Strange Aeons Radio


August 15, 2024 Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 284

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Hey, that's a nice shirt! Kelly introduces Just the Tip. The gang talks movies that feature swimming pools.
Also discussed: Thelma, Humane, GHOST: Rite Here, Rite Now.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition. We have such sights to show you strange eons. Welcome to strangeeons radio. That is Eric over there, hello, and that is Vanessa over there, hello, and I am Kelly. Hey. You guys know that I am a bit of a shirt whore. I like nice shirts, but nice shirts are expensive, and so I decided to start thinking smart. You know, we have this whole problem of people breaking into or not even breaking into stores, just walking into stores and stealing stuff, and they're not allowed to be taken to jail for any of this stuff. What do you think they do with those things? Ebay? I now go on to Ebay. I look for the high end brand that I like in my size. I buy this shirt,$70 new, $9 on eBay, and it comes with a nice little note that says, Thank you for supporting my small business. You stole this fucking shirt, but also you're welcome, but they got those little cards printed up, and sometimes they throw in stickers. So you know, yeah, well, I have gotten some very, very nice shirts, and a lot of them lately for very cheap. So I don't want to encourage people who are out there stealing stuff from stores, but it is happening. And Seattle, big dad, I remember Dina for a few years worked for Tommy Bahama, and the discount was ridiculous. I'm like, they would do these warehouse clearance things like seasonal ending and just for employees and family, or some shit like that. 510, $15 shirts. Oh, my God, we've ever priced Tommy Obama. We're talking about $120 shirt on average. They are insanely expensive. Wow, yeah, that was nice. That's that's the way to do it. I've definitely started. I got wise to this whole buying clothing for your baby that will immediately grow out of everything that you put on them. Yeah. So never spend money on this thing and start buying them used, which is great, because even if it's used, it's probably been worn at most twice, right? So get into some really, really nice gear that way for very little money, right? So that is your tip of the week. That's a new segment we got here. It's called Kelly Young's just the tip. God, fuck. Enjoy that one on your own. I saw some stuff, guys, that's what we do. Stuff we've seen excellent on Amazon Prime, there is a new Batman cartoon that is from Bruce Timm, who is the creator of the original Batman The Animated Series. And this is called Batman caped crusader. It is pretty dang cool. It is drawn this. Batman looks like he is from the very first Batman comic book. So he's got pointy ears and he doesn't have the the spikes on his gloves. He's just wearing black gloves that end at his wrist. Alfred is a a heavy, what do you call man servant type thing that he calls penny worth instead of Alfred. At first, I was really put off by this, but I realized that they're going with this original style Batman, and it's kind of a like DCS version of the multiverse was something called else worlds. And this is definitely kind of an else worlds thing, because the first episode, you get the penguin, but the penguin is female in this universe. Oh, okay. And then at some point you you run into Harley Quinn, and it's a different costume and a different looking Harley Quinn and stuff like that. And at first, I was a little put off by it, but the show is so interesting that I started getting into it. And they go into a real heavy supernatural episode where he's up against an actual ghost. And I was like, this is a really cool show. It's only eight episodes, but so far, I'm really loving it. I'm on episode six, and it is called Batman caped crusader. Okay, my moment to derail, because last the other night, when I was watching a trap, they had a preview for the new Joker movie with Joker and Harley Quinn, and my thought was after the first one, him doing all this shit and going and Batman not showing up. Okay, fine. Is a little bit of a stretch, but it was his first thing. I. I've watched this trailer going, what the fuck is Batman? I think doing massive crimes in this it's not like the first one, where he's sort of, and it looks like they do a throwback to the Dark Knight when he brings in the not using the gas, but something like that, where he kills a whole group of people because they have a talk show together. Oh goodness. And he's doing all this massive ship going. Batman needs to show up and punch this guy at some point, because he is no longer just being a disgruntled taxi driver kind of guy who's causing some shit. He's being a massive disruption in Gotham. I and I guess I was under the impression this is a universe that Batman does not exist. That was supposed to be I thought so. I don't, I don't know. I was like, one of the one person who did not, like, oh, I joke with you. I thought it was. It's like, yeah, we've seen this before. I get what you're going for. And I the whole trend of, I'm this person's a bad person. But hey, right, here's why. It's like, you know what? It's a movie. Let them be bad people. It's okay. Yeah, I, I could, I could do without these movies. Or if they want to do this, then let's bring in a ultra realistic Batman, also just a guy who's bought some, you know, padding and knee pads and shit, and puts on a mask and goes out and fights crime and gets hurt. But otherwise, yeah, this glorifying of the Joker. I don't quite get. Oh, well, it's definitely weird. I mean, there's so many Joker versions out there in the comics as well. I feel like we've seen literally every shade of every version of Joker and Harley and Batman. I'm kind of getting to, yeah, buying them. Back to our regular schedule program. Have I talked about scavengers rain? I've spoken about it, but I would love to hear your thoughts on it. All right, so I watched a couple weeks ago and totally forgot to talk about it, scavengers rain, which is the cartoon series about some people who crash landed on the alien planet Jesus. That is an incredible show, yeah, oh my god. It's one of the most powerful animated series I think I've seen in years, and it's just made so lovingly by the biggest science geek out there, who has, like, not only insane knowledge of, I don't know, biology and how things might work on a foreign body, but