2015 Director John Carpenter successfully sued the film's makers in the tribunal the ground insistence the parents, alleging lockout plagiarized his films Escape from New York and escape from LA the court awarded him damages of 20,000 euros Escape from New York screenwriter Nick Castle got 10,050 1000 was given to StudioCanal after besonders appeal was rejected in July of 2016. The claimants total damages were increased to 450,000 euros. So, sure, you know, you've when you've lost a lawsuit on it. This sounds like a small amount to pay. I think it is. I think it's more about the rights. You know, like who has the credits and how those credits are used. I don't think it's really it doesn't sound like it's about the money which is weird. For John Carpenter but a law I love the man but let's be real. Well yeah, he did that nine minutes, Vanessa. Well done. I'm getting good I got it anyway. Just want a bar. Taking so clearly the whole time Kelly put that thing in a fucking microwave somewhere. Jesus. What you didn't know is he was holding it just slightly off camera. And so loud. Make it No, no one's being timed any more stop. Wait until Eric. Eric, you want to go? Maybe? I don't know. It seems like we hit the trifecta on this one. So here we go. My movie was called assault on dome for a Sci Fi Channel. Original Movie. No prison can hold him an escaped. Control. He's got a bomb. They can wipe off millions of people come out of his league. A hostage planet out of time. You got three hours. Tell us what you did on Dome four. I did what I had to do. On dome for Saturday, February 15. At six Pacific meet 1996. You know that Rotten Tomatoes thing? You've said Kelly I should do? I think it may be this movie because there's absolutely no ratings on this. No person has rated this movie at all. Oh, well. Wait a second, though. Did you like it? If you're interested, you can watch this on YouTube. And Plex. Ooh. This is directed by Gilbert Poe, who you probably don't know from his other film, which is very strange title of you for fancying. So, I don't know. Written by Hirsch rufen. Who is written the bass can it be love and he has a podcast? Truth tastes funny with her chiffon. I got starring Joseph Culp, who you might know as Dr. Doom from the 1994 fantastic for he's also an Apollo 13 I think for about a minute. Blew by you dream lover. Bruce Campbell. You know that one? Yeah. Jacqueline Seagrave who was in yep, yep, man. Lots of TV. Brian James. Blade Runner another 48 hours. 177 credits for that guy and James Lu. who you might know from Big Trouble in Little China. The 18th One of my favorite underrated martial arts movies I haven't seen since the 80s is the perfect weapon. Oh, yeah. So I don't I I will not say if it was good, but I liked it. Then. Hot Shots. Parte de is also a stuntman with you did 13 episodes of Luke Cage for stunts and he's acted 176 movies and done stunts. 446 I'm guessing there's some crossover there too. Yeah, the movies. I can talk about the actors longer if you like. This movie starts with a man on trial who's talking about the assault on Dome four. My understanding is after I watched this there's a director's cut of this movie which cuts all this shit out. All the Tribunal is removed from the director's cut almost nine minutes of stuff. So we cut from that beginning to Bruce being brought out in a bright orange suit brought to Mars for imprisonment. And you know, first Campbell looks pretty good in orange. Like he likes very movie star good looking right now. But then again with the dramatic listing of all his crimes, and then all the places he's escaped from, and how he is super smart and could have been one of the greatest leaders of our time if only he hadn't turned to crime. This point, I know where I have, I have made a grave mistake. That's a lot of exposition. Oh my god. And it ends with first going is it okay if I spit and the guy's like, Well, no. So he spit some little weird green thing out of his mouth that blows up the wardens head and kills like four. Thus, he quickly escapes from his nuclear Isn't he breaks out his friend he knows in there and in a probably an amount of rubber wood Demolition Man came out but he cuts off a guards hands to access all the guns at the prison while the guard was still alive, breaks out a bunch of criminals and steals a space shells go back to Earth and pillage the colonies and break bankrolling crime spree or no. Are they up to something else? Hmm. Well, I mean, the next is a setup of the cop, tough cop. Now let's see if you can visit what figure out what movie this is ripping off from the seat. The cop has come to visit her his wife at work. She doesn't know he's coming. I feels a little sick after he arrived. So he kind of sits near a sink and take some advice from somebody who told him to deal with seconds ago where there is no Christmas party, and it is a working space station. So his wife is busy at work. But yeah, that's it. So now we have the dramatic slow smoke filled slow motion entrance of Bruce and his group of bad guys. And Holly janeiro now sorry, Lily Moran takes the criminals on a tour of the dome where they kill all the peacekeepers except for the one they didn't know was there. Oh. Now they set up the John McClane character he calls the authorities to let them know what's going on and what he's witnessed. But it doesn't go well so I'm guessing he feels pretty fucking unappreciated right about now. I had to make something music about watching this just play them at the same time. Bruce Campbell actually under the line joy at