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Rent woes are on the docket today, and then the gang talks flicks that take place somewhere in the past.
Also discussed: Common Side Effects, Transformers: One, The Winning Season.

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So are you just going along with all this, or are you not totally understanding what's happening because your brain isn't quite there? Yeah, there's a lot of questions. Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition, such sites to show you, strange eons. Welcome to strangeeons radio. That is Eric over there. Hello, that is Vanessa over there. Hello, and I am Kelly gang. Remember a couple weeks ago when I said, Oh, what, what horror could this certified mail possibly be bringing to me? And you were like, Oh, nothing, rent increase. And not, not a small rent increase. Oh no. Just like, wow. Why? Because everything costs money. And, you know, I live in a little town here in Washington, and the rent here in this little town very comparable to Seattle now, which doesn't seem to make sense, doesn't make any sense at all. Yeah. So like, you know Bothell rent there is less really. I'm like, what does the shitty town of Everett have to offer that you would be charging this much money? I'm Yeah, I was pretty confused about that. Because when I lived in Kirkland, the reason why I was renting there is because it was cheaper than Seattle. And I was like, Yeah, but, like, a lot cheaper. I was like, How can I afford to basically live in a rental townhouse for so cheap? But I think because the houses are so expensive, maybe people don't think to rent there. I'm not sure such. It seems like a way to because Bellevue is rent is insane, yeah, yeah. But I think people just don't think about it, because they're like, oh, Kirkland's going to be expensive, of course. And I was like, I found it pretty, pretty decent. And so, well, yeah, so that's what I get for going and getting that fucking piece of mail. Because otherwise I would have just been like, I didn't see it. So I'm not paying it. I'm so sorry. Be fine if it hadn't been a very slow work year so far. So that that adds a little bit of stress. But what are you going to do? Move right? Yes. Hey, if you go to Amazon right now you want to help a brother up. Besides that, I have seen some stuff. Oh, I'm kind of on an animation kick, you guys. So unlike it really is, this one came as a big surprise to me. It is on max and it is called common side effects. I've seen the ads for this before, some stuff. So it looks fun. It is fun. But the the weirdest thing about it is it should be live action, because the the animation it's done by uh, who does uh king of the hill and Davis and butt head and office space guy, yeah. So it's kind of, you know, B level animation, Mike Judge, Mike Judge, yeah, but great voice acting. But all of the stuff that the characters do is very, I don't know how to say it. It seems very realistic movements and weird kind of little personality quirks that these people have. So what this is is about a girl who works for a gigantic pharmaceutical Corporation, and she bumps into an old friend of hers who's kind on the fringe now, and he has discovered this mushroom that cures death, basically, Oh, God. And she is trying to get him to let her take it to her company, sure. And he's like, I'm not letting big pharma have a hold of this. They'll bury it. So now the there's all of these, there's CIA agents that are trying to kill him, and all of this stuff going on. And it's a really fun, neat thing where the characters are quirky. It feels like it should be a David Lynch series, because you're following these two agents who are kind of goofy and silly but still pretty good at their job. And I'm just like, I want to see the live action versions of these people doing the things they're doing in this so it's weird. It is very strange. You'll have to watch it. Let me know if you feel the same way about it. It's just a it's a. Idea, obviously, that is close to my heart, because I think pharmaceutical companies have been screwing us forever, and it's just really, really good. Yeah, it looks really good. The trailer I've seen looks like, Yeah, Mike Judge is always deeper than he seems. You know what? I mean, some of his stuff is there's a lot more going on. It's just the surface level. I mean, I know a lot of people who really connected with the father son relationship in King of the Hill. And I was kind of like, Oh, that's not for me. But some people I ever like, you know, I cried at the last episode, okay, I didn't, I didn't watch it either, but, I mean, I've seen episodes, yeah? But yeah, it has, yeah. I hear a lot of people reference, Oh, I'm such a one of those characters from that show, right? Okay, right? His strength is the humanity in his cartoon characters. It's called common side effects, and it is on max Awesome. Well, I've been trying to catch up on severance, and I'm sure by the time this comes out, I will be at least one behind. But fuck man, the show is so god damn good. I don't want it to end for another, however long it'll end for I just, I so confusing, but great. I'm sure you guys probably saw at least the first episode where you just get to watch the lead guy just run, yeah, really quickly in like, Slippy, you know, office shoes. That was one of those ones. I was like, how did they do this? Is this? Because there's a ceiling above him, yeah. Like, so there's not a crane of the camera here going this. And it can't be a guy running, because he'd have to be running backwards to keep him in frame so perfectly. So I heard an interview with the guy, and he was, I can't remember the actor's name now, but he was talking about him and Ben Stiller doing this shot, and he said it was the hardest shot of the whole