Strange Aeons Radio


August 08, 2024 Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 283

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Weird Uncle Kelly shows up, and the gang talks about their picks for the Alien franchise!
Also discussed: Deadpool and Wolverine, Trap, Kite Man Hell Yeah!

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition. We have such sights to show you strange eons. Welcome to strange eons radio. That is Eric over there, hello, that is Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, Vanessa, yeah, in true weird uncle fashion, I have a gift for lovely little Danica. Oh, yes, oh, a gift from Uncle Kelly. Yep, yep. Little golden books. Please show the video then read off the titles of these little golden books. What the hell? Okay? Whoa, okay. Planet of the Apes. Oh yeah, a classic. Oh, my God. Oh, it was earthling along. Look how cute Jaws is read the big shark, little boat, a book of opposites. Oh, A is for alien, an ABC book. These are incredible. Oh, my goodness. These are incredible. Pretty soon you're gonna have to get her reading and how that stuff, and why not do it with the classics? Oh, my God, those are official golden books. Yes, awesome. Oh, my god, yeah. As soon as I saw those, I was like, I know exactly who needs this. I've seen the ads for before, and I just always assumed they're like a parody thing, a fun joke, but you turn around to the back and say, I know the little the pokey little puppy, and they're just clever enough for adults to be reading them, because, like, this one is, you know, A is for alien, B is for whatever it comes to s, and it's S is for secret, and it shows ash, and it says, Ash knows one or two. Yes, this is also for adults. Oh, my god, so good. Oh my god. Perfect little book for this episode, for open time to unlock the air vent and look inside. Who wants to go first? So good. I'm definitely gonna read these to her excellent Holy smokes. Oh, thank you so much Absolutely. And then when she gets old enough she can see the movies they're based on, absolutely she'll be like all of this I play the apes, is probably a little bit earlier than the we can go plan the apes. Alien Jaws, kind of a conundrum there. The problem with JAWS is I want her to still enjoy the beach. Yeah, that's gonna really fuck things up for me. Give a little time then, oh, the shark is very big. The boat suddenly seems very small. You're gonna need a bigger boat. Brody tells Quint, Oh, wow. And every time the shark shows up in the background of the picture, you see dump, dump, dump, dump. So good. These are incredible, man. I was pretty fucking proud of myself. Oh, man, brava, Brava. These are actually ghosts. See, I have a heart so much better than like a pink flowered ruffled piece of clothing. Well, that's not my style, exactly. This is totally my stuff. Amazing. Okay, guys, I'm sure that we have all seen some very cool stuff. It's been a big weekend for movies. I'm gonna start it off, though, with a show that I watched on. What did I watch this on HBO max? And it is called kite man. Hell yeah. Oh my god, I've watched about little more than half of the first episode because I had to rug it is by the same people who put out the Harley Quinn cartoon. The animation is not as good in this but it doesn't really matter, because the story is all you really care about. It's still very gory, it's still very filthy. It's still very funny. It has a lot of heart, because kite man is a loser villain who's been kicked out of the League of villains, and he and his kind of crazy girlfriend have decided to open up a bar for supervillains. And it is just very funny, because he and his girlfriend are so in love, and they are both kind of stupid and very crazy, but they are very much in love with each other. And I was watching this going, Oh, the heart in this show is gigantic. So yeah, if you like the Harley Quinn. Stuff, then you gotta watch kite, man, hell yeah, is the full title of this show. Agreed, really, really good. Oh man, I gotta, I've got to check this out. Um, well, speaking of things, you've got to check out. Deadpool V Wolverine, Deadpool and Wolverine and DPW. DPW went and checked that out in theaters, and it is a through and through Deadpool movie. Yeah, it took me to like today to realize this movie was called Deadpool and Wolverine, and not Deadpool versus Wolverine because they spend the majority of the film, brutally killing each other over and over, yes, yes. And you would think after things like, I don't know, like Kong, I guess x, Godzilla, and, you know, there's just a lot of V versus films. And I was a little confused too, because I thought for the first two Deadpool movies that Ryan Reynolds slash Deadpool hated Wolverine, but now it's like, no, he's just madly in love with him. And I'm like, oh, okay, okay, reframe, reframe. But yeah, no, it's it's an interesting it's an interesting film. I don't know if I loved it as much as everyone else is loving it. I loved it. Good, good. It is a little too long. It's a little the plot's a little baggy, and I didn't quite understand at the end why what they did, they did, and why it worked. So no clue. Like, okay, I don't think they understood what the plot of their movie was, and that's okay. It doesn't matter. It's not about the plot. It's not really about the story. That doesn't really track. But that's okay. I will say the woman playing Cassandra Nova was so fucking interesting and so weird. And so I'll say it attractive, yeah, bald and gigantic eyes. And I was just like, Good lord, this girl is gorgeous. I have no idea who she is or who she is in the comic books. Yeah, I know that she exists in the comics and she is, it's an actual character, yeah? And yeah. But it was, she was so creepy and and then I thought completely underused. I was like, I want this movie to be about her as and I wish we I honestly, I wanted more of her in the actual Earth world, because I just felt like we spent so much time in the Mad Max space. I was like, I don't care about this. I did. I did have to. When I was like, I did not realize this was going to be a post apocalyptic movie. Yeah, totally. I was like, why are we here still? Okay? But you know, I also didn't expect this to be a big love letter to Sony. You know, Sony Marvel, whatever Sony Fox. Thank you for making my movie again. Well, it's really a love letter to all the Marvel movies that came out before the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yeah. So that was, I thought that was really nice, very welcome. And I have to say, I thought Hugh Jackman just fucking killed it. I mean, there were times when I was ready to start crying, yeah? I was like, wow, this guy is so fucking good. Both of them obviously love each other very much in real life and trust each other with with some pretty emotional scenes between two men, yeah, no. It's some really great acting, some really great love towards those characters and developing them. I think I just don't actually like the Deadpool character that much. I've actually read some Deadpool it's like, but I like the situations he's in. I like the other characters around him. I I have no problem at all with his like crassness. I think it's just like he's all right. But seeing him juxtaposed against Wolverine was really, really fun. I think that that was a smart move, and obviously financially has been a huge success. Boy, they're saying that he saved the summer as far as movie going and stuff like that, one of those, one or two of those every year. Now, since, like, Back to Top Gun, then it was Barb and Heimer. But I wasn't a huge fan of Deadpool in the comics. I didn't read a lot of them. I thought he was fine, but I love Ron Reynolds version of him. Yeah, Ryan Reynolds is the two I've seen, at least. It's a great recipe. And, like, I saw the first one on Valentine's Day, yeah, when it came out, and everyone was like, never put a movie out on Valentine's Day. It's a financial disaster decision. And then that movie, like, changed that completely, because