Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 7 Episode 313

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Kathleen Kennedy is stepping down from Lucasfilm, and Severance costs $20 million per episode! And robots!

Also discussed: We Beat the Dream Team, Yellowjackets, Pan's Labyrinth.

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Yeah, I'm always like, what is the least amount of effort I could possibly put into having food in my body? Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition. We have such sights to show you. Strange eons. Welcome to strangeeons radio. That is Eric over there, hello and that is Vanessa over there. Hello and I am Kelly boy. Big news guys. Kathleen Kennedy, retiring from lucasville. Yeah, been running for 15 years. So who's gonna? Do we know? Who's gonna take over? Well, that's what's so interesting. Oh, three names being bandied about. Dave Filoni, of course, who's basically Lucas's right hand man for all of this stuff. Kevin feag, Marvel. And then the one that blew my mind they're talking about possibly Jon Favreau coming in and running Lucasfilm, and all I could think was, holy cow, what a story this guy has had, little indie filmmaker with Swingers, dork and 30 years later, possibly running Lucasfilm. That is insane. He's done enough interesting things, like with Iron Man and the stuff he's done with properties that needed help. And I think that's a that's a good choice. I mean, that would be my, my pick would be, Oh, I'd like it to be him, because I think he's young and not so much of a fan boy that he can't look at stuff and go maybe not. I think Dave Filoni is way too much of a fan boy, I think. And I think Kevin Fauci is just overwhelmed and overworked already, like it feels like he can't help the things he's supposed to be helping, as it is. So, yeah, I have a feeling. I mean, Catherine Kennedy certainly had been taking her lumps over some of the decisions she made with Star Wars. And Kevin Figgy is kind of in the same yeah spot. Yeah, the year around, long enough it's gonna happen. Yeah, I figured you're gonna say James Gunn. Everything to James Gunn. He can be the Elon Musk of the entertainment world. I don't just want it all burned down. I just thought it was pretty big news. Kevin Kennedy, been around for a long fucking time. I mean, 15 years running Lucasfilm, and then 30 years before that, being involved in everything, yeah, Indiana Jones and Indian in the Cupboard and all of that stuff. Yeah, I think I'm just still caught up in the news that Michelle Trachtenberg died, and I was like, wait, what? And I know Gene Hackman died, but he was old. He was 95 but I saw Trachtenberg. I was like, wait a minute, you're the kid sister and Buffy. What? How did you die? Wait a minute, very weird. Yeah, well, they say it comes in threes, and so then it was Gene I mean, that's only notable because it's a confusing situation that we're still trying to figure out what happened. What happened there? It would be okay if, if he had just fallen and died, because he's 95 but then to have the wife also be dead and the dog? Yeah, I hadn't heard about that dog in the closet or something like that. Yeah. Yeah, so weird, very strange, huh? Carbon monoxide is what I'm hoping, and not something suicides. She only came and took them three. Sorry, this is the only group, the only ones who did good. But then David Johansen, Buster Poindexter, he'd been very sick for a while, and Oh, wow. And he passed away, singer of The New York Dolls. Yeah, no, nothing. Sorry. Sounds vaguely. He was the taxi ghost in Scrooged. Oh, okay, yeah, there's something at least, found a found a place. Wow. Look, I'm not great with every piece of knowledge. You know, some got to slip through. Joseph wama, he passed him when I one of my favorite writers for gritty cop stories. I. Okay, so I had done four, just in case. David Johansen was a bit wasn't a big enough name, and wombo is not a big enough name, they combined to be the third, gotcha. Also, 60,000 people we don't know also died yesterday. So true. I was like, my first thought was like, was there an earthquake? And then it's like, Oh, you mean, like, just interesting, okay, man. I mean, I haven't been watching the news this. You know what? This is a great way to go through life, but not pay attention to the fear mongering. I can't Yeah, speaking of horrible things, I did a complete re watch of the series Hannibal, which is on, gosh, I've been very slowly watching it. How did it treat you? I fucking am back to thinking it's the greatest television show ever made. My only hesitation still with that is you haven't watched like two or three of people consider the greatest getting a little bit of joy. I think it's awesome. It's the best one for you. And I think that's great. It is the best one. I just really upset again, because the last four episodes of the final season is a adaptation of the book Red