season. It took them, like, weeks to get it, and at the end, they had their own rap party for the running scene. Wow, yeah, it is, yeah, Eric, you still haven't seen that, right? It is one of those things where you know, if you're familiar with making a film, be like, fuck, is this a drone in front of him? Yeah, I'm curious. I bet there's a way to find out. But yeah, I was just watching them going those shoes look not possible to run that quickly in just, I don't know how he would do it, but yeah, I have definitely, I think we talked about this before, as every question gets answered, like three more appear. So we're at a point now where a big question was kind of answered, or a big event happened, but now the next episode where they are going on a field trip, right? Has not answered the cliffhanger of the previous one, and, in fact, it only brings up a lot more questions. So yeah, that last episode. I mean, in the first 10 minutes, I'm like, Huh, okay, I wonder where we're going with this, but it's the entire episode. And I was like, what is happening in this show? Is it the same cliff from Castle Rock? Oh, I don't know. Okay, sorry. I was just like, this cliff is very familiar. I've been here before. Lady says it's like the highest waterfall in the world, about 25 feet high. I love that. I love that they just don't know. Or, like, one of the guys was like, wow, the stars. I always wondered what like space looked like. Like, Oh God, you forget that these guys have their innies have never seen, yeah, so crazy. It's just a mind fuck of a show, Yeah, completely, completely a mind fuck. And near the end of the latest episode, there's a big thing that happens. And I honestly, just because my head wasn't in that space, I was like, why is this a big fucking deal that like, yeah. And then I'm like, oh, oh, okay, you're okay. I guess that's, I guess that is a big deal. I don't want to spoil anything. I'm sorry. Like, I said you could say whatever you want to be like, there's like, oh well, Eric, this is a show that you're gonna benefit wildly from watching, being able to watch. Yeah? Because this last cliffhanger, I was like, God damn it. I just want to know what the fuck happens next? Yeah, yeah. I know it's so hard to wait. This is one of the harder shows to sit for a week on your hands and be like, I fucking I need the next one. Mr. Stiller, turns out you're good at something else. I can't handle this. That's pretty good. Director, he's done a lot of good, yeah, actually, yeah. I didn't even realize. I had no idea that he was had gone down this path because he's, he plays such a type in most of his movies. Yeah, and his directing necessarily, doesn't necessarily match what you would expect that person to that is called severance. It's on Apple, plus one quick Ben Stiller thing he did in London, a a one man show of The Shining. And I was like, will you fucking bring this over here? Please? Whoa, damn. That would be cool. Yeah, sounds incredible. Is he just like, sit in a chair being like, I think he's right in front of him and stuff like that. I can only imagine. What's that Fathom Events or something. Oh yeah, yeah, that'd be worth it. Adam Scott is the name of the actress, all right. It was totally killing me. Also, he looks so hideous in the show. And I'm like, Adam Scott, I remember being fairly attractive in Parks and Rec. Oh, yeah. And then luckily, I was like, man, what happened to him? Like it looks so he looks so weird. And then I saw him on that interview, and I was like, oh, okay, you do look all right. There's like a middle area, oh, because I was thinking, Boy, age has caught up with him rather quickly. Looks rough. I think it's the lenses, because he really doesn't look that bad. Okay, yeah, because I was like, that bad, sir, and sometimes he looks better in his outie than in his innie, or vice versa. There's one of which he looks worse in for the lenses than the other. But I was like, is doing him no favors? It's true. And he just looks like he got like, plastic surgery or something, like if something went wrong, but like, his tail mouth is too strong. Listen, we have no problem making fun of how people look on the show. Look. I have an issue. It is my issue. I always some people I find not pleasant to look at, and that's on me. I'm also in love with his acting. He's incredible, incredibly. This is all on me. Well, so one I think Kelly mentioned a long time ago, but as the deep seated lover of sports movies, watched the winning season, yeah, which is a they brought, brought Sam Rockwell. Sam Rockwell movie, yeah, and, uh, Emma Roberts, they're very young. Emma Roberts, this was shot a long time. It's like, 2009 Yeah, I don't think I have mentioned this. I just mentioned it to you and said, Hey, I just saw a movie that I think you'd like. It's pretty good. It has, uh, you know, the last episode, I talked a little bit about, I like movies where it's like, you want a redemption little early. Yeah, I wanted that for him too, because Sam Rockwell, even being an asshole is so likable. Yeah, you know, he pushes the border at times on this where he kind of like, okay, dude, but he pulls it off and it's so good, and the team goes through the redemption for him, right? So it's a it's, it's pretty damn good. It is really solid, with a nice, simple story of, you know, the down on his luck, guy who's got a friend who offers him a job to coach the woman's or the girls basketball team at a high school. Yeah? And he shows up, and there's like, six of them, one of them's injured on crutches. There's like, Huh? And he actually started off softer and nicer than I thought he was going to be, yeah, and then quickly, kind of becomes a dick again, but, well, he's an alcoholic, so that plays heavily into his attitude towards the job and the girls and all