people like, oh shit. People need something to do on that. Valentine's Day, we didn't realize, and that movie was just so, so good. I think the second one was, it was good, but it was a little underwhelming to me. It was a little deeply Marvel fan service. Yeah, if you read the X Men through the 80s and a few other things like that, right, it hit that target pretty hard. Interesting. Can I, before we get to your pick, Eric, can I derail this just a little bit? And can we talk about why Robert Downey Jr is coming back to Marvel, but as Dr Doom, yeah, paycheck was good. I thought he was over it. I mean, didn't he leave Marvel? The go do. Dr Doolittle, which flopped. I don't what I don't understand is, yeah, you can bring him back. I would love to see somehow Iron Man come back. Yeah, why as Dr doom? Why is Dr Doom as a as a villain with a thick European accent and very, very serious villain. Why? Robert Downey Jr? He's Roma, right? Like Dr doom. He's, well, latvirian, to be precise. Oh, sorry, fake country. There you go. But I just don't, I don't understand it, and I'm not even gonna say, you know, Downey's only five seven, so that's going to make for a short Doom, because we can put them on apple boxes and all of that shit. I just don't understand him returning as this character, unless they're going to say a variant of Tony Stark became Dr doom. I'm like, I don't want that universe expansion, and I just don't like the same character or the same actor playing different characters. I think that that doesn't really work in this kind of thing. And and I had said it should have been Mads Mickelson, and my niece was like, yeah, he was great in Doctor Strange. I was like, oh, fuck yeah. We can't have him either. It can't be somebody who's already been in one of these movies. Yeah, are they just they've run out of every actor on Earth, and now they're going back to the start again. They've been fading. They've been fading. They've been fading. Oh, dead. Bill's doing great. Hey. You know what else? Let's get another huge, giant social media hit. Yeah, let's put Downey Jr as Dr Doom, he has to be a variant. I know that in the comics are a little bit in there that they can utilize to justify this decision. At one point, there's a storyline where Dr Doom, like decides he wants to become Iron Man, and so he like switches himself up to trying to do good deeds. And yeah, so I know that that exists. There's one where, like, they're roommates in college or something, and they are friends and came out of the same pot, you know. So there's, there's like, weird little crossover moments where they can pull from but I don't, I don't fucking know. I do not. I think that if you're gonna do a big, huge like Marvel, bad guy. You should probably just do that bad guy. That's like the Manchurian, yeah? All right, sorry. Oh no, that's fine, because I also saw one of the big new movies, oh shit, and it was time based, because it's hot as hell. Yeah, let's go see a movie, and we'll always go to Cinemark. They have like three movies playing there, because Deadpool and Wolverine are and six, and they were almost all completely sold out. And I didn't feel like sitting in the front row or some weird back corner. So Twister doesn't start for an hour and a half. Twisters and trap. Okay, we're seeing trap. You would I mentioned that I might talk about this before we started, and you said you might go see it. I'm going to say ahead of time, you will fucking hate this. Oh no, you will absolutely hate it. Oh no, I didn't necessarily hate it, yeah, but it is. It runs into, let's see how to word this. He's fun to watch, yeah, just a great job. Josh hardnet with a decent haircut for you know, a nice change from his earlier but he's good. Everybody in it, acting wise, does great job. I kind of wonder how many concert M nights has been to, oh no, because it's a huge kind of Taylor Swift level person performing. And at one point he goes away and his daughter shows up next to him, saying, well, they're changing the stage for the next song. So we've got a few minutes. I'm like, what hell are you talking about? That doesn't happen during concerts. You don't shut the concert down for five minutes to change things, but And so that was a weird device he used so she could join him for a little while and set up this buying this t shirt thing. It's full. All of that kind of stuff. And every time he leaves to go see something, it's like the seventh inning of a baseball game. There are so many people in the halls, lines, huge lines at the vendors and the like, no, that's not, not in the middle of a concert. That's not gonna happen. Yeah. Or one little one, I thought was kind of funny, was it was that Taylor Swift kind of thing? So, and they even said, at one point, there's like, 22,000 25,000 people there. 3000 of them are men, and he goes to the bathroom and is packed like, nope, yeah. It's like the Iron Maiden show I went to where, for once, the guy's line was gigantic. There's nobody in the woman's room. No line at all, but it's just full of those little things, pulling you out if you're really interested. And I don't feel too bad about this. This isn't quite spoilery, but it kind of is in that he really doesn't do a twist ending. Oh, it does us kind of a straightforward a lot of shit is going on, but it's not like, oh, so and so is actually this or that? So that was interesting. Okay, cool. It did like that, and it goes some weird places, yeah? And the third act is actually pretty solid, yeah. But it still has all these weird little moments where, man, I so appreciate you saying that, Brent, so that I can level my expectations, because I think that that would have thrown me off a lot. I think I would have spent a lot of time being like, what the fuck yes. So I'm going to ask some spoiler questions, but only based on what we know. The premise is, the premises this big concert, there is a serial killer at the concert, and the concert is a trap for the serial killer. Yes, they actually 60,000 people are in on this. No, but the singer is, the performer is, Oh, okay. And it doesn't seem like most of her backstage people are, though, but she is, and she's in direct contact with the lead FBI person, as you find out later on. Lastly, the scenes of the actual concert performance are really well done. Like this feels like a large concert. This is really cool. Then it goes down the hall and you're like, nevermind, but yeah, so it's sort of a setup, okay. Who is the artist? A real artist or no? Okay, interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if the score, though, pulls out a few hit songs now they make it right, because it's very, very on brand pop, like, super catchy stuff. Like, they wrote some good songs for this, huh? Well, I'm excited that it's Josh Hart, and I right, yeah, he's good, yeah. I'm excited to see him, like, back, and all these dudes are coming back as villains. Like, we've got that Channing Tatum movie coming out pretty soon where he's got those girls on a mansion, and he's acting all creepy and, like, more of this. This is great. Let's just like, defy expectations. Yeah. Also, who's the a 24 film of the Girl Scouts who get to Hugh, oh yeah, Hugh, oh my God, grant you. Grant's house, yes. Oh, my God. He's so good. He's the killer. I was just like, wow. Okay, we have so like the Mormons, who are they trying to convert him? We're playing opposite day today. I enjoy a good opposite day, man, I am fully in and especially when these guys are having such a good time. I mean, you can tell hard that definitely was. It is weird. It's a it's a weird, interesting, fun performance that made I enjoyed the general concept of the film enough that it's just had to keep pushing back on the logic, stupid little logic things. It's like that's such easy writing fixes, because if you just made it a festival, like a one, you know, like a or lot, there's gonna be five artists. It's an all day event, and between each artist, there is, you know, half an hour. That makes plenty of sense. And