Dragon, and it's so much better than man hunter or Red Dragon was just like, god damn it, you guys, because the fourth season was then supposed to be silence of lambs, and it got canceled. And like, mother fucker this shows I'm so good, so amazed that that did not. I mean, maybe a few years later would have happened, but it didn't get, like, picked up by Netflix, or Netflix, or somebody didn't come in and go, we're going to do, at least do this Silence of the Lambs, yeah, season, yeah. Or even, I'll take a remake of the film with with Hugh dancy and Mads Mickelson. That would be cool. Actually, I wouldn't have been you dancing, because by that time, will is out of the story. And we have the young female agent whose name I can't remember, Star Lord Clarice, but yeah, that's on shutter, and it's great. I mean, it's just amazing to watch it without commercial breaks and all that stuff. Nice. Hannibal, nice. Wow. Well, gotta keep I keep forgetting that I started watching that, and I need to get back into it. But it's so dark, it's really hard in modern times to sit down and watch. It is really dark, and it's all about mental illness. 100% 100% Well, I've been watching severance, which I continue to just love. This show. It's so wild and confusing and strange, and for every answer, you get five more questions, which I'm starting to see on the internets people getting really mad about they're like, fuckin show just keeps being weird. Don't like it anymore. I'm like, Man, welcome to Science Fiction. I embrace you with open arms. I'm seeing in this season a lot of David Lynch DNA, sure, yeah. And I'm I'm very confused, but I'm enjoying it, and I'm, you know, what is your thought? It so when they went on their camping trip, they were somehow still in their innies minds, yeah, which is in a place I assume, I I'm starting to think, from this season, that there is no place. That's what I was wondering. Is it all in their head? I think it's all in their head. I think they're just like, going in the elevator and being like, you know, ending up in a chair or something. It just it feels like they're not actually, because they're in the place they're in is like liminal space. It just goes on forever. It has all these floors. It's so strange with, like, the rooms with the goats, and I just feel more and more like they are just being programmed into any space, anytime, anywhere, by these people. Yeah, and I don't understand, like, of course, like, what is project cold water, or whatever the hell right it is, but I don't know. I just feel like this season, we're seeing a lot more of what the space can do, and things like that field trip really put into question, right? Yeah, did you see the most recent episode as well with his wife? Yeah? Yeah. I feel like there's a lot of spaces in there too that I'm like, Okay, I don't know how you're you know, like in this place, out in the middle of a snowy environment, yeah, it's a mind fuck of a show. Yeah, did you see that it has dethroned Ted lasso as the most watched? Oh, wow, Apple series, which is stealth, still very watched. No, it's true. But it gives them, you know, incentive to keep pushing forward, because I really want them to keep making this show, and I think that there was enough troubles that I there's part of me that worries that this will just be the last season somehow. But, well, I think the worry is legit, because it costs $20 million per episode, whoa, so it's a $200 million season. Whoa, that's that's a lot of money to not get back. Well, Apple is the, what's one of the top three most profitable companies on planet Earth? They're fine. They can that's pocket change. I think, I don't think Apple at all, like Apple TV plus is at all profitable. There's no way. Doesn't seem like it can be. It can't. They can't be making Martin Scorsese, like, you know, Oscar nominated pictures just for shits and giggles, and throwing it on their service, and be making any money on that? Yeah? Who knows streaming revenue is so freaking hard to Well, yeah, they said, you know, it is the most watched show on Apple TV. And so I looked it up, and it was like 3.6 million viewers. Wow. I was like, that's not a lot. No, wow, yeah. That means each person has to spend how much money to make up for the budget just of this show alone. Oh, wow. Each person would have had to spend, what four bucks? Is that? Right? Maybe more. Yeah, it is a great series. Like, like always, I can't wait for every series I like to be canceled so that I no longer have to watch television at all, or they don't, you know, turn into lost or something like that, where they just lose their way, come on, come back. Yeah, I feel like I need TV. I just need because even that brain power, you're like, Man, I want all that time back. I'm so tired at the end of the day, I'm not gonna do anything interesting at that point. I'm not gonna, like, write the great American novel between 9pm and midnight. There's