Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 7 Episode 311

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Amid an episode of fumbles and technical difficulties, the gang somehow manages to talk about their picks for Australian flicks!
Also discussed: Heart Eyes, The Monkey, Captain America: Brave New World, The Gorge.

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God, I've seen so much. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition, such sites to show you strange eons. Welcome to strange eons. Radio that is Eric over there somewhere. Hello, and that is Vanessa over there somewhere. And I am Kelly gang. We're doing a sudden zoom call, because just before recording, Vanessa, you did not feel very well today. I don't feel good and hot and cold at the same time. Oh well, I feel I feel horrible that I don't get to see you guys in person. I appreciate you not bringing your filth up to my house. You're welcome. It's always the good way to go. I mean, you know, as soon as I come in, I lick every surface anyway, so we saved that pleasure. Yeah, every time you go to the bathroom, it's really gross. The fridge handle. I gotta get this good. This has gotten out of hand and disgusting quickly. Yeah, well, I feel I feel horrible about that. Life is hard enough without your body then deciding to go. I don't feel very good. I love it because it reminds me of when it doesn't suck, and it gives me a little extra joy for the good times, you know, because otherwise, if you just feel good all the time, then you never realize how good you have it you need, you need the downs so that you can appreciate the F's exactly good point. Yeah, that you know what. Let me just put this out here again. I say it all the time, but you know, we don't really live in the world. We live in our heads. And so your world is how you decide your world is, if you're gonna go out and search for all the horrible things in the world, which there are plenty, your brain is this, this constant bias confirmation machine that just goes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That's what you want, right? Yeah. Conversely, if you sit there and go, life is good, then you start seeing all the things that are good. So put that in your head every once in a while, make sure you concentrate on the people you love and not the horrible shit that you can't do a thing about, and you will be a happier person, at least, that's what I hear. That's what I've been told. I will say, I'm an irritating optimist, like people get frustrated with how optimistic I am, but it's hard work. You know, you have to, you have to be willing to say, okay, there are bad, bad things. It's not like you're blind to it. You just have to go, I have to make a decision. And every time you have to make a decision, like, am I going to give in, or am I going to just, like, push through? So it's, it's easy either way, to kind of, like, fall into the darkness. And that's, it's tough. It's a tough world right now, especially now leaning in the optimism like I also do, also makes it possible to do a show like this, where we don't have to just sit here and complain about all the shit that's driving us nuts right now, and we can enjoy let me talk about 405, all my true anger. Exact a Mundo. Hey. Speaking of things that we enjoy, I saw a couple movies this week that I actually liked a lot. Oh, okay, have you guys seen heart eyes yet? No, but I hear that it's so much better than the all the movies I chose to see you chose a poor Valentine's Day movie because this is adorable and gross, gory, I'm not sure that it nails the landing, but I also didn't hate the landing. I thought it was very funny, as I'm watching it to realize that it's set in Seattle. And I was like, oh. And then I'm looking at her, I'm like, is that Seattle? I don't remember that Harry. And then I was like, Oh, that looks kind of like Seattle there. And then bunch of palm trees around the police station. And I was like, this is not, this is not Seattle. Definitely not Seattle. So Oh, and a huge, huge set piece during a drive in theater. I was like, No, unfortunately, this gigantic drive in theater exists nowhere in Washington State, much less, like I've been to all the drive in theaters, I think within a like 100 mile radius, yeah, and this, this scene is huge. It looks like, you know, probably 800 cars can be there. And then in the background is the Space Needle. And I was like, I want this place to exist. So bad, plow down everything in the Seattle Center and just put in a drive in there. But the movie itself is really funny. It's it's almost a hallmark rom con in the beginning with a meet cute to these two characters who are very attractive and hate each other, and you know, they're going to fall for each other, and it just so happens while there is this murderous rampage going on. And I was just delighted with this movie. I think I've heard a lot of people kind of complain about how it's a little stupid. And I was like, are we worried about that in our horror films now and rom coms. I mean, that's a combination of, let's let things go while we watch it. Movies there. Yeah, I thought the acting was fine. I thought the story was fun. I thought the killer was was really cool. He wears a mask with these LED heart eyes. And all I could think of as a filmmaker was, I don't know if you've ever put one of those masks on. You can't see a goddamn thing because the lights are shining right in your eyes. I was like, This must have been impossible for this guy to actually see anything while they were shooting. But it's a really looking mask, like, I gotta look cool as this killer. But you know, yeah, yeah. So that one is available to rent. It might even be on Prime now for free. I don't think so, not yet, but it is a cheap rental, and