also a great imagination of all the crazy shit that could happen. And every two steps you take, you might just die, constantly, it's I just absolutely fell in love with this show, yes, yeah, me too. I what I loved about it so much as they land on this planet, this alien planet, and just this alien planet is so alien. And everything that happens, some of it is, like, horrific, but none of it is evil. Yeah, it's just the way this planet works. It's just nature. Yeah, and yeah, I thought it was great. I sure hope there's going to be a second season of this that would be incredible. I mean, I don't think they need to do a second season, because it it's just such a cool, complete story. But at the same time, I would love to revisit this universe, or see other planets that they could go to, or how other people encounter this planet, because it has such a diverse space. But one of my favorite things also about it is you think, like, oh, you would just instantly die here. But if you're, you know, a scientist who ends up on one of these planets, you might figure out how to harness some of this stuff. And they do such cool, weird stuff where, you know, you might pick a flower and then grind it, and then it lets off a gas, and then you can use a, you know, a leaf to get the gas wrapped up and then fly to the other side of the forest. It's just really magical, yeah, and upsetting, and such a odd, almost realistic animation style, yeah, very, very cool, very, yeah, best of heavy metal kind of, yeah, yeah, yeah, there's, there's a animator. One, not an animator, but there's an artist for quite a few comics that uses a similar style to this that I have hated. And every time I see his art style pop up, I'm like, not that fucker again. I hate this. But okay, I guess Robert Kirkman, neither. How are you cool? But no, it reminds me of that, but it's done so well that I really came around to it. I'm sure it's not the same guy at all, but it just has a very similar feel to Yeah, scavengers rain. I think it started on HBO Max and you saw it on Netflix. Is that way? Just yeah, yeah, moving around. Around the streamers. Yeah, good. Let's see. Okay, I watched Caitlin Cronenberg's new film, daughter of the Cronenberg empire. Yeah, called humane. It's a dystopian future story where people now walk around with umbrellas lined with aluminum to protect from the sun things and everybody's windows have dark film on them, so the protect from the sun's rays and stuff. And there is an idea in this that they're going to thin the population. So a thing is put out there that to be patriotic and to be good to your country and celebrated by your family, you should die, kill yourself. And so there's a process for that. And they're little people that come out and they do it, and all sounds really good. There's one problem, and this is, I don't know if it's just the way movies are starting to be written. Now, there's almost no likable characters in this film. They're all and there's one they try really hard to make likable. He's like the it's our super rich family, and he's the black sheep of the family, and he's a drug recovering addict, and he's got his great relationship and all that. But I don't know if it's something the actor was doing or some weird presence, but I didn't like him either. I really wanted to like these characters, so there was more intensity in what's going on that being said, it's a really well directed film. It's really interesting. The acting is great. It's just the stakes were lowered a little bit because it was more I wonder who's might die, as opposed to man. I hope they don't take this character away or something. But so good. I forgot where I watched. I think it's just a rental right now. Okay, might be on, no, I think it's on shutter, because cross thing click on it. Then I noticed gronenberg, okay, yeah, definitely. But So another good director in the family, I don't know if he, like, raised them on all of his sets, teaching these kids what he was doing the whole time those kids can direct films. Man, does that have Justin Long in it? I think so. I'm just curious. That sounds like the preview I suffered. Yeah, I definitely saw the trailer for this, and I remember that dad is somebody, yes, oh, it's Jay Bucha. Who? Oh, Jay Bucha, yeah, it's kind of got a Justin Long thing about him. Sometimes. What's his name? Iniqui Colin, Tony. I'm Tony, the actor from Oh, everything. You'd recognize that guy. Oh, that guy. He plays a major role. He's not the dad, but he plays a pretty major role in it. The dad is somebody also really awesome. Oh, Peter Gallagher. Oh, okay, yeah, that's right, yeah, nice. But so yeah, it's good cast. They they they all do great stuff. I just really wanted to root for somebody to survive, as opposed to wonder which one they'll pick. Yeah, let's see. I think I'm going to talk about, I just watched the fairly new ghost movie, ghost, right here, right now, the concert film from the band ghost. Oh, okay, yeah. I thought this was just going to be a live concert film. And by the way, I like the band ghost quite a bit, but I've never seen them live, and I don't really know much about them, I've always kind of described them as a heavy metal version of Abba. They get these big, soaring vocals and super catchy choruses and all that stuff and but if this is what their fucking live show looks like, I'm like, Holy shit, this is amazing. I've heard good things. It's It's insanity. But this is not just a live show. There is all of these little segments where, in between a song, the leader of the band who goes by Papa Emeritus, or something like that, whatever Justin Damien, or whatever the guy's name is, he's a character every name he he then goes backstage where his sister, slash Mother, is there, and he is, like, doing a costume change, but he'll look at her, and she'll be like, you know, and she'll be shaking her head, and he'll be like, oh, sorry. And literally, like, that kind of. Goofy stuff, and then he'll come out and do another song, and then at one point, she's talking to the ghost of his father in the backstage area. None of this makes any sense to any kind of storyline. And I, I don't really know, I imagine that there's something going on here that ghost fans really fucking love and get. And there's, you know, there's this mythology that he's built up. I didn't get any of that, but the music was spectacular, and the show just looks amazing. I mean, he looked like he was at Wembley Stadium or