that, yeah, and his daughter, the rough relationship he has with her, yeah, and which plays really well in the film. I thought really was well done, because a lot of times and divorce movies characters, it seems forced. It's like you have to hate your father because he's whatever. He blew it out of the park to make sure a reason the daughter was pissed at him. Yeah, and it was really good, and it sustained as long as it needed to. And it's really, I don't know, it's really well written, fun film to watch if you like sports movies, and definitely a when you say if you like sports movies, there's the caveat, because this is an indie film, and the girls really aren't that good at basketball, so the sports scenes are few and far between, right? They don't see an actual game. There's a few there's a few moments now that now the sports what I love about sports movies is that redemption thing that coming over the top, kind of thing that you don't expect, like Yeah, and most of the girls don't like each other. When they start, really don't Yeah, and pretty soon they become a team. And that's all the stuff that you need in those kind of movies. I'm glad you liked it. I'm glad you watched. Interested. Man, Eric, that's something I really appreciate about you. Like, I will not My eyes never go towards sport films, nor music films like and, man, I love the recommendations. Yeah, it's really helpful. It opens my, I don't know, it opens me up to cool, interesting content. So thank you for that, but it's interesting too. Two of my favorite kind of sports movies are not my favorite sports. I love hockey and boxing movies. Yeah, boxing movies are so much more entertaining than boxing for real and hockey. I just don't know well enough to watch it on TV. I do want to go see it live, but watch on TV, it's like, I get the idea you're trying to get the puck in the neck. I get all that, but the subtleties of what I know goes on at baseball and football, I have no idea what the hell's going on in hockey. That's definitely how I feel about literally every sport I'm like. I don't care for this in real life, but this is great. I will watch a basketball or football or whatever. Yeah, if it's well done. Yeah? I mean this. The secret is that you don't want to make a movie about the sport. You want to make a movie about the people, exactly in this board, and everyone loves an underdog. I see Hoosiers the Mighty Ducks. Yeah, Hoosiers. Next movie I'm going to talk about, I think I've told you guys about in person. It is a documentary on Paramount plus called Casa Bonita mil more I have seen, okay. This is a documentary about the guys from South Park who had decided to purchase sealed Casa bonito Bonita restaurant in Colorado. Oh, and did you not realize it was based on a real restaurant? I had no idea. Apparently, it is a huge landmark in Colorado, and there's another one somewhere else, but they, the people who owned it, were going bankrupt, and they thought, You know what, we're gonna buy this place and fix it up. And it just turns into a money pit. They don't realize what they've done. And, you know, they, they go into it with a $6 million budget, and then at the end, you can see that it is exponentially more money than that. And they, they just document the entire thing of them tearing down walls and finding out the plumbing issues and the electrical issues and all of this stuff, but it's done with with such love for the original building and for the the two guys, Matt and Trey, trying to do this thing, and it was really kind of eye opening to see their relationship with each other and who they are like in their production company, because one of them is definitely the creative guy and the other one is definitely the money guy, yeah, like that one movie they did, like eight, eight days, or that one where they talk about making an episode, wow, okay, you're doing all that kind of work. Yeah, he's doing all that kind of work. But yeah, and obviously a great team, because they seem like they're very close friends still, after 30 years of being in the same room with each other constantly, I thought that was really interesting. It's a huge restaurant. It's sort of like, I was like, what? Yes, I want to go to this exactly like cartoon. There's like a waterfall. It's all there. They did not invent anything that show. It's kind of like, if you've never seen the if you've ever seen, like a last what, the Rainforest Cafe, yeah, but, but, like, two floors of it, and huge and animatronics and various characters were running out. It's kind of like a amped up Chuck E Cheese or something, but with Mexican food, and they point out the food is not very good, so they're going to change that aspect of the restaurant. And they just, you know, they knock it out of the park. It is a very happy ending at the end, but they are. They have spent a lot of money to make it a much better place. And, and they like, you know, who knows if we'll ever make this money back? Yeah, it lost leader, kind of restaurant form, I think, because, I mean, as long as they're making South Park, they're going to have the money to, you know? Well, I was like, can you imagine having enough money to do what they did? Because they spent, I mean, the final tally is like, $36 million to bring this place back. And I, I was just like, Wow. Can you imagine making that much money on your little filthy cartoon, do something like this. But then, you know, by the time they open it, they've got like, 300 people standing in line. And they said something like 300,000 people have gone through the doors since they reopened and all this stuff. I was like, Okay, I hope these guys are making a shit ton of money. It's like. Kind of thing, you know, you almost want to travel to ever in that area, yeah, as long as you didn't want to say anything