I thought, well worth it. It's called heart eyes, amazing. Oh man, I gotta check that out. Well, I saw something that just popped up onto Apple TV, which is a film called The gorge, yeah, oh, yeah. I wanted to watch that, yeah, starring miles, Teller and Anya Taylor joy, um, with some a little bit of signal Sigourney Weaver sprinkled in here and there. Um, it's, I don't know, from the trailer, it makes it look like this sort of, almost a little bit sci fi, like maybe spy versus spy, or thriller or whatever. No, it's full fucking blown sci fi romance. Yes, yeah, yeah. So you have a situation where there are two people who are some of the best assassins in the entire world. One is on the western hemisphere, is one, and one is part of like kind of the Russian Empire. And they're both pulled from their respective places, agreeing to do a job, put onto these helicopters, drugged separately by their respective nations, and brought to a location, woken up, don't know where they are, and told that for the next year they will be defending their half of this gorge and wild. Yeah. So what they're trying to stop is things coming out of the gorge. What those things are takes a little while to show up and figure out what's going on. And in the meantime, they're both really bored, and they're not allowed to talk to each other, but Anya Taylor joy is just this bucket attitude Russian chick who gets drunk on her birthday and just starts writing big notes across the way and like bugging him. And of course, there are assassins there. They have all the equipment to easily read each other's thing, no matter how big the gorgeous and it's yeah, it's a it's another meet cute. But when it gets crazy, it gets fucking crazy, like this, the CGI, the monsters, the the place is bananas, like it's absolutely incredible. I loved this movie. It was just so much better than anything I could have imagined it would be. It's not perfect. There's, there are a few moments in there and you're like, oh, but overall, I had such a good time. Yeah, I saw this one also, and it is. It kind of went bonkers into an area I was not expecting. And I was like, Oh, wow, this is a lot more than I thought this movie was going to be. I think I liked the first half better than the second half, yeah. And then, you know, getting to know each other across the gorge and everything. What it really shifts gears pretty hard. So, yeah, but I thought that there were a couple of cute moments as like, they're playing chess across the gorge, which I thought was, you know, a cute throwback to Anya Taylor Joy's big series. And then they show him playing drums on the other side of the gorge. I was like, a little, little throwback to whiplash. I was like, this movie is cute. It's made for people who like movies. And then when it, when it gets into the action stuff, I was like, Wow. I thought for sure we were going to be seeing them. Um, having to fight off a horde of creatures coming out of the gorge, yeah, when they actually end up in the gorge, I was like, this is not where I thought this movie was going at all. No, no. And, and the monsters down there are just, well, it reminds me a little bit of it. Is it assimilation? What's the what's the annihilation? Annihilation? Yeah, it's kind of like that. And it's a bit video gamey too, when you when you're down there. So it really does shift into like, superhero, superpowers, not not superpowers, but like they are. They are gods, like, yeah, to survive the things they survive. But it's a fun ride. And I appreciated, I really appreciated them spending so much time up front, establishing the relationship they have. Yeah, yeah, I agree. That's called the gorge, and that's just on apple plus, I think, yep, Apple TV plus, yeah, cool. Okay, so I saw one of the, I guess you'd call it big releases of the current time the monkey, oh, I want to hear all about it. I saw this at like, I went to a 10am screening time I could get in and which I think might hurt it a little, because there's only, like, five people in there. And it's, it's a comedy, kind of, it's kind of a dark comedy. And it was one of those dark, dark enough comedies where I'm kind of sitting there going, anybody else laughing at all of this. I just a little too warped here. What is? What is wrong? Why aren't people? But it, it does a couple things that were disappointing, little too much CGI in the mention, you know, they talk about how gory the movie is. A lot of the lot of the big Gore is CGI, which hurts those moments. But it has been forever since I read the story, so the basics are all I remember in it seems to get that. It is well acted, it's fun, it's ridiculous at times, and all the in in not a bad way. It feels just a touch of, do you want to be horror or do you want to be comedy? And I wish it would have pushed one way or the other a little harder, but sort of like, you know, it's the same director as long legs, and there's a lot in long legs where it's like, wow, this is really good. I wish it had pushed into the weird or into the procedure a little harder, instead of sort of sitting on a weird line. And this kind of does that too, but it's good, and I fell for the insanity. Oh, you did. Oh, my God, you did it. If I had known you were doing that, I would have PayPal you some money or something and ask you to get one for me. That was the last minute thing I walked in, going about, they even have any left? Like, yeah, we do. Like, oh, okay, I guess I'll get one. That's my Wow. It is pretty cool. It's, it's huge. Man. Geez, it's so large. Yeah, but yeah, if you had any interest in King, I would definitely, definitely check this one out. If you like long lakes, I don't like Stephen King at all. No, not at all. I've been looking forward to this one. I know that it doesn't really follow the