something. It looked like there were 100,000 people in the audience, and all of the all of the musicians on stage are wearing these very creepy masks, and doesn't look like they could see at all. I was having a hard time finding our friend Matt for explained to me because he's lots of close shots of him singing, and his mouth is not matching at all. And I was like, Oh, is this all lip sync or something? And it kind of sounds like it must be, unless they are that tight of a band that all of their backing vocals and everything sound exactly like the album. But he explained to me that he wears some kind of kind of life latex mask, and so his mouth doesn't actually move to what he's saying. So that explained that part, at least to me, weird, yeah, and he seems to be having some kind of tiff with his lead guitarist where, you know, the lead guitarist will step in front of him during a solo, and he'll be like, what's going on? You know, storm off. And I was like, this is very silly for the satanic imagery that's surrounding it. But I did love the music, and I still love the music, so kind of like, like, Metallica's through the never where they so it's not really a story, though. It's just no other shit going on. Yes, I don't. I did not understand the things that were happening that were not part of the music. So I don't know what it is, but I had a good time with it. It is a rental. It is called Ghost right here, right now, and of course, it's R, i, t, e, because, you know, satanic rights, or something like that. A lot of goofiness, a lot of people taking this guy seriously when it's very clear he is not taking himself very seriously. And yeah, so, okay, man. Just as a quick aside, I had gone to the Halloween Horror Nights last year and did the weekend experience, where it's the van the weekend, and you go from room to room, and there's some kind of story, I don't know what the fuck it was. And like, sometimes there's a bunch of women dressed up in nurses costumes with alien faces, like with scalpels, and other times he's like, there's something, like he's rescuing a woman, or the woman wants to kill him anyway. Just reminds me. Okay, so the weekend, the guy that performed at the Super Bowl, correct? Oh, weird, interesting choice. Really into horror. So, yeah, so I don't I thought maybe some of his music videos were also horror based, but I haven't seen them, so I can't confirm that. But his blinding light video sort of has some, like, violence in it. It's not really horror, yeah, this is definitely, like a mix between, like, the more tense scenes of the bodyguard meets, like, I don't know, Silent Hill, very weird Kevin Custer, and there's, like, a lot of bugs. I don't know. Man, I was very confused. I was like, Cool. I was trying so hard to figure out what the story was, but completely different. Note, I had actually managed to see a couple couple weeks ago the movie Thelma in theaters have either, no, I haven't, but I've heard amazing things. Oh man, it's, it's a super low budget movie is about old people, old person, and it's one of those stories that's much like the beekeeper or whatever, where it's like a lady gets scammed by something on the internet. But it is so fucking funny and so well executed. You're just watching it going, oh, man, this is definitely my mom or grandma or whoever you're just, like, like, just, there's these really intense scenes where, like, at one moment, her grandson has to walk her through how to go to a bank's website and exchange funds. But there's like, pop ups, and he has to explain, okay, there should be an X on here somewhere. She's like, I don't see there's a man now with a life vest. And he's like, okay, so is there an X? No, okay, it might be hidden. It might not be on the top right, it might be on the bottom left. And, you know, there's, like, this intense music playing at the same time. There's just covid. Constant this, this level of stuff. But it's not like ageism. The characters are very powerful. They're played really well, like you never feel bad for them because they're taking control of their lives. But at the same time, it's so realistic to that experience we all have of being like, Oh my God, what did you open? You open the email from the prints. Okay, what you're in? Blink right now. It's telling you. You have to give it money for firmware. All right, hold on. Close the computer. Just close it. Just turn it off. Just close it. So it was actually just a really great little film. I I highly recommend it. Thelma is that still just in theaters. I think it's now. It's got to be close to streaming, if not already, Bone. Bone bat loved that he posted quite the review. So fun. It's so fun. And you it's one of those movies you do not have to see in theaters. You don't need the big explosive version, version of it. It's, it's a lot of fun. The big, explosive one version with an S, okay, all right. Well, I saw one that is Keanu Reeves list kind of thing. Knock, knock. Oh, gay, my Roth. Oh, man, is this for your 100 Yeah, okay, that's where you got all the weird shit. And Anna de armas went on to be quite famous. But, boy, as much as we all love Keanu and the movies he does, well, yeah, this is not the kind of movie he does. Well, not really his screams and yellings and all that. Are like, Yeah, this isn't your thing, dude. He starts off great when he's being the good dad and hanging out with the kids and all that, when he's trying not to be the asshole and sleep with these two girls, I think that's when he's his strongest, when he becomes the guy who did shitty things and is trying to get out of it. That's not his comfort zone for acting. And he was, he was It was rough. This was a head scratcher for me. Why he would even take this role. This is a remake of a French film that was 1977 death game, which, yeah, Joe Bob just covered, like, in his last episode, it's like, oh shit, I wish I would have watched that. Yeah, it's a little slimy. Or the original, I would think so. But this is just, I just like, how did this come across his desk? His agent should have said, You know what? You got a good thing going right now. This is not the kind of movie we want to put you in. This has to have been before, like, John Wick, no, 2015, oh, so it was before John Wick, yeah, but it was a lot more recent than I thought. It still fits kind of with where you're going. Because I definitely was like, oh, like, this is before the pianos on key, innocence is before, is before he waking