one point he is by the way he is a valid reason to watch this movie. If you are a big Bruce Campbell fan he has moments of pure ridiculousness he is about as over the top as Bruce Campbell gets which is pretty far over the top doesn't live in land of subtle in a lot of his films but but you know that's so his buddy shows up after you know not believe it or not wanting to listen to what he had to say his buddy shows up at dome four and starts to kick ass but promptly gets killed cool cool they did do they didn't say the line but they did do a shoot the glass moment it's up to everybody other shoes on so that's disappointing. See let's round this up a little bit does he okay all right crawls through a ton of them that I'm pretty sure was just about a four foot section event and then let's differently any barely moves through it so four foot might be longer than it actually was. Let's see. Stuff happens people fight shootings bombs may go off husband and wife and we're ending with the going back to the tribunal with the you need me on that wall kind of speech from the John McClane character we have four he angrily exits and goes back to work where it belongs. So the movie felt like I'm not trying to be too harsh to put here I'm sure he made a lot of effort and wanted to make a good movie. But it feels like it was written by an overachieving High School filmmaker who wants to make an homage to diehard the lines are so over the top and it's so mellow dramatic lines like you think are really cool at one point but as you got older you realize maybe all those lines in raw deal from shorts sorts into your awareness cool as I thought they were Horatio. But, but if you get into that mindset, it's kind of fun to watch. And Bruce is just ridiculous to watch in this film. He was offered the hero role he said last night very interesting. I want to play the villain. So the villain is the lead in this film. He's definitely far superior in use of the film to the John McClane character. The the this was released in Germany as sorry I got reversed the Director's Cut removes all of the tribunal stuff. Which good call director good call because I realized this is a complicated Story and when this originally was played as a made for TV movie people needed the explanations that were further given in the multiple 10 minutes of scenes of him sitting in court. So, no, Boy Yeah, yeah, that's all I got was definitely die hard in space. Oh, and it turns out they weren't going on a crime spree they were going to blow ups stuff before the world is. I don't remember his overpopulated or some weird stuff. He gives a couple of great, great speeches where Bruce is fun, but the lions are like wow, this is yeah Wow So you heard that our three choices for essentially rip offs or in space films were no good, strange, strange. And all of them based on great movie. So yeah. I will say if you are a big Bruce Campbell fan, you will enjoy watching this film. There was plenty to get fun with but man. Anyways, yeah. Wow. Well, okay, then. I guess that means a see who's registered. I think it's Vanessa's turn. Oh, okay. So, um, what was I going to do? For this? Let me find it. It was something also kind of space related slightly, but I was thinking of sort of, like, natural occurring events in space. So whether that's like the Eclipse just happened or comments, or, you know, something having to do with an actual phenomenon in space, like some scientific phenomenon. I like your there's a better way of describing that. Somewhere out there. You guys can write it in the tagline. I think of it by next week. There you go. Plus, you know, with the great success of this space, one model to another space. Watching so much sci fi in the last like month, it's like disgusting. So I'm, I'm ready. Good, good. All right, I like it. And I will choose better I promise, please. So this is the part where I say thanks, everybody who's participating in the value for value model, which is very simple. If you get any value out of this go ahead, turn around, give us some value back that can be in the form of money, but it doesn't have to be it can also be in the form of liking and sharing posts showing up on top pay. Saving your time by avoiding movies sometimes. Yeah. Oh sure. Sure, yeah. Whatever you want to do, you know interacting with the with the YouTube channel or the Facebook page or anything like that, that helps boost the bandwidth. So that's value for value it is as simple as that. You can also reach us at the strange aeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266 and leave us a message and tell us what you did or did not like about this show. I imagine it's gonna be a bunch of I did not like the movies you guys talked about bear spoiler during the club. And, oh, I have a novel coming out. It is available for pre order right now you can go to written by Calle And there's a button there to preorder it or you can go right to and just look for the secret language of spiders. And there is a preorder there for it comes out in June. So that's very exciting. And we have a film that's showing in film festivals now so that's very exciting. Yes, we'll let you know as those start to get selected. Right I hope so. Okay, guys, that's the show. Thanks so much. We will be back in seven short days and we're talking celestial happenings. stuff. See you guys see you next Thursday. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop. On the road, strange aeons radio was recorded live in front of a studio audience. 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