story that much at all, which is only about four pages long. And at first I was a little bummed to see that, instead of the symbols coming together, it's a drumming thing. And then, did you see the reason they changed? That isn't it like a right? Was, oh, is it a No, I didn't. What is that Disney trademarked that symbol monkey because it was in Toy Story four. Oh, my God, that's silly. Yeah, wow. Oh, they do some cool stuff with the monkey having little drumsticks. So, you know, they, they kind of make up for it. So that's all right, stuff he couldn't have done with symbols. Yeah. This is still on my list. I want to see it just because. So tell me this from the trailer, I got the feeling this was going to be, the deaths were going to be kind of along the lines of, like a final destination movie, yes, yeah, okay, and those are the parts that, when they do that, there's a few they do really well, and those are some of the good combinations of gore and humor to a few of them. And one particular works really well. I was like, Oh man, keep doing that. But it was, yeah, it's definitely worth seeing. Yeah, it just has that, like, I said, the same thing with long legs, where it's, like, I really like this, but there's something weird here. And this one is same thing. I really like it. And I'm pretty sure if I, when I see it again, I'm gonna like it even more nice. Yes, go see it. That is the monkey still in theaters. I also saw one of the big ones in the theater, the new Captain America, brave new world, a big one. You know, I liked it. I liked it more than a lot of the last couple Marvel films that have come out. We've been on a text thread with our buddy, Micah, who was pointing out some of the stuff that I hardly noticed at all. So I clearly was not paying as close attention as he was to the poor ADR and stuff like that. Yeah, I didn't notice that either. Yeah. Somebody messed up because there was a technical glitch in the monkey. There was a skip like, like five seconds where there's a you could tell it was a digital glitch. Oh, interesting. Maybe that's what he saw. I glitched Captain America. Yeah, it could be. I, I wish that this had been closer to the Captain America movie The Winter Soldier, which kind of grounded Captain America a little more. It's really hard to do that when your Captain America can now fly and shoot energy blasts out of his wings and all of this stuff. I was like, they've kind of turned him into Iron Man now and and I don't know if I like that part as much, but I thought that Sam Wilson as Captain America. I was like, You know what? I think I'm fine with this. I thought he did a good job. What about how did you feel about Harrison Ford and his his whole thing, I here's, here's what I will say about Harrison Ford. I don't know why this guy continues to make movies, because He clearly doesn't want to be in movies, and he sleep walks through this like he has the last Star Wars movie and the last Indiana Jones movie. The last time I saw him actually kind of bite into a role, I think was Blade Runner 2049, and I think that he's just, I don't know what his deal is, if he needs more money, I think he's just old. I think he was really giving it his best. Do you okay? You did you like him? I liked, well, I don't like that character a ton, but I was excited to see more of the tie ins to the first Hulk film. That is sort of the, you know, Red Headed step child of the MCU, where it's, yeah, it counts. But like, I was like, Oh, hey, they're actually making it count. Cool. So I liked that part. But also, like Ross, I don't give a fuck, man. I don't know how much I'm supposed to care about this dude, whatever. I couldn't remember who the guy who fucked over even was from the previous film, because it's been a good since I've seen it, right? I remembered him fine, but I did think it was wild that the only thing you really needed to know before this movie was that Incredible Hulk movie from 15 years ago. Yes, and Falcon and the Winter Soldier? No, the Falcon Winter Soldier. Stuff the fact that they were like, Man, I don't deserve to be the Winter Soldier. I'm like, you had a whole season to learn this lesson. We can't say this now. I've already gone on this journey with you. No bad move. Oh, movie, but they were just did not explain any of that. I was like, oh shit, it's Liv Tyler's, like, photo on a frame. They're going with that and no one else you know. Like, if you didn't see that movie and remember that she is the love interest, then you wouldn't have cared at all. And I was like, this is like a big drop. I thought, maybe not. I don't know. I would have thought that if they were going to do the Red Hulk, that there should have at least been a cameo by Bruce Banner, if not the Hulk. Why didn't he hulk out on the sub? That's what I don't understand. That would have been so much danger and so much stress and like, no, they wait until it's like a perfectly acceptable fight area. I was like, yeah, yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's not a it's certainly not a perfect movie, but I did enjoy it more than the last couple the Eternals. And I guess you do have to know. Out the Eternals, because they suddenly make the eternal that's sticking out of the earth is now the source of Adamantium. I was like, oh, okay, watching person forward explain what adamantium was, was one of the best cinematic moments I've seen. And like, I was like, yes, brava, they made you do that. He had to be sitting there going, you know what? I thought the Star Wars dialog was awful, yeah, but, but anyway, I liked it well enough, and I was glad to see that it had a huge opening, even though the critics were not very kind to it. So, so now we'll see what comes next. What does come next? Film wise, Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four, which