publicly, like, you know, my destination vacation this year is in Colorado, and it is this restaurant that it's not a ski resort, but just as a feel good type of movie, it is really, really pleasant. I'm so glad to hear that, because I've been so hesitant to watch things like that after watching welcome direct sim, which I'm not fully caught up on, because I was too depressed, yeah, to keep watching it, because I'm like, watching you guys struggle to make money to throw at this team that is just not making it, and therefore not getting anything out of your investment. And the team, like, the town hates you, like, this is a lot. This is emotionally too much. Yeah, I mean, it is a real credit to Ryan Reynolds and the guy from Rob McCann Mick. L, yeah, you got it. Michael MC E, L, H, E, N, N, E, y, McCollum, kneel, whatever they're so, yeah, Ryan and Rudd, they're so likable, and even when they're frustrated, that you're, you know, you're kind of with them on Everything, and you're, you're with them, you know, like groaning when the team is doing stuff, it's like, come on you guys, you've got a chance. You got a chance. You got to fucking step up to the plate for these guys. So, yeah, that's a good show, too. What was it called? Welcome to Wrexham. Yeah. Welcome to Wrexham on Hulu, yeah. So I checked out transformers one, okay, which I was really hesitant about, because when I saw the trailers in theater, I was like, this, it's the animated transformers, kind of CGI looking the show where it's like a prequel. And I was like, Yeah, Megatron and Optimus friends, yeah, their buddy, yeah, their buddies working in like a mine. Sure I needed this movie. You tell me? Really good. It's actually super great. It's got Scarlett. Johansson is voicing, I never remember the female transformers name, but Micah is yelling out, I know I know it. I'm so aware. But, and he was like, This movie's Great. This movie is great. And I was like, it there's no way this movie is good. But I was like, I have nothing else to do, and it is now free, so I will watch it. And it was, it was actually so interesting and fun and well written and like, you're really rooting for the characters. And you can see the turn with, oh my God, what's the guy? The bad one? Megatron. Megatron. You can see megatrons turn. They don't have those names either, because they kind of develop those names I see through the film. But yeah, and you're like, how the fuck are you gonna become optimist prime, and they do, like, really earn it. And I thought the animation would bug the hell out of me, but you, you kind of forget about it pretty quick. You get sort of sucked in. So, yeah, it was neat. What is that on that I believe is on paramount, and it's called transformers one, and the one is spelled out right? Yeah. So, okay, yeah, so it's not the first Transformers movie, no, but we already know who Optimus Prime is there for a little while, at least. Yeah, yep, free on, nope, nope. Sorry, I must have paid money for it. Sorry, guys, but it's not, not as expensive as it was, like a $5 rental. So, yeah, by all means, I finally caught up on one of our show's favorites, the Harley Quinn. I am so behind on that. Yeah, heavy episode. Here. There you go. That last Have you seen? Are you caught up? I am that last episode was a little weird, but still good, yeah? Like, unexpected. But the shows these folks put together, it's always still, yeah, good. Plus there's, I mean, they're able to throw in just like creature commandos did. They're able to throw in like, little, tiny easter eggs that are so fun, you know, like, I don't know if you looked at the planet names that he was going by real quick, yeah, I was like, oh, okay, those are names from other characters and stuff like that. And the reveal of his monkey towards the end, this took a dark turn the way it was going. I was expecting something like that, but not done like that. So, oh, wow, you tell me, because I, I really am not a huge Superman fan. Was that brainiacs thing with the I know he had bottled the city of Kandor? Was that his thing? He was bottling cities. I don't remember him doing that, but again, I. Also didn't read a lot of Superman, but I did like his ship representation. Yeah, that was fun, the skull ship. So, but yeah, I, I don't, well, I don't remember any of the family stuff in any Brainiac story. I think, though, no, I think that was probably added in, yeah, and it was weird it's well done. Yeah, it was. It's such a fun show. Yeah, it's hard to go wrong. No matter what they're doing, they continue to be high quality. The move to Metro Metropolis has been fun. Yeah, the this, the episode with the shark kids, was god damn insane, like a season behind too. So yeah, some good stuff to be watching here. Plot The kid in front of that. I had some new words. I did it once, and I was like, Ooh, the shark. One could be good, because it's all about babysitting. I Okay, yeah, I think I'm at the point where she's the shark is still pregnant, like he's still catering. I just saw the one where they go to like a bad guy resort. Oh yeah, yeah. So I'm, I'm, I'm a ways behind. I'll catch up due for a re watch on the whole series. That show kills me. Yeah, it's, it's great, yeah. Talk about that weird. You know, we don't like the James Gunn inclusion in the creature Commandos, yeah, and then he's actually a character in Harley Quinn, oh, we know. But it's funny because they sort of, they fun of him. It doesn't feel so grandiose. It feels more like, Haha, fucking DC, yeah, yeah. I think James Gunn probably has a lot of that in him. Yeah. I hope so. Yeah. Recognize he's a character to be made fun of at times, for sure. I mean, he did like, tromeo and Julie got sick, so the guy's done some weird shit. If he starts referring to it as the gun averse, I'm gonna be like, I