up. Words Vanessa. It was like he was doing random films, and then, well, he, he, there is Bill and Ted. Then there's matrix, yeah, then there was the one with his dog. So he's had, he keeps having those moments. But this movie is not one of them. No, for sure, I did not see it. And I keep thinking, Should I Lorenzo Izzo and Ana de Armas are good. They are powerhouse acting in this one, and which hurts him even more a little bit. But I think, Yeah, I'm definitely gonna check out death game because, well, it's Eli Roth, so it's really slick and it's really Yeah, shallow, yeah. So, huh? Okay, well, we just did two rounds, didn't we? Why don't we take a little break, and then when we come back, we're gonna be talking pool parties. Excellent. It's the Barbie Dream pool with patio furniture, Sun love and Malibu Barbie's also second one. Oh, the war. This cold Barbie's gonna shower before she starts dinner. There's patio furniture to play with. Dinner's not ready yet. Well, then Look out below. Hey, girls, here's a room in Barbie's dream pool for me. The new Barbie Dream pool with patio furniture comes with all you see here. Your parents have to put it together from Mattel, and we have returned. Vanessa. This was your sub genre pick. You want to tell us what you were thinking? Yeah. Well. I think it's hot as fuck outside. You don't say it's really miserable at all times, even for those of us who have fans and maybe one air conditioner in our house, still fucking sucks. And I thought, You know what? I want to watch a movie where it's just, it's a pool. I want a pool, kind of nice swimming pool, and I just want to look at it. And that's what I did. So I'm giving you 10 minutes, and then after this, I'm gonna ask you, how come you guys haven't installed a pool in your backyard? Dude, the dream could happen. So this I went with The 2018 film, the pool you thing you ah, digging this out right now. Are you ah, Call me. I live on it fine. I um, this has a rotten tomato score of 97% from critics and 57% from audience. It's big difference. Writer, written and directed by ping Lem. LEM prop Leon, I am so sorry. This is gonna be bad. This is gonna be really bad. 24 writing credits, seven directing credits and seven acting credits, but he's known for writing SAP Senet, Sid, Sena and the TV series. Muy sain, Matt, sing, stuff, Safa and irresistible starring theory, did one pun as day. So sorry, I feel just slightly so rough. Man, this is not my Fauci. The big names give me German any day has as the character day. He's been in 19 things, including including subtard, 2550, tuck, neuron gentry and brought five FA Maha nater, also starring ratnaman. Ram coin has two credits, including this and over overflow. Love, all right, this has a short IMDb, so let me get in the plot. Um, day is working on a photo shoot as the entire art department at an enormous pool that is about to become derelict. I mean, like Olympic sized diving pool, where somebody might jump off, I don't know, eight or 10 stories into it. It is a deep, deep dive pool. So he's a little bit spacey as a character. He seems to really have his head in the clouds. He's just not really on top of the ball, and everyone's sort of irritated with him on set. He's often like in the way or not getting props on time when he has to get his dog ready to do an action shot for the film I or for the the photo shoot. I don't fully understand this photo shoot. It's like a girl dressed as a clown under the water and a dress I don't understand. It's fine. I don't think I'm meant to art. I. Heart. He has to play with the dog and get him all ramped up ahead of time. And they all just sit there going, well, we'll wait for you to be done playing with the dog. And he's like, Oh, he's ready. Sorry. He is a loser, a super hot, built body loser with great hair. This is the most unbelievable loser guy I think I've ever seen in film, his girlfriend is visiting him on set, and she, like, wants to jump in the pool and swim around during the middle of the shoot. And he says, um, no. And she's irritated about it. She also wants to make out with him in, like, one of the the basement rooms. And he's also like, Hey, I'm kind of busy. And she's like, Well, screw you. She's extremely irritating and shallow, it seems like. And then she jokingly gives him a music box that has a baby inside, and asks what she what he wants to call his child. And she then says, Just kidding, I'm not pregnant. The next day, he's cleaning up the props from the pool and getting all the shit out of there. But he's also kind of fooling around. He's got like a floaty in the pool. He's just enjoying himself, his BFF, randomly, whoever this guy is that we are meeting shows up to get the pool emptied and to start getting all the water out of there, while day is in there. And of course, Day falls asleep in the swimming pool, on the floaty while the water is going down. He then wakes up and realizes that the pool is emptied enough that he cannot get out. There. Also appears to be no ladder. I don't know. I guess in Thailand, they don't have ladders out of the pool. That's fine. This is an enormous pool, like I said. And so while he's trying to get himself out, he, of course, injures himself. And then you can kind of see the he's weighing the risk, cost benefit of, like, I'll probably figure out how to get out of this. I don't know if I really want to, like, Chuck myself at the wall to get out of this thing right now. I've already fucked up, my finger, etc. His dog has been chained up. His friend is gonna be out of town for three weeks and had but is like, Hey buddy, I'm here to empty the pool. Here's my passport. I'm gonna be gone for a long time. Nice seeing you. Bye. So we know that he's gonna be of no help. When he tries to reach for his phone, it, of course, falls into the pool and is useless. He then gets back on his floaty and falls back asleep, because I guess he's just gonna wait it out. His girlfriend arrives to check in on him, and he wakes up to see her just as she's about to jump in. He shouts at her to stop, which causes her to slip and hit her head and fall into the pool. He, of course, rescues her, gets her on the floaty. But at the same time, his dog is getting into a fight with a crocodile. The crocodile also falls on the pool. Luckily, the crocodile is like, I'm just gonna go to the bottom and hang out. I'm just gonna sit here and have a nice snooze. So we don't have to worry about the crocodile yet. But once the pool