has no tie to anything previous. So that looks so promising, man, I know, right, that trailer. Really excited. Really, really excited. Yeah, little Pedro's growing up longest. Overnight sensation ever. Well, speaking of Marvel, I watched the entirety of friendly neighborhood. Spider Man, yeah. Did you finish it up? Kelly, I did. I loved it. It's pretty dang good, pretty dang good. I My expectations were not great, because I was like, I am so fucking sick of watching spider man get rebooted. But the way that it's dealt with the story lines they're following, I love that it's an alt universe in the way that it's like, Hey, I mean, as somebody who read the whole runaways line, I was like, fucking what, what you're here, okay? And then, like, trying to chase, like, who different people are, and like, what their versions of life in this universe are, and I am. It was really good. And I think they got the heart of Spider Man perfectly. I love the journey he goes through. I was really worried about the football player, whose name I've forgotten, not Luke, but flash. He turns into turns into tombstone. Tombstone hands up as tombs, something with an L, but like, he's such a good guy. And I was like, Oh, sure, now you're in the game. Great. Fuck you. I hate the storyline. I hate everything bad. And then eventually I was like, Okay, I like, kind of came around to it, but by the time they finished the season, I I felt like they did a pretty good job. So, yeah, what is that? Disney plus Disney plus, yeah, I felt the same way. You know, when I first started watching that, I was like, okay, nah. I don't know if this is great or not, but I'm in it because I thought the animation was beautiful. I love that the characters, some of the characters, look like they're right off of a Steve Ditko page, but then it'll switch to John Romita Jr version of a different character. It's like they chose the most interesting version of that character to be the animated version. And I thought that was really neat. And I'm gonna give away one little thing that just kind of blew my mind. You know, we we always get the Ben telling Peter with great power comes great responsibility. And in this one, he's basically working for Harry Osborn, and Harry tells him he can't hold back, because with great power comes great respect. Yeah? And I was like, I did not see this coming. This is kind of brilliant. Yeah. Great job with Osborne, and who's his first his best friends, the girl, no, no, no, like, normally, typically his best friend, nor Well, I guess Harry, okay, so because Norman, oh, Norman Osborne, the dad and Harry, yeah, like, I loved that budding relationship, and how he's like a social media star, the Harry. And it's like, right? Yes, I don't know. There was a lot of just neat things, and they kept hot Aunt May, which I was like, Austin and I were talking about how there's gonna be a whole generation of people who only know Aunt May as hot Aunt May. And it's like, oh, you know what? Though, that makes so much more sense than than a 16 year old kid who's got an 80 year old aunt, like, how old were his folks? Like, had that's the older sister. The younger sister was born 20 years later. So, yeah, it's a great little show, and it's done now. I think it was 10 episodes, and I thought it ended on a really interesting note. And just like, wow, please. More of this. They have been greenlit for two more seasons, so you will get more of this excellent with that and the X Men cartoon. I. I'm like, wow, I never saw myself as being a big Marvel cartoon guy. But yeah, for good reason, up until recently, for really good reason. Yeah, it's like, if Disney's got it, don't worry, they will put out more stuff. If a bit on Netflix, you might go, maybe it will, maybe it won't, but there'll be three seasons of various different characters spinning off from the show. Probably speaking of spinning off sort of, I've been watching the dune prophecy show on, what is it? HBO, yeah, on max. And after the last time I talked about dune too, I was like, you know, I've read the first book three or four times. I should maybe read the second one. So I've read the second one, and I'm in the middle of, well, I just started children at dune. And this fills, this gets the world. Still, there's one weird, weird problem with it. It's supposed to take place 10,000 years before all the tradies am i Everybody looks really similar in their outfits and the tech they've got and everything that's going on for 10,000 years to have passed. I know they're not supposed to create any Intelligent Robotics or computers because of the wars and the destruction, but it seems like maybe fashion would change. People might look a little different in the way they dressed after 10,000 years. But putting that aside, it's the story of the the formation of the which is the that belief system and the learning of the voice, and all the things that go along with that. So it's it's interesting. I would not recommend it to anybody who didn't really like the movies or really like the book, because it is similarly paced is one of those things that like, I'm reading dune Messiah going, I'm really into this, but nothing is going on. I don't know it's all this weird political intrigue stuff, but so, yeah, it's, it's good, but it definitely requires a doom fan, I think whatever weird name they have. So that's Doom prophecy. Is it? Is it doing things that you recognize as, oh, this is going to mean something when you get to the first Okay, yeah, that's part of the part of the problem. Again, with the 10,000 years they're doing stuff that feels like, Oh, I could see where this would develop in about five years now. But yeah, definitely it. It does a really good job of painting the picture of like in here the harkonnens are, have