throughout the concert, the cops are coming through and pulling out guys who fit the description. Like, isn't this causing problems with all the people sitting around? When five cops show up and pull their dad, their husband? They're like, wait a minute, that's unusual. I feel like I will hate this movie. Probably, yeah, I mean, if I wasn't in the theater going, You know what, I'm in the theater, I'm gonna try to enjoy this as much as I can. It might even have been goodbye to bed, like I'm turning this off. You were like, You know what, I'm cool. It's not hot. This movie's incredible. Okay, well, I'm gonna guess you guys might have checked out the. The first third of the new season of Cobra Kai came out. I forgot to, okay, well, I watched it. It's six episodes. The next six come out in November, I believe, and there's a third, and then the last six come out in April. I think. How this works, it's, it's just so ridiculous. I mean, you know, creases broken out of prison. And, you know, well, he did that at the end of the last season, and now he is working with this evil dojo and Japan, I'm like, how did he get to Japan? Swam there, take a boat, but everything is just so ridiculously over the top, and everybody is so evil when they're evil and stupid when they're stupid, and stuff like this is like, I am not having a good time with this. I thought that last season was probably a great season to go out on. And now it's, it's turned into, they've been invited to a committee type thing. I'm like, okay, Sean Claude, von DOM cameo, well, no, the only way I think that they can do this is because this first, this first one ends with them arriving now at this thing, the people have been chosen who are going to be fighting all of that stuff and and I was like, okay, the only way that I feel like this can work out is if, and I love throwing out ideas like this, because it never happens this way, but I guarantee you it's better than what's going to happen. Gonna happen. Hilary Swank suddenly shows up. She was in the final Mr. Miyagi karate kid. She shows up. She's already been doing Miyagi Dojo for the last 12 years or 15 years, in wherever she's in, in Chicago or something. She's finally found out that this other kid has started up something called Miyagi dojo. She's like, I got a fucking LLC on this. What are you talking about? Cease and desist and and she brings in an entirely new crew of people who are also karate kids, and then they end up all having to go at it in this Kumite type situation. Oh, my God. So would they join forces, or would become like a triad? Of course, they would have to join forces. The love of Miyagi brings everybody together. I'm confused, though. Okay, did are Johnny and Danny are they actually having their dojos work together effectively at all Finally, well, you will have to find out in this new season. That's right. So if that is still attention point, throw my TV out the window. That question should be, what you're realizing this show is about. These two people have different styles of karate, that's right, I can't handle it because all they have to do this, the whole thing is they just have to work together, and then they'll be awesome, and everybody's style will be perfect, because one is about offense and one's about defense. Oh my god, I can't I can't anymore. Oh, brilliant. But that is the main thing, is that the teaching styles clash. And who can trust who can trust each other? Not a good plot point anymore. It's been years. Say, Go back and watch some old Hong Kong films. It's like every other one, at least not well of them, also, when you think about it, that first season was, what, six or seven years ago already now, and these kids, they're all getting a little long in the tooth to be in high school still. It's like, geez, what are you in the 17th grade? Come on. Yeah. Hawk is all like, built in. Man. Oh. Anyway, Cobra Kai, Netflix, very, very cool. Well, um, I've been I decided to try and find another show that I could watch with, with Danica that would be appropriate enough that I wouldn't feel bad as a parent. So I went back and re watched prodigy season one, because I want to watch prodigy Season Two. Nice. And I was like, Yes, I have seen this all. I'm glad I saw it again, because I did not remember. And now I'm halfway into season two, and it is magical. Is that the one that starts off feeling very much like a Star Wars thing, but then becomes very Star Trek. It's very Clone Wars initially, and then by the end, it's totally Star Trek. And then season two, it's so good, it's such good writing. And then by season two, they're fully in trek world. And like, there's a lot I don't know. I know there's a new Starfleet Academy show coming out. Don't bother. Season two addresses it. You guys could just do a season three a prodigy, and save a lot of money and have excellent TV. It's just, it's crazy, because Voyager, like, there's hints of Voyager in season one, and season two is like, no, it's fucking Voyager continued. It's Voyager the golden years. And I just love it. Well, you know, you got all those people outside. I'm not gonna watch a cartoon. Cartoons are for kids, so they have to make the live action version. No, because the live action version is usually discovery, even though I enjoyed and defended discovery for a while. Yeah, I watched the first two and a half episodes and have not gone back. Yeah, that last season is really bad. I'm trying so hard, like, anytime I'm sick, I try to rewatch them or watch some discovery and see if I can get through. I mean, I forced myself to get through Picard season one and two, and damn it, I need a medal for that. Discovery is years of this bullshit. I love that they discovered Anson mount and gave him a show out of it. And that is the only good thing from discovery, aside from giving tall guy like, an acting gig, like, I'm glad he has an actor Jones, yeah, Doug Jones is great. But also I hate that fucking character, yeah. Character sucks ass. All the characters suck ass. Character too. He could think that could be anyways, so I can go on. I'm gonna pull a quick Kelly here and quickly mention one film, and then get into what I really wanna talk about, someone called loop track, which is a New Zealand horror film I saw. You mentioned this, and there's one thing I gotta know. I don't think we have a lot of listeners in New Zealand, but we have any. Is this true? You can go out onto the trails and walk for hours and come across a cabin filled with beds and electricity and all this stuff, and then go trekking again. Another one like this is just like, okay, like, they have them around for people to use. Yeah, that's what it was presented as they just walked up and it wasn't booked. That's like, well, we have this book like an Airbnb or something. You just walk up and you go in, if there's room you stay. Is real. Tommy, please. Anyways, the one I'm going to talk about, though, is the the beginning of my 100 movies for this year. It begins where I always begin with a pretty crappy series of films. I'd say if the three puppet master was the most entertaining overall, but Resident Evil has some fun. Now, before you get into this, explain this 100 day thing. You just a group started by Kim and Kimberly, and this is great. You start 100 days out from Halloween. Instead of doing the 30 Days of Halloween, you do 100 100 days. So one horror movie, a diet Yeah, or a day for give or take, yeah? Sometimes it's two in one day, you know. But yeah, I started with Puppet Master three years ago, Children of the Corn last year and Resident Evil this year, Resident Evil. First one, it was okay, like, all right, this isn't right. And then about, I think it's like the third season, or the third episode where you're kind of like movie, it's like, they sort of went fast in the Furious Five. Or it's like, Oh, screw it. We're getting all rid of all the rules. We're doing whatever we want to. We're just going crazy. And that was kind of fun. I know we have a couple listeners are probably losing