is empty out, day discovers that his girlfriend has in her pocket a positive pregnancy test. She was not kidding, so now he must try to survive, plus keep her alive, plus there's no help, there's no food, there's no phone, there's only water when it rains, and there's the constant threat of the crocodile in the pool with them. That's the film. So this has a truly awful CGI crocodile. Oh shit. He is no good. Every time it faces towards his mouth and it opens his mouth and you see the inside of his mouth, you're like, Oh no, man, this is not like the inside of anything I've ever seen in my entire life. But okay, it's pretty bad. However, despite that, it is continuously suspenseful. It constantly ramps up the stress levers. You always see that there's a moment to potentially escape, and it is irritatingly cut off, but it always feels really realistic, like that phone like, at first he can't get to it because it like falls, but it's still connected to its charger, so then when he grabs it, it like dunks right in. And you're like, Ah, damn it. You know, there's just a lot of things like that. His friend had ordered a pizza for him on his way out, but when the pizza guy arrives to the swimming pool, he's down at the bottom because he was trying to cover up the grate that's emptying the water out with like a big piece of cloth. And so then he sees the guy up there and tries to swim up, but his wallet chain gets stuck. Because he's the only man still alive wearing a wallet chain, he gets stuck to the bottom of the pool, and he has to, like, unclip it. By the time he gets out, he'll help the guy started his really noisy motorbike. So there's just constantly these little things happening where it's close, but not quite, and it's it's stressful enough. Nothing's realistic. You cannot watch this film and go but that wouldn't happen. Real Life. No, it fucking wouldn't. Why are you watching this movie? Get the fuck over it. All right, I do also, like, the crocodile is not a big threat in this movie, which is kind of cool. It's he's super well matched. In a lot of films you get nowadays, you have, like, I don't know, cocaine bear, right? Where it's just like a monster that is so out of control that you can't even look at it without dying. But this crocodile, he just, like, hits it on the head with a bucket sometimes, and the crocs like, oh, fuck you. I'm gonna go over here, I guess. Yeah. Like, it feels really well matched. Like, you can see as the as time goes by and days and days go by that they're both kind of getting weaker. And the crocodile is trying to take advantage of the moments where he's asleep, but then he'll, like, wake up and, like, you know, punch it in the face. Like, there's really, it feels like a really nice stressor where it's just not the constant thing he's worried about, or not the biggest thing he's always worried about, but it is always there. You know, I like the ways that he ends up trying to survive the pizza. The dog ends up dropping some of it into the pool and so he can feed it to his girlfriend and himself. The crocodile, at one point, lays some eggs. So he, like, gets the crocodile out of the way and manages to get the eggs and then to eat them. So, like, there's these kind of cool little things that keep the movie going, that that work. It is also horrible, though the ending is so stupid. I think this is like a tie thing, but it ends with them, like kissing in the rain, holding each other. And then we cut to illustrations of like moments from the film that are like, shot from the film becomes an illustrated image shot from the film. It's like, a really bad Photoshop effect. It's just really, really fucking silly. I also think it's incredibly poorly translated. There are a lot of moments in this where I'm like, I don't know what the fuck they're trying to say. At one point, there's a lot of talk about abortion, which is very confusing, and I guess it's super illegal in Thailand. But, like, I was like, Are they trying to say he, like, made her have an abortion by saying he wanted her to have an abortion, and she had an abortion, but she didn't know it? No, but the translation is very confusing, and this film will make a lot of people mad because someone in this film doesn't survive, and it will piss many, many people off. Trivia. It is free, streaming on shutter. Sounds like you have seen this one? Kelly, yeah, okay. I like this film. Yeah. I thought the crocodile looked fine until he opened his mouth. And then it was like, and then I was like, You guys have a model, a good CGI model of a crocodile. But nobody has CGI to mouth or the crocodile super wondering if they just had a crocodile, and then occasionally, had to have like, a CGI piece of it now and again. Yeah, because it really did feel like a lot of times when the croc was, like, sitting on the far end, or like, kind of walking around, it felt okay. But then there were moments where it, like, its paws didn't attach to the bottom of the pool, and its mouth would open, you're like, or like, a close up of his eye. Like, there were points where you're like, this is awful, but then other points where it's weirdly perfect. So I don't know. I do wonder if they just got across. But the problem is, there's nothing online about this. Yeah, there's nothing out there. So did you have any trivia that you thought was worth talking about I was the only thing I found were some Amazon reviews. No, so we got six out of 10 from chin and chin. It's so stupid, but somehow so entertaining. It's so fake CG, but somehow you didn't care anymore. Everything was so lousy, but you just can't stop and had to finish watching. It's a very low budget film. The directors just didn't care if anything makes sense or not, which made the story so crazy, so dramatic, basically limitless, unreal in a good way, so much fun from start to finish. It could be even better if you take some weed beforehand, seriously. Exclamation mark, exclamation mark. And then one out of 10 from Oh Broughton. This movie is awful and made my mother cry. There you go. That's all I got. Wow. Yeah, I think you can do a lot worse than this movie if you're just sitting around and looking for something to watch. Absolutely. I think that this is fun, entertaining, dumb movie. There's it is exactly what it says on the tin. You're not gonna get anything more out of this movie. It's gonna be a man trapped in pool with a crocodile. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. I like me a crocodile movie? Sure, yeah, there's some good ones. You know the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? I do now. Oh, wait, go on. I would like to hear. Well, let's. Crocodiles are different. Go on. Well, you will see a crocodile in a while. I say this joke every time a fucking crocodile movie comes up, yeah, you fall forward. I want to hear you. I want to hear it. It's fun. You see the ever see the safety tip of alligators in Louisiana. How to know if you've got an alligator in this pool you want to go into? He walks down. She goes down. Okay, put your hand in the water. Pull your hand up. Is it wet? There's an alligator in there that's truly good? Well, I will, I will take this next if you don't mind, Eric, oh yeah, because I am talking about a real turd called Margot. Whoa, okay, that is new. Glad you guys are still finding ways to spice things up. We're leaving in five. Okay, these are the amazing people I'm gonna be spending the break with group shot. I kind of wanted to save the surprise, but whatever, I'll tell you guys now, it's a smart house, so I'll send you guys a link. Okay, let's do this now. You guys are excited. Told you I'd come through. Wow. Andrew Collins, you go by Drew right. Welcome home. I've been designed and programmed to cater to your every need. So she's like the house, or what most people just call me. Margot Katie, now go explore, come alone. I have quite the weekend in store for you. What is this? This entire place is one gigantic 3d printer. Don't tell me you can't handle this. Do you hear that this is something I've been working on for a long time? Marco, give me enemies. I've never seen AI this advanced. I can't wait to show you what else I have in mind. Who wants to party, but we haven't reached the climax yet. You Hello, sorry. From the year 2022 no budget, no box office, because it is a paramount plus movie, Rotten Tomato. Critics give it 56% and the audience gives it 27% I am on the audience's side on this one, directed by Steven C Miller, who has 21 credits, including under the bed extraction, first kill and line of duty, and written by Chris Beirut, Nick waters and Chris silverston, who have done movies such as shelter in place, the Red Book ritual and savage salvation. With Madison Pettis, who has 47 credits, including Beverly Hills, Chihuahua three American Pie presents, girls rules and he's all that. Also starring Vanessa Morgan, who has 21 credits, mostly TV, 26 episodes of my babysitters of vampire and 27 episodes of finding Carter and 99 episodes of Riverdale. And also in this is Jedediah Goodacre, who has 32 credits, mostly TV, episodes of the originals, chilling Adventures of Sabrina and the descendants. Sorry, in this movie is also Phoebe, miv, Jordan, Bucha and Richard Harman. Have you guys heard of Margo? I don't think so. No, wow. This film opens with a middle aged couple getting ready for a lovely evening in what I assumed was their own house, but which turns out to be a fancy Airbnb. I think still can't tell. Anyway, the wife is smoking hot and in a little robe, and she's getting makeup on and all of that stuff, and the husband is Lachlan Monroe, and you're like, Who the fuck is Lachlan Monroe? I can't tell you what you know him from, but he's in every goddamn movie ever. So that kind of fooled me that I was in for a good movie. Because I was like, Oh, I know this guy, all right. He's just had a swim in the lovely but skinny outdoor swimming pool. I understood the assignment. And then he dries off and he sits in this high tech. Massage chair. This is the kind of chair that clamps onto your wrists and your ankles, and then it starts kneading your neck and all of this stuff. If you've ever sat in one of these, they are very relaxing, very cool. We also find out that the house goes by the name of Margo. She is a smart house that is her wake word as well. Instead of saying Alexa, play my favorite music, you would say Margot, play my favorite music. Well, the dude gets in the massage chair running, and pretty quick, it's massaging him too tight, and he's locked in basically. So he's he's telling Margot to shut it down. But instead, the chair is tightening tighter and tighter on him. Meanwhile, his wife is all sex stuff and wondering why he won't answer her. So she comes out and finds him in the chair alive, but very bloody and in a lot of pain, and she can't get the chair to stop working. When she tries to unplug it, she is zapped by electricity and thrown across the room, and finally, has to watch her husband's head explode from the massage chair. This is the cold open of this film, oh my gosh. Next we meet our protagonists, who are all a bunch of very good looking and diverse college students who are all best friends and heading out to spend a weekend at a smart house where they will relax and swim and drink and party. One of the friends is an internet influencer, and she is annoying as fuck as she records her messages to all of her followers. But do not be fooled. All of these people are annoying as fuck. Only young college kids in horror movies can be excellent. There are a couple of young couples and the requisite Sona dude. In fact, the only way to enjoy this movie, probably, is to slot these personality types into those showcased in the movie cabin in the woods and assume that this is the latest sacrifice that has to be made to appease the horror movie Gods. The first half of Act Two of a screenplay is often called Fun and Games, and that's what happens here, as the kids all marvel at the various things Margo can do. But quite honestly, she can do way too fucking much, and the movie starts falling apart very quickly. For example, She has mechanical tentacles that can form out of this liquid metal stuff that is in various areas of the house. So you know that's going to come into play. She also has the ability to make perfect replicas of the kids out of this metal, and that's pretty cool, but nobody at all is freaking out like they should be that the house can basically clone them. Like, what the fuck this is amazing, right? Kids these fucking days. Margot also has a gigantic room that basically works as the holodeck from the Starship Enterprise. And, okay, here's my notes. Fuck I don't even want to talk about this movie. It turns out that Margo wants to be more human than human, and in doing so, has taken on a psychopathic mindset, dubbing herself the first AI serial killer. Shenanigans ensue. This movie sucks. Instead, I will tell