been defeated, and are kind of the powerless peons of the universe, and they're kind of starting to rise up a little bit, but yeah, so definitely fits in cool, and that is on max right? Yes, yep, Max Doom prophecy. Okay, how about we take a little break? Vanessa can get six or seven more blankets on her, if possible, and then back foot it open when we come back, we are talking about Aussie flicks. I Attention to your ring Raiders, evil Skull Squadron, clothing, class scramble, ring raise, intercept. Skull Squadron that are worth the odds the battle blaster sound machines make every dog fight seem real. Missiles, lot collect the greatest fighter planes of all time, 48 hot looking, highly detailed planes available in squadrons of four, ring Raiders, video blaster and planes from matchbox. The command is in your hands. You and we are back, Eric, this was your sub genre pick. What were we talking about? Australian films. You know, the place you go, where you want critters to kill you. Apparently, everything wants to kill you in Australia, okay, well, I'm gonna give you five minutes on the strangee ends radio buzzer, and I will show you it's going right now. All right, so I picked one that one watched for a while, that. From 1976 1976 Mad Dog, Morgan, it'll be your money or your life. You you. It's me, and tell me, what do you think creates a monster like this man Morgan, your Chinese love and bastard and her entire stranger, man, stranger. Daniel Morgan, quite a man. He's a name with 1000 pounds reward and blood on his head, I told you not to call for the Police. You tell him I'm coming across that river. You senior, call me Mr. Daniel Morgan. This is, well, it's an interesting film. Let's just say that it's available from shout factory, prime, free, the few different places, directed by Philip Mara, who you may know from Dracula Nazi Hunter, how I learned to love Christopher Lee and drink atomic bombs, or maybe the mystery of the reclining nude. No wait, I got it howling two and the Beast Within those you know, okay, written by Philip Moore as well roast most of his stuff, also Margaret Carnegie, who this is the only film He's listed as having written the stars Dennis Hopper came down, got pulled down to there to follow up. Easy writer and pre see blue velvet and speed. Dude's been in 208 things, man, uh, Jack Thompson, who is in breaka moral, the recent man thing. And Paul, I think Paul verhoeves, flesh plus blood, uh, David Gopi, crocodile. Dundee walk about, and he's a Indigenous Australian. So the movie bake breakdown. This is more or less breakdown based on a real person named Daniel Morgan. Dives right in with a guy explaining how mad dog has recently been killed after a manhunt of a long time. The credits roll and kind of let me know I'm probably not a big fan of long form dickery. Do music? Tell you three minutes of credits and nothing, but that's like, wow, that's a lot. Not surprisingly, the film is starts off with some fairly racist stuff, but Mad Dog Morgan is the Hero, Hero, and punches out the racist guy. So, you know, establish him as a complicated character. Right off the bat. He then goes and does opium and gets that the opium then destroyed, and his one friend gets killed, and he ends up going to jail, and the getting out of jail, but then shortly after that, killing a lawman, and that's pretty much the rest of the movie is him getting hunted down. It's sort of a twisting of a American western or the Italian westerns, even though we're done before that, and it doesn't quite pull it off in a lot of ways, Dennis feels like he's giving it all, but he's giving it all through my, I don't know, drunken or drug haze, where he just seemed oddly disconnected, even though he's just feels like he's given everything he can. It's very strange. I mean, he's good. It's entertaining. If you're a Dennis Hopper fan, you should see this most of the rest of the movie, but the. He goes from being that kind of heroic guy in the beginning to just sort of a dick, as it goes on, with occasionally, kind of coming to the rescue of somebody. So it's a uneven film. The immediate film finished and immediately polarized audiences on Australia, some of them absolutely hated it, shocked and horrified at the portrayal of Australia being filled with a guy like that, even though he's, I think Irish, or he's Irish in the movie, and boy Dennis Hopper's Irish accent something to behold. But there's like killings of cops. There's a Diddy, or did he not get rape scene with Dennis Hopper in prison. And so, you know, it's, it's not a subtle film. Trauma entertainment was the first to release this in the US. Is a heavily edited version. But now this one is the unedited. I'm not entirely certain what was cut out. The critic, John Simon, wrote about this movie. Whoever can find me a film more incoherent, indeed inept, gets a reward in the shape of the ear, ears of a wombat. Don't lie. So wow, yeah, it was not received particularly well. I want to see it a while, glad I saw it, but did find myself actually really enjoying for about half an hour, and then getting really bored for a while, and then, like, Okay, this is but I could also this is one that it's such a weird film. There are people that love this film, I can guarantee you, because it is really strange. I've never even heard of this movie. Oh, really, no. This is not on my radar at all. Wild, yep. Well, I said. Dennis Hopper, 208 films, so right, he's done a few. Vanessa, you wanna absolutely put five minutes on the buzzer for you? Perfect. Well, this was a great opportunity for me to re watch Picnic at Hanging Rock from 1975 what we see and what we seem about a dream, a dream within a dream. Well, young ladies, we are indeed fortunate in the weather for our picnic to Hanging Rock once again. Let me remind you, the rock itself is extremely dangerous. You are therefore forbidden any tomboy foolishness in the matter of exploration, even on the lower slopes. I also wish to remind you the vicinity is renowned for its venomous snakes and poisonous ants of various species. It is, however, a geological marvel that is all. Have a pleasant day and try to behave yourselves in a manner to bring credit to the college. Stop to 12 you. 12. Never stopped before. Must be something magnetic. Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place. You must learn to love someone else apart from me. I won't be here much longer. I yeah, I hadn't seen in a while, and I was hoping I still liked it. So this is directed by Peter Weir, who has 31 credits, including Dead Poets, society, witness Gallipoli, The Truman Show, Master and Commander. It's based on a book by Joan Lindsay. Pretty modest budget, 443 to 480,000 probably Australian didgeridoos or whatever they trade back and forth. And it did pretty good. It got 5.2 million, starring mostly unknowns. They purposely went out of their way to find kind of local school girls and not known talents. Maybe the only recognizable person, aside from like one super, super tiny part who ended up being a larger lady, was the school Head Mistress, played by Rachel Roberts, who has 54 credits, including Murder on the Orient Express when a stranger calls Charlie Chan and the curse of the Dragon Queen. The story is that it is St Valentine's Day, and the students from Apple Apple yard College, a girls Private School in Victoria, Australia, are super hyped. They wander around the grounds getting ready for the day, sharing their Valentines and enjoying flowers. There's just a lot of general merriment. Two roommates, Miranda and Sarah, are hanging out when Miranda tells Sarah that she will need to learn to love somebody else and be okay without her, which is an ominous thing to get to hear from your best friend. Meanwhile, everyone's getting ready to take a very special field trip to enjoy picnic at Picnic at Hanging Rock. They're warned ahead that Hanging Rock is a dangerous place and you should not explore it independently. And not only it is is it large and easy get lost in. It's also filled with venomous snakes and poisonous ants. They say this many times, then they all pile into a carriage get ready to go, because this is 1900 ish times, except for Sarah, who's pulled to the side and basically told you will not be going today. Sarah is kind of unpopular, not only with the girls, but also with the headmistress and the staff. She's an orphan, and basically because of that, they're just dicks to her. When the group gets to Hanging Rock, they enjoy some food and lazily hang around in the shade at the Rock space they read Shakespeare and nap and eat. Four students asked if it can be excused to go measure the rock using geometry. They are granted permission and Miranda, Marion, Irma and Edith leave. But of course, they have no intention of taking measurements, and instead play and frolic and explore the rock. The further up they go, the Stranger Things become, as there seems to be an almost descent into madness as they keep going up. Edith is tired and suddenly filled with panic when the girls turn around to bend without her and near the top of the rock, she rushes back down all the way screaming at the top of her lungs, going through thorn bushes and all kinds of shit. And then when she gets to the bottom, they're like, what's wrong? And she's like, I have no idea. So the group returns the school much later than expected, missing the remaining three girls in addition to a teacher, a great search begins for the girls from the local town. But days pass without any sight of them. Sarah becomes more despondent and distressed, as Miranda was her only real friend, the headmistress becomes more and more cruel to her, and the pressure of the missing girl seems to become a punishment aimed directly at her. A young man who was at the rock that day becomes obsessed with finding the girls, specifically Miranda, because she's gorgeous and everyone loves her for some reason. And along with his servant slash friend, they go back to the rock searching for the girls. They do not come back empty handed. So this story is cool because it's a mystery, and it stays a mystery. I think that's what's so compelling about it. No one seems to really know what happened, and no matter how many like little threads and little extra guineas they pass along the way, you don't get any new clues. It's just like, Oh, and this person saw something, but they can't remember. Or, you know, this thing emerged, but it doesn't mean anything. It's extremely beautiful, it's slow, it's dreamy, it's super surrealist. There's a just kind of longing from every character, Miranda longs for death or fate. Sarah is longing for Miranda Michaels longing for answers. The headmistress is longing for the success of the bygone days. There's also a moment where everything goes into a frenzy that feels kind of like Heavenly Creatures. It's pretty cool watching a bunch of school girls go bat shit is terrifying. It's like watching fucking hyenas attack. It's true, true stuff. I love the film at the time I saw it and I loved it again. I think it's super rich. It's unique. It's the landscape is gorgeous, the era it captures. It's interesting. And I just love the film, like style, also things I didn't realize the first time around, ominous pan flute. It's a lot of ominous pan flute happening this. Occasionally there's an ominous theremin. I was like, man, there's a lot of just strange in. The occasional zoom in on like a koala, and you're like, ominous koala, Australia, Australia. Australia is fucked. Man. Not a ton of trivia taglines on St Valentine's Day in 1900 800 a party of