their mind because they read all the played all the games, and know all the stuff it's supposed to be, and I don't know how well it follows it. I've only played the first game, yeah, when it first came out, I played that. That was it. And the last one, which I think you enjoyed a little bit more. I think I would have liked more if it hadn't been on the tail end of watching these seven films. But they go completely different. It becomes all the cast members are pretty much gone, almost like a reboot, though, too. Yeah, it's, well, it's the prequel to how it all started. Oh, yeah. And it's done as like a ghost story, almost. It's more creepy, some zombies that show up, yeah. But so it's fun, it's interesting, it's a little different. But overall, I I'm sure, if you know, I ran into some Resident Evil fan at a convention someplace, and they say, What did you think of the third movie I'm going? Can you tell me what happened? Totally, they really blend together, but overall fun to watch. Revisitable, not really, but I know there are people that love it and or hate it because of the game I will sadly sit in the middle. Sorry, folks, this is, it's fine. Is this your first watching of all of them, or even the first one? Oh, I thought I might have, but i Turns out I had not. Oh, Eric, I'm so glad. I'm so glad you finally checked out the first one. I have another series. I'm doing individual movies for a little while before I start underworld, which I've seen. None of you haven't seen the first underworld. Where were you in the 90s? That's what's kind of fun about it. All right. Well, why don't we take a little break, and I can think about Kate Beckinsale for a little longer. We all will. And. Then when we come back, we are talking movies from the Alien franchise, the dreaded beast versus the savage Hunter, Aliens Vs Predator with awesome new predators, clan leader attacks with whipping dreadlocks and stalker, glowing in the dark, fires his Spears suddenly cripping up his attack spikes the wild boar alien charges and the ferocious mother alien in her monstrous hive trap SPIKE TAIL then covers him in ooze, ooze. Who will survive? Aliens Vs Predator Queen hive playset comes with mother alien figure and ooze other figures sold separately. Hello. Let's see who's called the strange eons radio hotline. Hi, strange eons radio I figured that Mike was not the one to have all of the fun. So this is Rob Gupta calling from just out there to say hi to and I miss your faces, so I'm just going to continue to enjoy you on my Youtube. Y'all have a great day and keep on with those movies. If you'd like to call the strange eons radio hotline, dial, 253-237-4266, nobody hangs up on the Oh, thanks, Rob, very nice. And yeah, it's good to get Hey. You know, we all love to Bronzo, but it's nice to have no longer call it the Bronzo hotline. Did any of you write down his line his phone number from the last episode? Yeah, if you want to leave us a message, wait a second. Vanessa, I'll tell you all about it, the pre recorded thing that we have at the end of every There you go, absolutely, absolutely, okay, so we are back. Okay, give me a little break. Okay, so we are back. This was my sub genre pick, and the idea was that new alien Romulus movie is coming out, and looks fucking great. And I thought it would be a neat idea to each pick a movie from the Alien franchise, amazing and see, you know, talk a little bit about this kind of stuff. The only thing I was asking was, you know, don't make it the first movie or the second movie. Come on. But anyhow, since, since this was my choice, I will start us off. I'm giving myself 10 minutes as usual, and I am talking about aliens versus predator. You seven days ago, one of my satellites over in Antarctica discovered a pyramid where exactly on the ice is this? It's not on the ice. It's 2000 feet under it. I Let's make history. Oh, my God, whoever built this pyramid, believed in ritual sacrifice. Did you hear that? You on? What did you say this room is called sacrificial chamber. This story's over here. This whole thing was a trap. They're not hunting us. We're in the middle of a war. I they're using us as bait. You're ugly son of us. Ah, Just from 2004 a budget of $60 million a worldwide box office of $170 million Ron tomatoes. Critics give this 22% Whoa, and the audience gives it 39% Written and directed by Eric's new favorite director, Paul WS Anderson, 17 credits, including almost all of the Resident Evil movies, the Death Race remake, event horizon, soldier, mortal, Kombat, bunch of our favorites, starring Sanan Sana Lafon. 56 credits. She was in Blade Now You See Me too. I still am furious that we live in a world where the sequel to Now You See Me is not called now you don't the fuck. She was also in nine episodes of Harley Quinn as the voice of Catwoman, also starring Lance Henriksen. 269, credits, including Damien omen. Two near dark pumpkin head. 67 episodes of Millennium as Frank black. You can hear more about him and our glance at Lance episode also in this is Rydal Bova, 83 credits, including rewind, the company, the tourist and tons of Italian flicks. And then also in this is Ewan Bremmer, Colin, salmon, Tommy Flanagan and Agatha, I think, or maybe Agatha de la boulea, no A at the end of a. So you guys have seen alien versus predator. It's been a hot minute, but yes, I remember enduring it. Big fan, I can tell fantastic film. As this film opens, we meet our lead, Alexa woods. Climbing a treacherous cliff in Tibet, or some far off place she's literally free climbing a sheer rock cliff covered in ice 1000 feet up. When she gets a phone call and decides to answer it, pulls it out of her parka that she's climbing and all this stuff. Now, you'd think that she wouldn't have very good service up there in 2004 especially, but apparently she does, and she has been asked to join a very specialized research team on an archeological dig. She tells the man on the other end of the line that she can't make it. It'll take her three weeks to get back to civilization, which, you know is making this phone service sound even more amazing, wow. But when she gets to the top of the cliff, there is that man standing there next to a helicopter, and he says they could not wait that long. So she has whisked away to a scientific freighter that is heading up to Antarctica, and finds herself with a team of archeological archeologists, linguistic experts, drillers and mercenaries, and this motley crew has been put together by wealthy industrialist Charles Bishop Wayland, who is of course, played by Lance Henriksen. Weyland informs the team that one of his satellites has recorded a mysterious heat bloom on this island off the coast of Antarctica, and they have discovered through thermal imaging that there's a pyramid buried 2000 feet beneath the ice, and this team will be going to try and dig down to get to this pyramid. Meanwhile, before they get there, a gigantic predator spaceship reaches Earth's orbit and fires a laser beam that creates a passage through the ice towards the buried pyramid. So when our expedition team arrives, they find this gigantic hole in the ice that is perfectly smooth on all sides, and they're like, no biggie, let's just take advantage of this. And so they use it to descend to the pyramid, where they begin to explore finding evidence of a prehistoric civilization and what appears to be a sacrificial chamber filled with human skeletons and strangely ruptured rib cages. Nothing makes sense, because the hieroglyphs down there are a mixture of three completely different languages, but apparently they are used in a way that is very easy for the linguists to decipher. In fact, every third word just repeats that 123, I was like, this seems like a very stupid way to write, especially if it's your natural way of writing, but it turns out to be no problem. Maybe it shouldn't even have been mentioned. It's really stupid that makes you go cut this out while they're exploring below, three predators arrive and kill all the humans on the