can't, can't do it. Yeah. Why don't we take a little break guys and continue to complain about James Gunn, and then when we come back, we are talking about historical I don't know if you guys chose horror films even, nope. Oh, okay, okay. We're talking about historical films. Was this supposed to be worth introducing the GI Joe space O Matic. Space O Matic, the futuristic space vehicle you program yourself to make it go where you want, do what you want, program it to lift or to scoop or use the magnetic pickup. Watch this. GI Joe space Matic from Hasbro. You and we have returned, guys, this was my sub topic. It was supposed to be just historic. I don't know what I'll call this. It's a movie made in present day that set in some time in the past. So excellent. Sounds good? Yeah, I hope it wasn't then to be on real events, because if someone trouble, well, I would be also, because I chose from 2004 a movie called ginger snaps back the beginning. Indians say the curse began in the time of the Ancients, legends of the day of reckoning, when death would consume the land. So where is everyone? The trade party was supposed to return with supplies two months ago. The hell's going on? Murph, they're all dead. We're turned into these sieging monsters. There's one inside get ripped through the wall. Hello, you got bit last night. Your sin brought the devil opponent with some kind of animal. I don't it was deformed. They're everywhere. Let them come. You're gonna kill my sister. That's too late. She's turning I'm turning into something I have to kill. I it. Yes, this is the prequel movie to the movie ginger snaps. I. I have no idea why, because I did. We need those directed by Grant Harvey, who has 45 credits, mostly television, including 13 episodes of Whistler, 11 episodes of the way home and 19 episodes of Heartland. Written by Christina Ray, who has 18 credits. Also TV episodes of the Pinkertons, the collector and Murdoch Mysteries, and also written by Steph masacot, who has seven credits, including the dark how we ended us, and two episodes of heritage murders. These are all like Canadian productions, because this is a Canadian production starring Catherine Isabelle, 137 credits, all sorts of movies and series, nine episodes of Hannibal, 10 episodes of being human, 15 episodes of little dog, 19 episodes of The Order, 13 episodes of end game and even two episodes of supernatural. Notice how to pick them. Also starting Emily Perkins, who has 37 credits, mostly TV, 35 episodes of Da Vinci's inquest, 26 episodes of hiccups and four episodes of supernatural herself. Also in this movie is JR, born Nathaniel Arcand and Hugh Dylan. Have you guys seen ginger snaps back? Yes, no, I've only seen the first one. This film starts with an opening crawl talking about the northern Legion Trading Company, stating that each spring, a party from the fort traveled to Hudson Bay to trade pelts for winter provisions, but in 1815 the party never returned. So this is a prequel to the original ginger snaps. But I don't really know why, because the two actors from the original film play sisters here again, but there seems to be no relation to the sisters in the original movie. Oh so. And it wouldn't matter, because the curse is not passed down through your bloodline. I still have a lot of questions. I guess what they're trying to say is that a wild coincidence. Is this, this happened to the same family years apart, or a different family? Sure, they've got it all figured out. They're named the same in this movie, Bridget and ginger. Wow, lost. Or maybe it's Bridget, I don't know. They're lost with their horse in the rugged Canadian wilderness. When they come across a seemingly abandoned camp that bears signs of a violent attack, they then notice an elderly Indian woman who tells them that she too, had a sister once, and gives ginger and Bridget each a necklace with a bird skull that belonged to her and her sister. The woman speaks of them as the red and the black and warns that unless they kill the boy, one sister will kill the other. You guys, this acting is so fucking bad. Nearly turned the movie off, but I stuck with it for you, for you. The listener, Wowser Bridget and ginger come across an Indian hunter who leads them to Fort Bailey where they can find refuge. What they don't know is that the fort has been under siege by werewolves for some time. That's right, this movie just drops that little nugget in right fort's doctor and flies a leech to Bridget, surreptitiously testing to see if she's a werewolf. That night, Ginger is bit by a young deformed man in the fort, and when the girls start screaming, the fort is suddenly attacked by werewolves. The sisters are led by a reverend to an allegedly safe building, which actually contains a werewolf. The Sisters run up the stairs being chased by the werewolf, but the Indian Hunter appears and kills it as ginger and Bridget are going to their room. Ginger's nose starts to bleed, a sure sign that she is infected, or perhaps she was struck in the face. You decide, the sisters discover the boy who bit ginger is the son of one of the fort's leaders, and everyone had thought he was dead. Ginger is determined to kill the boy, to lift the curse, which makes no sense in the history of this series of movies. And that doesn't work anyway, and now Bridget and ginger are on the run from all of these men. Will Bridget kill her sister? Or will she kill the boy, as was foretold at the beginning of this flick? Or will ginger infect her own sister and unite the sisters in blood together forever. Tagline of this movie is, find the source of your fear. Feels like one kind of thing to say. This movie was shot back to back with ginger snaps two unleashed, which was the true sequel to the ginger snaps storyline. In this film, the indigenous tradition refers