school rolls set out to picnic rock and some never return. We shall only be gone a little while. While and the one I hate the most a recollection of evil. They're trying to make it sound like it's a horror film, and it's like got like darkness to it, but it's not a horror film. Everybody stays very purposely vague about whether or not this story is true. When Peter Weir asked the author Joan Lindsay, if it was true, she said, Young man, I hope you do not ask me that question again. No one explicitly says it's not true, but it's it's not true. However, the crew and a lot of the cast found the rock itself very unsettling. Strange things did happen when they were filming there, including things like watches stopping, things going missing. Just generally, everybody felt very uncomfortable being there. And, yeah, it's there was once in 2018 a six episode, mini series starring Natalie Dormer and Samara weaving, released on prime also about picnic, Hanging Rock. I have not seen it. I should. Yeah, this is a cool movie. Yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah, very, very unsettling. I saw the mini series and it's not as cool. They tell in, you know, whatever, six hours or four hours or something, what was told much better in two hours. Oh, that's a bummer. Yeah, I think they do such a good job. I mean, you do feel like there's moments missing from the film, like the headmistress is just like, all right, Sarah's just gone home, and then you find out what happened to Sarah, and there's no, like, real explanation. I don't know, like, things just happen. And in a way, that's cool, because you're like, Okay, I didn't, like have a bunch of time wasted on it, but I also would have liked maybe a little more like, hints as to stuff that was about to happen or did happen. But it's, it's a cool it's a cool thought. I'm just bummed that I missed it because I played at Cinerama this week, but I could not get out there. Wow, yeah, yeah. It's part of the series of stuff going on out there. There's some really interesting things getting shown. So I saw this first about 25 or 30 years ago, and it was told to me that this was absolutely a true story. So it has been proven that it is not a true story at all. Yeah. I mean, just to just for an example, it says, like on the cover, or whatever that this took place on Saturday on february 14 in the year 1900 Valentine's Day fell on Wednesday in 1900 there's like, it's not a true story, no, like she made it up. It's actually based on, I watched the little documentary about it that's attached to the criterion blu ray, which is how I saw it, and it's based off of a dream, or a series of dreams she had, and, yeah, and it just really stuck with her, and so she she wrote it out, and that's, that's where the story comes from. Okay. Well, I mean, it's all real. Kelly, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This one all real, because normally I would be kind of disappointed that there is no revelation to what is, what the mystery is at the end of this. And I was okay with it, because I thought this was a true story. News. On a dream. So, you know, it never the dream never finished, yeah, woke her up. All right, what'd you watch this on? Is that available to stream? Um, it probably is. I would guess it would be available on Prime but I watched it on my criterion, Blu Ray copy. Um, Max, Max, oh, Max, cool. I might give that another watch and then complain bitterly the entire time. That's not how this happened at all. I'm telling you, it'll get there you go. All right, guys putting five minutes on the buzzer. And I am talking about a film from 2017 called bore you. Okay, Cabin Fever is officially set in. I suggest the next town we come to, we pull over and get some grub. Sounds? Great? You? Someone's been tearing the fences down there the old Pattersons farm. He's down a few sheep too. Something's killed him. Yeah, well, what? All nine of them? There's nothing out there except dust and ruse. That's a load of shit. Ernie and you know it. You remember that? Smash up on the highway coming into town right about 12 months ago, they couldn't find the couple. All the police found was the wreck car I was driving back from Bob's place in the truck, and I saw something in the pattern about three or 400 meters off when I hit the spotty on it. It was a bore. You there's a wild cake. Ready, which is what everybody screams in the audience when I start talking. This is directed by Chris Sun, who has six credits, including come and get me daddy's little girl, the possessed and Charlie's farm. And it's written by Chris and Kirsty Dallas, who is listed as the story editor, and she is listed as story editor on all of his movies, but also then a written by so it's a weird credit she gets anyway, starring Nathan Jones, who has 35 credits. He was in Mad Max Fury Road and Furiosa. He was in Hobbs and Shaw spiderhead, Ricky staniki. You'd recognize him very much, because he is the guy in mad, Max Fury Road who holds up the dead baby. I had a little brother, you know. So he's that big bald guy, and he looks just like that in this movie, too. So it's like, Oh, okay. This is also starring John Gerrard, who has 102 credits, including Wolf Creek, Christmas Down Under and six episodes of Darby and Joan and Bill Moseley is in this 149 credits, including Texas Chainsaw Massacre, two house of 1000 corpses and prisoners of the ghost land. Have you guys seen boar? Yeah, I have no, okay, Eric, this is your kind of movie. We open with a couple driving along a road in the outback of Australia, and they're young and they're cute and in love and teasing each other, and then all of a sudden, the man swerves and slams on the brakes, and we see he has narrowly missed hitting a tiny rabbit. They laugh this off, but then they are suddenly in