surface. Meanwhile, the expedition team has unwittingly activated the structure which awakens a captured alien queen from cryogenic stasis, and the pyramid begins to force her to produce eggs. This. Is actually very fucking cool. The expedition members that are trapped in the sacrificial chamber are quickly attacked by facehuggers, and then get their chest blown out, and the aliens grow super fast. Fine, sure. All this throws out the timeline set in the first few movies, where the facehugger impregnates you, and then you seem to be fine for several hours before the chest burst blows out of you, and then that should take some amount of time to become a full grown alien, right? Because Where the fuck are they getting all this mass at that they suddenly grow this big? Has anyone ever discussed how that works? I haven't seen this in any movie. No, the precedent is there for it to take at least a couple days. Anyway, pretty quickly it's all out war between predators aliens and humans, and two of the predators are killed by an alien, while Waylon himself is killed by a predator. I have right here in my notes through an incredibly stupid translation of the various hieroglyphs, the last of the survivors learned that the predators have been visiting Earth for 1000s of years, teaching early human civilizations how to build pyramids and such. Every 100 years or so, they would visit Earth to take part in a rite of passage in which several humans would sacrifice themselves as hosts for the aliens, creating the ultimate prey for the predators to hunt. Finally, with the pyramid being overrun by all these aliens now this, the last two survivors realized that the last predator must be allowed to succeed in his hunt, so that the aliens do not reach the surface. Will Alexa gain the respect of the remaining predator by killing one of the aliens single handedly? Will she then be ceremonial, ceremonially scarred by the predator and brought into his hunting pack where she will be given a weapon and a shield made out of a severed alien head that can withstand the alien's acid and will you, the viewer, wonder why she's able to stick her hand inside that severed alien head shield, but not have any of the acid that surely must be inside that burner. Questions. This movie is quite stupid, but I had a much better time with it this viewing than I did when I first saw it. I think there's a lot to like in this. It's just surrounded by a bunch of really, really stupid bullshit. There you go. Nice tagline, whoever wins, we lose. I actually kind of like that. Patton Oswald's joke was, whoever wins. We left trivia in the timelines of the franchises. This movie takes place 17 years after the first predator and 118 years before the first Alien. It has since been decanonized as a prequel to The Daily in series because of really Scott's prequels, which are better, but not as fun. I don't think Arnold Schwarzenegger offered to reprise his role as Dutch from Predator as a cameo at the end of this movie, but only if he lost his bid for the governor of California, which he did not. The Antarctic setting on Bouvet Island is based on the unexplained Vela incident of september 22 1979 where a satellite recorded a flash of light near the island. It was first speculated to have been a man made nuclear explosion or a natural event such as a meteor strike, but it has never been resolved. I love that this was in 79 and something weird that we still haven't figured out. I mean, that's that's not too long ago, at the beginning of the film, there is this Morse code that is being picked up by the satellite. It spells out the words, whoever wins, we lose. And finally, roughly 70% of effect scenes were created using suits, puppets and miniatures with both real elements in CGI often used within the same shot, depending on what the best I think the creatures look really great in this flick, especially the alien queen, which is about the size of a city bus. When she finally breaks out and starts chasing after them, you're like, there's no way they can fight her. I did not realize she was 30 feet long, but it's got a really cool, fun ending where, of course, the human and the Predator have to join forces to fight the alien queen. I forgot I like that part. That's pretty cool. Yeah, I had a good time with it. It is not a good movie, sure, but I watched it the whole time I made popcorn. I was like, fuck yeah. There was a lot of eye rolling, but otherwise I was fine with it. That's awesome. I beat my timer, and I'm turning it off right now. Vanessa, would you like to go next? Would I 10 minutes? Says you would let's go a little bit further back in time. I'm gonna go with alien three here in a world where the sun burns cold and the wind blows colder. A visitor has come, but not by herself started. The suspense is back, and we have no weapons of any kind. The feeder is back, and most of all, the bitch is back. Alien, three. This is from 1992 Rotten Tomato score, 47% from critics, 46% from audience. Budget of 50 to 60 million, somewhere in their box office of 159 point 8 million. So pretty big success. This is directed by David Fincher, who has 95 credits to his name, including Zodiac seven, social network Fight Club gone. Girl, he actually out of those 95 credits, I was like, Dan, how many movies do you do? Not that many. He actually did a lot of music videos and Levi's commercials. There's like 10 Levi's commercials listed in there. Um, starring, of course, to Gordon Weaver, 105 credits, including Alien films, Ghostbusters, one and two, Galaxy Quest avatar. Charles S Dutton, 110 credits, including Legion gothika, Mimic, Charles Dance. 168, credits, including Gosford Park, Last Action Hero Game of Thrones as to Tywin Lannister and Lance Henriksen. 269, credits. We just talked about him. We know him. Please check out our previous episodes and a couple of other familiar faces, including people like Pete post, postal thwaite and Paul McCann. If you watch any like indie British films from the 90s, like with mill and I, these people are going to look familiar, all right, the plot following immediately after aliens, a face hugger is on board the escape vessel that is carrying Newt and Ripley and Hicks off, and it gets out and it spills acid, which causes a fire, and the pod breaks off of the ship and crash lands On a prison colony planet Newt's pod is broken into and she is killed. Slash drowns. Her face is kind of frozen in this look of horror. It's pretty fucked up. Hicks is mangled. His body is really bad looking. Um, Bishop also is, uh, broken up as well. I can't remember how he ended at the like, what his state was at the end of alien torn in half. Okay, he was torn in half. Okay. So yeah, he looks pretty bad, but it looks like his neck is like, twisted as well, like he's every nobody fared well, of course, except for Ripley. The prisoners rescue her, and one of the inmates dogs goes to investigate the ship and sniff round and of course, is attacked by the face hugger. Ripley is then quarantined and put into the medical room with Clements, aka Charles Dance, who tells her that she is the sole survivor. The prison warden insists that she doesn't go out and talk to the other prisoners, because it would be way too dangerous, since they have not seen a woman in years, and most of them are rapists and pedophiles and all kinds of not good dudes, but they have developed a religious sect on this island, and they are all like, we're chaste and we would we're basically monks. We don't want to have sex anyway. Screw you guys. But of course, they see that that situation is very fragile. And the warden is like, let's not fuck with this. She, of course, immediately is like, Screw you guys. I want to go investigate. And she goes all over the place, looking for bodies, looking for evidence of things. She sees the acid marks that were around the ship and insists on an autopsy of Newt. When the doctor asks why, she says, Oh, you know, like cholera or some shit. And he's like, that hasn't been a problem for 200 years. She's