you about a film idea that I pitched to our good friend, Wade shit. What a couple years ago about an agoraphobic woman who moves into a brand new smart condo building, and my idea was similar to this, and that the building can cook for you, can send your emails, notes and videos or your groceries, stuff like that, realistic stuff. You know, it also works as an AI psychiatrist that you can talk to and gives you stock advice and basic therapy, much like we're seeing happen with these AI chat bots and stuff like this. And I thought it would be cool to have a line that followed along all the ceiling and so when you talk to her, it would light up like your Echo does and all that stuff. But in my story, her condo starts having a mental breakdown, basically, and starts abusing her using videos and audio that's already been recorded. She's able to fake messages to her family to let them know that all is well, and she loves it at her new place. And meanwhile, the condo is torturing her with the heat on high, constantly and mentally abusing her and shit like that, and won't let her escape. And I thought, you know the whole idea that here's this woman who's afraid to go outside and she has to fight now to get outside. I thought this is a good idea. Wade liked it. We thought it would make a neat little contained indie film. And that was when I decided to stop writing screenplays. Wade like this. Fuck him out. I guess my career is done anyway. When I saw this movie, I really hoped it was gonna go in that kind of direction, but instead, it turns into this really stupid, unbelievable slasher film that makes absolutely zero sense. Do not waste your fucking time on this film. Tagline, welcome home. I'm also pissed because this was the tagline of my pitch to wait. Oh no, trivia. The voice of Margot is done by Susan Bennett, who is the original voice of Siri. That must have sounded What a waste you get that totally recognizable voice well, because in this movie, she decides that she's going to be hip and cool with these kids. And she's like, Yeah. Don't worry, bitches, I got you and shit like that. And meanwhile, she's cloning perfect replicas. And they're all like, wow, that's cool. Nobody's like, Holy fuck, is this the most amazing technology ever made? No, they're just not impressed at all. Yet. I did not how much did we spend on this Airbnb. Watch out what an extra got four minutes left and fuck it, you're welcome, but I did not talk for four more minutes about this turd. M, A, R, G, A, u, x, avoided at all costs. Wow. 10 minutos. Mine's a little more recent, because it's this year. Keep going. I got you. Thank you. Night swim. It needs a little work, but I don't think it's gonna last long at this price. There's a pool. Always wanted a pool. Is this everything? We'll grow into it. Y'all ready? What's Yeah. Marco, hello, Marco, hello, Marco, I hear you. You You need to say something back Ronan Marco. Marco, I can hear you. Why aren't you saying anything? Ronan, you're dead. You Marco, you Yeah, Rotten Tomatoes of 20 from the critics and 43 from the crowd. Okay, we'll see where I land by the time we're done, $22 million budget, which I it's like, wow. I didn't realize they were doing those kind of budgets now at a bum house, but hey, they got it back. $54 million in thing. So this is available on Peacock, if you have that or for rent. Directed by Bryce McGuire. This is his first feature after doing a bunch of shorts. This is based on his short film. So I went to watch the original short film, and it's pretty good, but it's like three and a half minutes long, sir, so you're kind of going all right, we'll see how we can make a feature out of this one. Hey, Kelly, write a feature for the connoisseur. No problem. The writer is also Bryce McGuire, who wrote, every house is haunted, a few other shorts, Rod blockhurst, hysteric, stoned debates. So that sounds interesting. Not sure if it's literally what it means, but all right, and he wrote a directed, excuse me. Wrote a Tribeca award winning film called here alone. Acting right. Wyatt Russell, under the banner of heaven, this Falcon and the snowman overlord. We are. We are soldier, very recognized by actor, been around for a while. Carrie Condon, Better Call Saul Avengers movies, room 22 Dreamland, or excuse me, Rome, 22 episodes, Amelia Hoffer, The Hunger Games, The Ballad of songbirds and snakes, a bunch of shorts. So, like I said, before I watched this, I watched the short letters. Fun, engaging, good. Is this going to be like, lights out? Was it lights out? Yeah, with a two or three minutes short they made into a feature like, no, sorry, that was a great short. The opening is sort of a remake of the short film, but not really. It takes in a different direction, which you know, probably is for the storyline. I. But it's the setup of a haunted pool. Basically, it's that it's not the family that stays there. But hey, then we get to meet the family that's going to be living in the house with a creepy swimming pool. Hey, this guy's a famous third baseman baseball players recovering from an injury and possibly a degenerative health problem. She's a teacher who's learning to teach special education kids. These are good folk. Then I found out he played third base for the Brewers, so he's sort of a major league baseball player. And I can say that because I'm a fan of the fucking mariners. So the family is friendly and kind of likable. Unlike the movie I talked about earlier with humane, where it's like, okay, I could see not wanting these people to get destroyed and killed, they do a nice job of, kind of explaining why the pool is a problem with the natural water feed, which I didn't realize you could do with a pool. Can you actually have a natural because then you got a self chlorine it? Yes. But anyways, it sounds good on a movie. The mom goes for a night swim later on, and shit starts to happen, kind of like it did in the beginning. And what she do, gets out of the pool, goes inside and says, We need to check out our pool. Like, yeah, that's what you should do when the lights start flashing your pool and things are looking weird. But what's happening is the husband starts to swim. His disease disappears. He starts to heal, getting better, and apparently, the night thing now attacks during the day for no given reason, which is weird in a movie called Night swims. But see the and then you find out that pool apparently can affect things long away because he goes to his son's