to the werewolves as Wendigos. The Wendigo is a mythological cannibalistic monster in the spiritual tradition of North American Algonquian speaking tribe. Lives. It is associated with winter when this film is set and described as either a fearsome beast that stalks and eats humans, or as a spirit that possesses humans, causing them to turn into cannibals, although werewolves and Wendigos are traditionally different in myth, all of these aspects are referenced in this film, which is not horrible. It it sucks that the main problem I have with ginger snaps, a nearly perfect film, is the werewolf design at the end is really stupid. And they they stick kind of with that design, with all these werewolves that are attacking, and it just, it's just a bad design. It looks dumb. But does the one sister have a her better hair than the original chitters? This is the 1860s nobody has good hair. She had that horrible wake in the original movie because she cut her hair between the casting and Bucha, yeah, you're at a trappers trading post. Nobody's anyhow. Ginger snaps back. It's fine. It's fine. You watch them in order. The next movie is significantly better. Good point. I can't believe how many of these are there. There's three they. They decided to film and release the prequel and the sequel at the same time. Yeah, so you suddenly had two more gingers that movies. One was a prequel. One is a sequel. The sequel is worse, I think, than this. Wow. So I just don't think I needed, need it. But that's just me. You don't I'm putting five minutes on the strange eons radio buzzer, excellent. Well, I chose a historical film called 2016 the Great Wall. You I was born into battle. I fought for greed and gods, this is the first war I've seen worth fighting for you. I don't think, yeah, you guys. I'll jog your memory as we go. This is a Asian Film. It is a half Asian Film, okay. Oh, go ahead. You tell me a budget of 150 million. Box Office of 334 point 9 million, but still considered to be a loss directed by 37 credits, including hero house of flying dagger, Chris the golden flower Raise the Red Lantern, written by kind of a co writing team, Carlo Bernard and Doug Miro, who did Narcos, Narcos, Mexico, Sorcerer's Apprentice. And then Tony Gilroy was also a writer on this. He did, born identity, Armageddon, devil's advocate, and or, and the cutting edge. What? Oh, right. Starring Matt Damon, that's right. 103 credits, Good Will Hunting Martian, departed Pedro Pascal, 73 credits, including Mandalorian, Last of Us, Game of Thrones and prospect. And fantastic. You say that proud prospect, prospect, get it on vinegar syndrome. Now, I know it's kind of much better than most of the stuff they released by great and you know what? There's no shame in putting on the subs, because the audio mix on the blu ray just didn't turn out as good as it should have. So don't feel bad about it. It's fine. You want to know what's happening, but his deep tones are well worth it. Also. Willem de foes in this 159 credits, Spider Man lighthouse, while at heart we just talked about and the. Only reason to watch Boondock Saints, and even then, I'd say probably skip it. Also, we have a Chinese cast, a huge Chinese cast, but the two most recognizable people and leads, Tian Jing, 28 credits, including Police Story, lockdown, Kong, Skull Island, Pacific Rim uprising and the TV series, the glory of the Tang Dynasty and Andy Lau 189 credits, including Infernal Affairs and hassle Flying Daggers. So this story is there some European men, three European men riding through the desert being chased by a band of Mongolians. The desert is in China somewhere. They out maneuver the Mongolians and set up camp for the night, but are attacked by something strange, a weird, green creature that moves lightning fast. Matt Damon uses his skills to take off its arm and kill it. Then the other guy is dead, so it's just him and Pedro continue in the desert and come across the Great Wall of China. This is around the time of, sort of the when the Europeans were sailing around looking for gunpowder and spice trade and all that kind of stuff. So we're, I don't know exactly what year we're in, but it's a long time ago. So they discovered this strange, Great Wall of China. They go ahead and surrender, because otherwise they will be killed. And they discover that they're kind of embroiled in this, the nameless order who runs the wall. There's several factions of it. Some are like up close combat. People, some are far away. Arrow people, some are dancing. Sphere people, and it's a huge war between them and these strange green beasts that come in hoards and are trying to get to the capital city to essentially take over, because more they eat, the stronger they are, and the queen is super strong and will take over the world. These are weird creatures. They use like vibrations to communicate. They're very smart. They're very strategic. And anyway, so they plan to get the black powder, which is what they want to take back to Europe, but instead, start to change heart, and maybe they will help these people in their fight. This is a mix of a buddy comedy, historical fantasy and anime level fighting and scenery all in one. It has some pretty dodgy accents from both Matt Damon, who might be Irish, and Pedro Pascal, who is occasionally Spanish. It is a super fast paced movie, so it makes it a little bit difficult to follow and feel some of those emotional impacts that they set up. But the sets and the ideas are fucking stellar, really cool monster design, cool moments, like there's a fight of a tower that's filled with stained glass. So it's like the rainbow light is on them the whole time. Gorgeous. They put in these traps along the wall, like these wall blades that start spinning around out of the walls as the creatures are climbing up. And