like, do it. So of course, he bursts her open, checks the chest, and she is clear. She definitely dried. Died of drowning. But that leaves us to wonder who was attacked by the face hugger in the flashes the beginning of the film, the doctor suspects that there is more going on than what she is saying, and they become clear. Sir, as she pretends to, not really pretends, but does not want to tell him anything at all, for apparently, no reason. He also has a secret and dark history. He isn't actually prisoner like the others. When the dog alien comes out and kills a bunch of people, and the situation becomes clear that the 25 prisoners are in danger, and Ripley is also in danger. She does finally tell people what's going on. I don't know why she waited this long. They all kind of have to band together and kill the alien before kills them. It took me a little while to figure out if there's one or more than one. There is only one, I think so long as they don't try to rape or kill her first. This film is graphic as fuck. Is so fucking gory. Like I was like, Man, that little girl's not looking so hot, nor is that guy. Oh, hey, there's a guy who walks into a fan and gore just splatters everything. Like there are multiple times where people are just blowing up or eating and there's just liquid on people's face. Man, it's a lot. Also, there's a weird British thing going on with this film. There's a lot of UK actors. It is, oddly a little bit funny in in a lot of places. It looks a lot like Brazil, like it's shot at a lot of low angles, very intense looking, kind of the sepia tone. It's just there's something about it that feels like it's harkening back to that a lot of extremes. And of course, it is shot in the UK by a UK director, so I think that's a big part of it. The aliens look like shit. They look hella stupid. That is because they are super over lit. They are way like you see way too much. You can totally tell it's like guy standing up in suit gets punched in face, guy like you just you needed a lot more shadows than what you're getting. Also, of course, it's very early CGI, which is awful for some reason, even though most of the film looks this sort of orangey tint, all of the aliens are like this, black, green, especially when they crawl on the ceiling. You're like, why are they like? Are they nuclear? Are they glowing green? I don't understand why Ripley is super sexual in this film, like within waking up, she pretty much immediately, is like, I'm gonna have sex with Charles. Dance. Cool. He's not very attractive in this movie, so I'm like, Okay, you do you cool? Good, good enjoying, I guess also he his whole story where he's like, Hey, I have this dark secret. And also, I'm the cool guy on here, and maybe I'm the second most important, important character in this film. He then just tells her what His truth is, and hilariously, immediately dies the aliens, just like all right through the back of your skull, and you're dead and bye. And I'm like, Wait, who's who's who's in charge of this movie? Who are we following now? And then we hop from character to character to character. And I really do not fully grasp who we're supposed to care about and not care about the company. Dudes who show up near the end look insane. They're wearing like plastic sheets and aluminum painted glasses. They look like they walked out of a even more low budget version of Blade Runner. It's very strange. And of course, we have the big ending, Ripley death, where she may or may not perhaps have an alien in her. And as she jumps off into the fire, it bursts through her chest, and she cuddles it lovingly, like it's her own offspring as she goes down into the fire below. Anyway. Little bit of trivia. There were a lot of screenwriters involved in this. In 1987 William Gibson was approached by Hill and geyler, and he wrote a perfectly executed script that wasn't all that interesting. In 89 Eric REDD wrote a script. It was, he said, the one script I completely disowned because it was not my script. It was a rush product with too many story conferences and interference with no time to write, and it turned out utter crap. David Towie then wrote the script, asked to start with Gibson's, and then Fox president, Joe Roth told him, please rewrite it, but include it with Ripley. Then, of course, Hill and guyler did the final drafts with Larry Ferguson as script doctor. Ferguson's work was not well received, particularly by Sigourney Weaver, who felt Ferguson made Ripley sound like a pissed off gym teacher. Hill and guyler took control of it themselves and melded all the earlier drafts into it, which is why it is a hot mess. Fox wanted to assemble a director's cut of alien three for home video release, but fitcher refused to participate. Instead, an extended cut called the assembly cut, was created out of the editing room. Notes. It runs 144 minutes long with over 30 minutes of extras, and in the 2010 blu ray version, the additional. Footage went through a post production process, receiving color correction, sound mixing and bringing back some of the cast members to re record dialog. So that's the one you want to see if you're gonna watch the extended version. 144, minutes. Yeah, it's a three hour fucking film. Yeah, I did not watch that one because I was tired. 140 430 some, I'm good. It was like 125 or something. Yep, I'm gonna, I'm just gonna go with the shorter one. I don't care. Um, yeah, there's, there's a lot of really fun trivia. The basically David Fincher, um, hates this movie completely fucking hates it. It almost tanked his career. And if it wasn't first to Gordon Weaver arguing on his behalf after he never would have gotten seven which allowed him to reignite his career and allow him to be one of the most respected, respected directors of his time, the most iconic scene from the film. He basically had to go out of his way to steal a key camera in a runoff without the permission of the producers and shoot with them, saying, Please don't do this. And it ended up being the best shot of the film, and that's where the aliens got his little face, right up against Ripley. Yeah, this was a, this was a, you know, it was funny. It was like, kind of a fun, funny film. It wasn't as bad as I remember it being the first time I saw it, but it's, it's like a good film, but a bad, Alien film, like, it feels like it just jars so horribly with the tone of alien. Of course, it fucking shits all over. Aliens like immediately. And if you want to have, you know, if you want catharsism For that moment, please read the Dark Horse Alien series. It's very good. It makes up for all of us. But, yeah, just recently, like, within the last couple of years, they released that William Gibson script as a comic book. Also, yeah, I have not read it. It's better than this, yeah, which is too bad, because they were like, really, like, oh, it's very boring, and that's why we didn't go with it. Yeah, I I did not like this film when it came out, and I think I have warmed to it since. But, yeah, it is kind of a bummer. Also, when you have that huge jump from alien to aliens into a full on action film with a lot of aliens and all that, then trying to bring it back to a small thing is a little tough. Yeah, it's definitely weird. When you're like, I'm on a prison planet with 25 dudes. It's a whole planet, but there's only 25 dudes. We're all in this one space. Yeah? I mean, it's, it's beautifully shot. I feel like the actors they got are really talented. The character design is, is great. Like a lot of people have cool backstories, and you, you can kind of click into them pretty quickly. It's just it feels like a mess. You're just like, Wait, why are you here? Why are we here at all? Like the talent of Fincher, it almost feels like a true studio interference kind of situation where, I mean, yeah, like you just pointed out, he went and made what amounted to the the image of the movie. Yeah, against their will. Yeah, he had to steal the fucking camera, and they explicitly told him not to. And, yeah, totally. Like, he