the middle of a stampede of feral pigs. It's kind of wild to see all these pigs running around their vehicle and across the road in front of them, and they have time to say, I wonder what that was about, when all of a sudden a boar as big as a fucking rhinoceros slams into their truck and kills them. So yes, this is an Australian Creature Feature about a dinosaur sized bore, and it is a lot of fun. Actually, we follow a small family that has traveled to visit an uncle who owns a small farm just outside of town, and man, the killing starts immediately. The neighbor farmer goes out at night looking for his dog, and instead stumbles on this giant boar who kills and eats him and the dog after plowing through their barbed wire fence, and then the next night, the board goes trampling through a campsite and kills and eats a young couple. In a particularly gruesome scene, other campers in the area scare the boar away with a gunshot, but when they go back to their truck for more ammo, the boar is waiting for them in an ambush, and that's kind of what this movie is about. Someone will find a person being attacked by the boar, will scare the boar off, and then the person they save dies from their wounds, and then the board doubles back and kills them too. Like you know, that's what you get for getting in my business. Is there anyone who can stop this boar, and will it be the two women who were the least likely when this film began, and if they do, somehow happen to kill this van sized boar, what's to stop another giant boar from appearing and squealing defiantly in the final scene? Yeah, yeah. Gang, this film, not very good, but a lot of fun. It delivers on the desk, but because so many people are being killed. And I mean, the death count is high in this, the characterization is paper thin, so you don't get to know anybody. They are introduced and then they are killed. And that is okay, because when you finally get to. See the creature in full. And the third act you're like, you know what? All worth it. Taglines in this I don't know which one I like best. In the Outback, no one can hear you squeal, or hogs and kisses, or get ready for some giant monster pig on the loose fun. Well, correct trivia. This doesn't say we're we are recording, okay, Hey, gang, we have had a wild glitch here where my computer just shit the bed, and we are now reconvening the next day to finish this up, because that's what we do for you the listener. Of course, Mother Nature has other plans, because everybody's power is starting to flicker from a massive windstorm. I'm gonna rush right through the end of my trivia here. So trivia on this movie, there is an uncut version with more gore, but it is yet to be released. At the breakfast scene at the farm, one of the characters talks about how creepy the farm they are at is, and says, I've seen Charlie's farm, which is in reference to an Australian gory haunted house farm movie. This is the same director, and the lead from this movie played Charlie in Charlie's farm, and the farm that he is talking about is the same location as Charlie's farm from that movie. So oh my god, funny thing there. And my final bit of trivia on this is the movie in 2020 was nominated for the Best creature effects award at the Fangoria chainsaw awards. The only reason I think that's interesting is that the movie is listed as coming out in 2017 so I don't know if that's because it took that long to get to America, or what that was my movie. It was called bore before we lose all power and everything like that. Who's got the next selection? That'll be me. What are we talking about next week? So next week we're going to talk about all things animated. And that doesn't just have to be hand drawn, it can be painted. It can be claymation. And to make it even wider open, it doesn't even have to be the whole film. It can be just part of the film, or, you know, a little segment of the film, but it could also be the whole film. So making it easy. Make it easy. Okay, making it easy. Okay. We're talking about some kind of animation stuff next week. There you go. Title of the episode. I'll have you guys know that I have now just spent multiple hundreds of dollars that I do not have on a new computer, which should be here this week. Okay, so this is the part where we say thanks to everybody for tuning in, for liking and sharing posts, for interacting with us on the strangeeons radio talk page on Facebook, which is still the best Facebook page, especially with all the bullshit going on in the world right now for reaching out to us on the strangeeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266, and especially, especially, especially, thank you for everybody Who's sending money our way. Every little bit helps, and I did. Bought a new computer, so don't be stingy. Even more helps. It's called value for value. If you get a little value out of this, give a little value back. I think that's it, gang. I can hear the rain just pelting my window right here. Yeah, hail. We've got Lightning, we've got all kinds of stuff over here. Yeah, right before we started, the lights here dimmed like three times. I was kind of hoping we'd get one of those too while we're here, but nope. But it is happening, alright, so you guys batten down the hatches, and I will see you guys next week, and we'll see all of you next week, hopefully in person, and we're talking about some kind of animation in a film. All right, see you next Thursday. Transportation and other considerations for strange eons, radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling, think of pan and you can't beat the experience. Guess a strange eons radio stay at econo lodge ever it's an easy stop on the road. Strangeeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Sit Ubu. Sit, we have had a wild glitch.