it's like people rowing in a machine inside to get them going. I'm sorry, guys, I just could not keep this small. It has a very strange ending, which I think is it's a half Chinese, half American production, I think mostly Chinese, though, because it's filmed in China. The leads are big Chinese names, and the ending, I think, is very Chinese. You don't want the white guy and the cool Asian lady to maybe marry and be together forever, so maybe for no reason, the white guy's, like, cool, nice knowing you for like, Why? Why I thought you're into these people. All right. Overall, I loved this movie. It has a great cast. It's just amazingly visual. It's really clever, interesting ideas, super entertaining. The relationship between Matt tayman and Pedro Pascal is incredible. Just a little bit of trivia. I know I'm super out of time. Tagline, one of mankind's greatest wonders 1700 years to build 5500 miles long. What were they trying to keep out this I didn't know how wrong I was. Mongolians seemed like a very minor threat in this film. I'll tell you what. It's like, eight dudes on horseback. You're like, dudes showed up again. Fuck. This was the most expensive Chinese film ever, with a budget of 135 million and due to the huge amount of crew involved, had over 100 translators. I mean, you can tell when you're watching this film. This is not like just CGI film, like parts of the wall or. Definitely CGI, but the actual like actors, you can tell it's the people, and they've costumed them, and they're just rows and rows and rows and hundreds of individuals. The filmmakers were denied permission to film on the actual Great Wall, so locations were added digitally. The majority of the film was done in China, with some scenes shot in New Zealand. Matt Damon and his family spent six months in China filming. Matt Damon has stated many times in interviews that he felt that this film was a dud, and he knew it a couple months into shooting, that it would not do well. There's a lot of controversy around this film when it came out, because it has white protagonists in East, Eastern setting. The controversy is stupid, because I'm sorry. And the director cited this that the Asian director cited that this is crazy, because the role was never meant to be for Asian characters. It's some bumbling Asian or bumbling European guys who stumble across the wall. They're not necessarily the heroes or the coolest people in the story. They're just there to help, kind of fill in these pieces. The film lost about 74 point 5 million when all done inside, and it received a few negative reviews in China. Then in 2016 the Communist Party's official media outlet, People's Daily published an article on its website severely criticizing the people who are detracting, saying it does harm to the Chinese movie industry with their bad reviews. The reviews were then to try retracted. There you go. Yay, communism. Yeah. I like this movie a lot. Good. Yeah. I have no memory of this film? Oh, at all I remember this is a stupid film. And I people mix it up with The Last Samurai because also, like white dude in Asian setting. But no, it was. I remember thinking the time, although it looks dumb, it is great. It's a great film, yeah. And it definitely falls into the stuff we talk about. It's fantasy and action and all. Yeah, it's a heavily genre film. So good, good choice on that one. So how much did you say this movie caught your movie cost? I think this one cost me $100 so I decided to torture myself for once I haven't had a ridiculously hard to say group of filmmakers in a while, so I'm doing from 1973 electrica, also known as the She butterfly from Yugoslavia. Oh, oh, whoa. Ready for some fun? This available on prime and part of all the Hans BRS box at one, okay, directed by yor ye cod yeveck, director of a holy place and Kudo and you're damn right. I selected the only American titles in his laundry list of films he directed, written by him and middle von glissiac, who wrote something called TV teeter Glover Secura and the director wrote most of the stuff he directed. Mariano Nicole stars in this she was in the fall of rock and roll, some other woman and England made me. Peter bozovic, The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla. Nice reflections and Hamlet. I don't know which version Slobodan perrovic, Ward six and wintering in Jack of sled and against King. So I'm sure you now know all the people in this film. I love to speed. So it starts off with a couple men complaining and talking about a gathering, which is a strong description for most of this film. One lives alone in a flower mill, which is sort of the backbone of keeping food and everything like that for this particular village. And guys wonders, why do you stay here alone? Aren't you scared? And I'm fine. So you know what the next scene is, him being attacked by. I guess it's a vampire, big wild teeth, actually, relatively nicely realized creature for a film like this, where there's a definite point of making you notice that this creature is very bearded, but also is wearing a hoodie kind of thing. So you can't see really see their face. So you automatically go, oh, that's a woman, which is kind of supposed to be the twist in the movie. But, I mean, if you watch movies, you'll be here and again. Here's another note, a group of men gather and talk, saying, No, this isn't a sava savanvik, and there are no vampires, which is the Yugoslavian vampire lore, and which is kind of interesting. This is a slow, moving movie that clocks in at an amazing 60 minutes. Wow, that's like, oh, I can watch this. The main story is a forbidden love between a young man who wants her father to let him marry his wife. It's all the guys in the village go. He won't let you marry Mary. Sorry, marry his daughter. Okay. He won't let you marry his daughter. Let's go kidnap her. You guys can get married. No, sure. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Daddy, yeah. So she kind of seems into it. So, sure, not necessarily a bad thing, but it's weird. A whole lot of the movies just a bunch of dudes sitting around talking, this looks like a young film, countries film, where you see a bunch of people and, well, we've got to tell our story. How do you construct a scene? I don't know, you guys go lay on the hill over there and you just talk. There's a lot of that. It is oddly interesting, though it is one of those. I'm glad it's in this box set, because it in, it belongs in a study like this of movies that are unique. It's the first, I think it's the first Yugoslavian horror film. They also call it the scariest Yugoslavian horror film, okay? Robert Edgars, credited as one of his films, influenced him in the adaptation of Nosferatu, how he included it in the film, in conjuring Nosferatu, Robert Eggers presents a nine film program that he curated in New York. So I if you're a film historian, nut moron, like I am, it is well worth watching. If you're interested in an entertaining evening of a unique vampire story, you might be disappointed. The reaction film critics were fairly weak or fairly mixed. Lot filmed it filmed and praised it for being a great work of horror and World Cinema, where others just said it was kind of like a TV movie, and with the intention to upset or be scary to people still traumatized by World War Two, which I can kind of, I can tend to see where that was coming for with the fear of the lack of food And a few of the other things that are going on. The director said he did not intend this as a horror film. Never interested in horror. Has never viewed it as a fancy fantasy film dealing with the presence of metaphysical evil in the human consciousness. So this is a tough one to talk about. It's not bad, like Al Adamson or some of those filmmakers I've talked about. It's, it's a we've talked before about heart on the sleeve film. This is one of those kind of films, and as part of this, the all Hans, BRS, now two box sets. I think it's a fantastic inclusion. So if this concept interests you, I can't recommend it high enough. If it does interest you, go save up and buy the separate box sets, because they're both pretty phenomenal. So that was my film. Did the egg timer just die? Just gave up on life. Did it? Yeah, it starts ticking. It stops ticking after a little while, once it's gone off. Oh, did it continue? Yeah, wow. Where are you? She was so fascinated in my glorious description. I was completely raptured. I was like, Oh man, shouldn't be going off. Holy crap. I've been talking forever. I was trying to visualize all the things you were talking about. Like I said, it's interesting as a if you're a film historian, you love watching older movies for that, or what, how, like what we did with Japanese. In Asian films, yeah, last year, where it's just like, let's explore this area. Fascinating film for that. Wow, cool. You say it's 60 minutes long, six zero, yeah, but you were like, it's very slow moving. So yeah, the conversations of people just sitting around talking. There's two women in the movie, the love interest and a super old lady. So it's, it's all guys, and there's some funny scenes. There's, it's, it's not terrible. It's just modern audiences are not going if you're going to dive into foreign films, do not make this your first film. I don't know if anything on that box that would be a good entry level. There's some strange stuff on here. The one I talked about with the Native American story, I forgot the guy who's a knife stitch or something like that. I can't remember what a very, very good film, but there's, but yes, a lot of them are like, you'd have to be, wow, ready to Yeah, and didn't you say that that November film is in there? Yeah, it is. I just noticed I was looking through going, oh shit, yeah, after you talked about, okay, this, this is, I mean, obviously I can't do it as a subject, but it's definitely one I need to watch. Yeah, you need to watch that. Okay, Eric, I think that means that you've got the next sub genre, right? We'll keep it wide ranging for easy pickings. One of my this actually came out of, I'm not going to say who, because we say his name every damn episode. But the recommended or talked about the documentary, not quite Hollywood, which is about ozploitation, yeah, and a fabulous documentary, yeah, yes, to Bronzo. But um, there was, oh, we should talk about Australian films. So okay, oh, there's a lot more down there than you might expect. There's a lot of great ones you already know about, but there's a lot more down there too. So good stuff, awesome Australian films next week. Well, then this is the part where we say thanks to everybody out there who's liking sharing posts, who's interacting with us on the strangeeons radio talk page on Facebook, who is calling the strangeeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266, and especially, big thanks to anyone who's out there donating money. Yeah, to the cause. We really, really appreciate that. Can't thank you enough. Anything else you guys want to add? I love the NL. Hey, it's February. It's a short month. Yeah, hope you guys had a good Valentine's Day. I'm sorry I asked. We are coming back in seven short days. We're talking ozploitation. See you next Thursday. Transportation and other considerations for strange eons, radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling, think of Pan Am. You can't beat the experience. Guests of strange eons radio stay at econo lodge Everett. It's an easy stop on the road. You know opening strangeeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite partner, sack, sit, Ubu, sit. I have nothing else to do, and it is now free. I.