clearly is super talented, and he's just being, he's being wasted on this film. And I think this series is also wasted on him. I think it's just a bad fit. Yeah, Erica, put 10 minutes on the buzzer. What did you decide to talk about? Oh, I should have talked about aliens. Oh, no, so I went with 20 seventeen's Alien Covenant. You've all sacrificed so much to be here and be a part of this thing we're doing. This crew is made up of couples. It's the first ever large scale colonization mission, and everyone back on Earth is really grateful for your hard work, your courage. We're making history here. This is wheat. What are the odds of finding human vegetation at least far from Earth? Who planted it? You hear that? What? Nothing, no birds, no animals, nothing. I. What happened here you what's happening? You're breaking up all of this to start our New Life. Where is it holy? Right, which is kind of follow up to Prometheus Ron tomatoes, has it. I mean, ratings wise, kicking ass here. 65 critics, 55 by the crowd, which I say I think is a little generous. Okay, $97 million budget. $240 million worldwide. So did all right, it's available on Hulu and to rent. So it's out there, directed by Ridley Scott. You know, Gladiator one and two coming to theater soon. The the Martian gi Jane, White Squall, the Apple Macintosh. 1984 commercial writers, well, got Dan O'Bannon listed, of course, who also wrote life force returned living dead and blue thunder. Roland sushette works with Dan O'Bannon a lot, then buried above the law Total Recall. And Jack paglen, who did transcendence. Yeah, Jack is the actual writer of this because Dan is dead and Ronald shusted is only living off of his creative bike credit, Walter Hill treatment for the Alien movies. And three people did. At least three people did quite well as producers for this writers for this film starring Michael Fassbender. You know, it's always fun. There he was in Prometheus X Men movie. You might know him from played Steve Jobs. He's an inglorious bastard. Katherine Waterston who's in Babylon and the Fantastic Beasts movies, the Steve Jobs movie. And eat. Pray, Love. Sorry, that's Billy Crudup, who's the next actor he was in Eat, Pray, Love, and almost famous. Such a good movie and a watchman and the Stanford experiment, three relatively underrated films. Danny McBride, who you might know from 27 episodes of the righteous gemstones, one of the best things he's done, and he's done some good shit, The Angry Birds Movie, The disaster artist Sausage Party, super bad, Hot Rod and Pineapple Express, guys everywhere. I did not realize he was a writer on Halloween ends, Halloween kills and Halloween, those should have been funnier movies at least. Oh, my god, yeah, so open up with the profound philosophical questions. If you created me, who created you as fast benders? I don't know what you'd call them, artificial human I guess, questions his creators. And anyways, so after that scene, which is a ridiculously heavy way to start an alien movie, but you kind of get what Ridley Scott really wants to talk about in these last couple movies here. But here we go right back to alien traveling through space. Something goes wrong. Everybody gets woken up. They have to figure out what the problem is. Some people die coming out of cryo. Some people are fine after that little Prolog of the Philo philosophy, it's very much original Alien for about 1520 minutes of them trying to figure out what's going on and deciding what to repair and all that kind of stuff. There's a weird, giant decision in this film, which is half understandable and half I don't know. They discover a livable planet that's like weeks travel away versus the seven years to get to the planet that has already been vetted and. Know will work for them and all that stuff, but they're like, well, there's a alert thing. Maybe we should go check it out. It looks like a perfectly livable planet. It'll be just fine. And although, I will say I thought the reaction of the Prometheus, things with the helmets coming off, was a little overrated. This movie should have also pissed off all of those same people, because they just go down to this planet and just start wandering around and decide they're not going to go back to sleep. So they land on this unknown planet, and of course, then immediately separate, going into separate groups. There is a very, very strange variant of alien in this movie where a flower spews a bunch of little things into this guy's ear, and within a matter of hours, he's alien impregnated, like, oh, well, that's that's new, and that's how they get the First few aliens, couple aliens to do that. They do that to a couple people. And then again, goes into the problems. Prometheus has a little bit where this person is obviously really sick and Something's very wrong. But of course, the person with him, I must protect you. I will get you there, even though you're obviously infected with something and it's probably going to kill you, and I will definitely get it that in this movie, I need to be the powerful hero and get you back to the thing and then get pissed off when the cooler heads prevail and lock us both in inside here, it's like that seems like the right approach, considering the guy's bleeding out his back the so the micro critters is a very strange choice. I don't think it really works and it wasn't necessary. Yeah, it could have just done the alien egg just as easily. Let's see what else is going on. So the and the they do have the egg thing eventually, but the gestation periods, again, is now like minutes. They also see the aliens are incredibly tough in this film, one thing that aliens should have established is if you have a pulse rifle or a gun of some kind, you're gonna blow the shit out of these things, you may suffer some pretty bad splashback. But in this one, they're shooting with shot the little one that just comes out still pretty big. It's way bigger than any other alien chest pops out of this guy. They're shooting with shotguns and all this stuff. And it's kind of just fine finding there's a crashed one of the very recognizable kind of U shaped alien ships is discovered, and they find fassbenders, character from the first movie, who is now completely insane. I don't, I don't really get this part of the film what the purpose was. Why would he come to this? Why did he come to this city, this planet, which I guess, was supposed to be fully populated, but it only seemed to have like one city on it, and he goes and destroys the entire population of the city, right? And I'm sure if I watched it again, there's some statements he makes that justify it, but I if there were, they weren't as prevalent as they should have been. It. Could it be that he is just a secret asshole? Yeah, that's kind of what it's got to be. There's not a lot of aliens in this movie either. There's a few scenes of them, but a lot of it is Android versus Android stuff and artificial human being. Phil is it's more entertaining and more fun than Prometheus was, but it still definitely has Ridley Scott wants to tell some philosophical, more philosophically based ideas, and for some reason, he's chosen non, really kind of non thinking destructive predators as his vehicle. Yeah, for that, it's like, okay. Taglines. This one has a lot run. The path to paradise begins in hell. These are all individual ones. Hide, scream, pray, those are just the one words, oh my god, discover the origin of terror. The beginning of a nightmare. Witness the creation of fear. And big things have small beginnings. They made a bunch of short films based on this. And I watched the PROLOG one before, and I was like, Holy shit, the effects for this are great. Oh, it's directly pulled from a scene from the movie. It just has the two characters interacting in a in a little room, and then they go to the scene that's straight from the film. Okay? I. I didn't really bother watching the other ones, because after this, there's an explosion of short films for alien. There's seems to be, like, dozens of