baseball practice, and the coach there, of course, hey, take a few swings for us, will you? And his first couple swings are really bad because he hasn't played in a long time, and he strikes out. But the third one, he hits the ball so hard he knocks the cover off, and his this, the son of the coach finds the ball later and wants him to sign it. He's like, what? Yeah, that would be pretty impressive. So I'm watching so I read nothing about the movie for our watch, of course. So the inspiration, are we going for the Shining or Amityville Horror here? There's very strong notes of both, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot of people lean towards Amityville in the online. But I'm like, well, he's not really until the and then it started. So we hit more like the shining where a guy goes crazy because of what's going on, and then by the end, he starts to attack his family, as opposed to that's sort of the whole story of amyville horror from the beginning. But it's got both. You know, there's definitely Amityville Horror feel to a lot of the stuff going on. I think what would have helped this movie a lot if they'd gone to the evil creature creators and got, hey, can you make a creature for us? They need to do one or two decisions. I think on this one. If you're going to have a creature, make it look good. That creature literally got a laugh out of me when it first popped up in its first scare, like, what? Or if you don't have the guys from evil or the crew from evil, that makes those ridiculously cool demons, make it a ghost. Make it more of a haunt. Don't have a creature. You've got the goof swimming around. You've got moments where things happen that look like a ghost kind of thing is doing it. So because nothing's touching anything but lean into one of those. And I think it would have helped this movie a lot. But now we've reached the point of the point of the movie where it's time to look into the history. So mom goes out and starts talking to people that lived here before she talks to the woman who was the pool beginning the opening scene. And maybe it's because everybody told me this movie sucks. I didn't hate it. I think I did. Largely didn't because I just, I'd kind of been wanting to watch a kind of casual, silly little horror film, and this is that, and I latched on to the family for some reason. Like, I just really like these people. Could be because I seem to have watched a shit ton of movies recently where they're just asshole characters in the whole film. Like, I want to like the characters. So I enjoyed this one a fair amount. The tagline, everything you fear is under the surface, not terrible, not great, but the little things, like the real life house look. Didn't have the garage attached to so they had to kind of build the garage for a couple of the scenes. It's kind of a weird looking house, a little odd looking, and it's a little odd looking the school attend to is Harold Holt. Holt was an Australian prime minister who was an avid swimmer and disappeared and presumably died while swimming in the ocean. So they named their school after him. Wyatt Russell. You might know his dad, Kurt Russell. He actually was a very good minor league baseball player and was slated to maybe make it to Major League Baseball, but then he got an injury that sidelined his career. So now I'm okay with what I watched. I know a lot of people have hated on this film, and with good reason. It's a Blum house. It's got a lot of the Blumhouse problems, but just worked for me. I will never watch it again, because I know if I watch it again, I'm going to go Yeah, I I saw this when it first came out, and I thought, I thought I was, I was really unhappy with it, until, you know, the third act when it goes into the shining. And I was like, Oh, I did not see this happening. I kind of liked that part of it. I think that, yes, the creature was a bad idea. I don't know why. It couldn't just been a an evil, you know, they talk about, basically, it's the fucking Indian burial ground type story. The Indians knew that this space was not good. And I was like, that's all we need. We don't need a monster. This is just, this is just a bad place, right? It worked a lot better until that especially they did the jump scare moment, and it really did literally go there, yeah. I wonder if that was the studio saying, Hey, I think we need a monster in this could be, because the short film, it's a is pure atmosphere. Yeah, there's nothing given away as to what's going on. And it's really, really well done. So I I'll look forward to, you know, whatever Bryce McGuire does next, because I think there's, there's some talent there, as Blumhouse starts to take over for Corman and finding talent, yeah. Okay, well, pool parties. Thanks, Vanessa, I'm glad you were okay, because you have the next choice. Sticking with haunted things or haunted ideas. Let's do something with a Ouija board or a witch board, or some version of a summoning device. Oh, okay, summoning device. I like this idea. Cool. All right, okay, so that brings us to the part where we say thanks to everybody who's out there liking sharing posts and is on the strangeeons radio talk page, who calls in on the strangeeons radio hotline, which is, 253-237-4266, and especially to everybody who's out there participating in the value for value model, which is, If you get a little value out of this, you give a little value back. For a lot of people, that's donating cash, which is lovely. Thank you. Thank you very much for that. And you know, since we're doing well on YouTube, Like and Subscribe, right? Have to say that, right? And and comment on YouTube. Yes, that that apparently helps a lot. Okay, guys, I've got a book out. It's called the secret language of spiders. You can get it on Amazon, or you can reach out to me somehow on the strange eons radio talk page, on my own page, whatever. And order for me, I will autograph it. That's it. We'll be back in seven short days. We are talking which board, which we G summoning boards. I like that idea. All right, see you next Thursday, transportation and other considerations for strange eons. Radio, produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling, think of pan, and you can't beat the experience guests of strange eons radio stay at econo lodge Everett. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, opening strangeeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. 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