them or something. I just and when you search for them, they don't show up in a good order. So I was just like, okay, these are, like, Blu ray add ons or something like that. I actually have the blu ray for this, and they're not on there. Oh, that's what I thought, too. It's like that collector's stupid mentality. It looks fantastic. The $97 million was spent really well, and so it looks great. Ridley Scott can direct the hell out of an actor. That's not a problem. The performances are all good, and I can see if you went from Prometheus to this, why you might up its grade a little bit. But I haven't seen Prometheus in a very long time, and watching this one is kind of like, huh, because it started off as such an interesting, alien style film that I thought it was going to roll that way, but then it rolls into this big, giant thought process. I'm like, no, okay, it does have a distinction of the alien vision, where you see through the alien again for the I think it's first time in quite a while, but it's sort of like I thought something, it got into the digital mess that up to watch. Oh no, it's moving. That's alien vision. Kind of looks like if somebody squirted a pane of glass and then sort of systematically make it look kind of cool, sort of what it looks like. But it's fun and neat. But yeah, this is, this is this is fine, yeah, I remember it being very philosophical near the end, like a really long movie, yeah, yeah. I remember being upset. So it turns out that David is basically, he's creating these aliens, right? He's advancing their Yeah, evolution, yeah. And what I didn't understand, trying to put any of these movies in anything that really makes sense, as you know, this is the movie before. This movie doesn't, doesn't really work. Why was it when we see the baby alien, he's got, it's just a small version of the big chap, instead of the chest burster, right? Shouldn't that be the youngest form? Yeah? He, he, like, regurgitates up these little yeah things. And so it's like, well, why? Why isn't it an egg, right? They come from eggs. Or, why isn't it at the first, the thing that would attack a human right, as opposed to, yeah, so. And it's those kind of things that then pull you out of of how it connects to the film, because you're like, Well, we have, we already see the life, you know, the the stages of this alien. So why are you changing that now? Now that makes me think there's another thing that happens after this and before the Alien movie, so that we can get to that thing. And I don't know the the even aliens, which is, you know, super fast action movie takes the gestation slow. Yeah, it takes it on purpose. And in the first movie, that's where a huge chunk of the tension that you don't even realize is going on till it happens that that shock moment, yeah, you lose that entirely. Because if, if you did a slow one, now everybody knows where it's going. So you could create another dinner kind of scene with the Alfred Hitchcock version of show them the bomb, right and before it goes off. But nobody's doing that. Yeah, even alien three did do. I mean, like you knew that you kind of put together that, oh, she's not feeling good. She's got she's running a temperature, but there's like days she has enough time to form a relationship with the doctor, have sex with him, figure out how to get all of the penal colony guys to, like, band together against the aliens and fight them before. It still hasn't come out of her, yeah, hers is an extra long. Hers is, like, at least three days, at least. That's, you know, and that's if it's all very fast, so I don't know. Yeah, can you believe that Ridley Scott badmouth alien versus predator and then went and made these two films. Come on, dude. He has a very specific sense of style. All his films look fantastic. How mediocre the film might be. It still, yeah, and it's frustrating because it is a beloved concept, and the movies that are really good are legendarily good. These are masterpieces for a reason, but they just can't seem to figure out the whatever it is to take it to a different level and have it hopefully the new. One which looks, holy shit, cut, yeah, the lights out guy, yeah, yeah. And Evil Dead. Last year's Evil Dead. That's right, that's right. Yeah, I'm, I'm stoked for it. Yeah, me too. I It takes place between Alien and Aliens, though. And I'm like, Okay, what are you going to do now we have he said that nothing in his film. He basically ignored Prometheus and covenant, but I guess all he has to do is kind of pay attention to alien. If that's all he's doing. Is a sequel to alien. That happens before aliens? How many years is it between alien aliens? Because I know, like, her daughter gets to have a whole 56 or something like that. She's, yeah, she's cryo, so it's a long time. Yeah, okay, well, well, I thought that this would be a fun idea. And I still think it was a fun idea. Oh, yeah, just the films. This is a Rocky franchise. Part of it too is we love them so much. And even yours include, you throw a predator into that, yeah, that you just hope they're going to be good again. And when they're not, or they're mediocre, it's like, oh okay. Like when prey came out last year, yeah, we're just like, Oh yeah, you can do something cool with this very simple idea. Oh shit, yeah. I mean, well, the other thing is, when you get a Paul WS Anderson film, you know what you're in for, yes, you can be stupid and fun, and lots of you know, fighting and explosions. Ridley Scott, you have a certain level of expectation, yeah? The dude made some balls out classic films, yeah, some of the best sci fi around, yeah. But he's made a lot of films that people don't really revisit. Like, I mean, how many times do people talk about legend? I would like to rewatch. Oh, and I know that Legend's great. That was one of probably, that was one of the Evergreen titles when I worked at Suncoast, yeah. Always sold. Yeah. I think it's more of a time kind of thing, like people of a certain age just glap onto Dark Crystal if you missed that, which I kind of did, yeah. And then legend, I think was the same thing, never ending story. There's sort of those. But yeah, if you're not in that group, yeah, nobody talks about legend. He can sit there on a shot of something real pretty without any real reason for a long time. Yes, the honor fairy. Very true. All right. Well, let's wrap this up, Vanessa, that means you have the next pick. Well, okay, so my idea is it is hot as fuck outside, horrible. So I just want to do a fun summertime themed week. So I'm gonna go with swimming pools, not lakes or anything like that swimming pool or public pool. Yeah, and it doesn't have to be that the whole thing involves a pool, but one good, solid swimming pool scene, nice, nice pool party. Okay, that's where we are. We're at the end now. So we talk about the people who like and share the posts, who are participating in the value for value model, which is, if you get a little value out of this, turn around and give a little value back, you decide what that value is. You can call us and leave a message like Robert and Mike dibranzo Do at 253-237-4266, and I think that's about it. Oh, I've got a novel out. It's, it's burning up the charts. Yeah, if you've read it, review it what you call a worse seller. Kelly won't say it. Just give it five stars and make it happy. I don't want five stars, but thank you to everyone who has given it five stars. That's very lovely. Okay, so we are coming back in seven short days, and we are talking swimming pools. See you next Thursday. Transportation and other considerations for strange eons. Radio, produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling, think of Pan Am. You can't beat the experience. Guest of strange eons. Radio, stay at econolodge. Everett, it's an easy stop on the road. Strange eons. Radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast, sit, Ubu. Sit and everybody's style will be perfect, because one is about offense and one's about defense. Oh my god, I can't I can't anymore.