just no way I can barely, like, sit on the couch. It like my brain's not functional anymore, guys, the monkey, yeah, if we're back in the day before, like, you know, internet, I'd still be, or even power, I'd be, like, making a fire and, like, stoking it all night, like I wouldn't be doing anything. I wouldn't be doing anything cool with my time. So it's fine to watch the TV. That's fair, alrighty. So I watched another thing in the line of avoiding serious stuff. Documentary came out on Netflix this year. We beat the Dream Team. Okay, for those who don't know and are young enough, but in the early 90s, the Olympics said that you can use Pro people to play your basketball. So they put together, arguably, well, not very, arguably, the greatest baseball basketball team ever assembled. If there is a famous baseball basketball WHAT THE FUCK basketball player you know from the late 80s, early 90s, they were on this team, and they to to practice with them. They went out and assembled what probably would have gone to the Olympics, the best college players, because that's who went to the Olympics all the times before this. I'm not a huge basketball guy since the Sonics got butt fucked by the NBA. I haven't watched a lot of it, but these guys start coming out that are playing them, going, Holy shit. These are all NBA level players, some of what, at least one of them, is an NBA Hall of Famer now, and they, everybody on this college team went on to play in the NBA at a high level, but the first skirmish ever played between them and the NBA, they beat them. They beat the Dream Team. And from the look of it, they beat legitimately, and it was, there's a little controversy and stuff saying, Well, this is one of the greatest NBA coaches did. He kind of set them up to lose so they wouldn't get overconfident. Who knows, but, and there's one tape in existence of this game, one guy had a camera who videotaped the whole thing, and that's what they used to show and like, it's like, when all the press came in afterwards, they'd erased the scores off the board. Everything was gone, indicating that they had lost. Wow, nobody talked about that they had lost. It was really, really interesting. And grant hills, one of the main guys in it, and his presentation, and the way these guys talk, and watching them talk about beating Jordan and Magic Johnson and Larry Bird and all these legends was really cool. And then, of course, if you've watched Larry Bird or magic Johnson's, um, no, it's Michael Jordan's documentary, you know what he did the next day when he gets pissed off, if somebody annoys him, he came out and destroyed them. But it was really fun and just a entertaining way to watch a interesting story about sports, because. At the time, as you remember, maybe just a little too young for you. But this was a massive story. The Dream Team was huge. Yeah, McDonald's cups and all that shit were being made about them and so. But I never heard this before. Yeah, that's super interesting. It's called, we beat the Dream Team, and it's on where Netflix, Netflix, yeah, might be watching Max, Max. Oh, Max. Okay, that makes sense. Max has all of the basketball documentaries. Basketball is a sport I hate, and I'm fascinated by all the documentaries. Yeah, smell like that was a TV show the Lakers winning time. Yeah, that was fun. And then that made me watch the Magic Johnson and Larry Bird documentary and all of this, I was, I'm super interested in the people not in the game at all to get burned by anybody who's currently a lover of the NBA. There's rumors how the Sonics are coming back. It probably will happen the next few years. So I started watching some NBA games going Well, it'd be nice to have the Sonics back, I guess. And then watching these guys play, like, now, that's the NBA. I remember, because the NBA now is basically three, three point shots, running up and down, no defense. It's just kind of boring. But watching these guys play, and they're running into each other and knocking each other around and go, Yeah, I can watch that. Nice, very cool. Okay, well, um, the third season of yellow jackets has started. Oh, yeah, it has. I have not seen it. You haven't seen it. So there are three or four episodes in by now. And I gotta say, I don't know if I like it really. Yeah, this is what we were just talking about. Man, I'm losing interest in it because they're not explaining anything. And after a while, you know, you're like, I want to know something. So the characters are still very interesting. The acting is great, but this one just doesn't have that magic that the first two seasons had. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's too bad I didn't even finish the second season, and I need to do that. But it's, it's tough. I feel like those shows, it's that lost phenomena. It's like, they just keep making it, making it, making it. It's like, all right, each episode should have a purpose and be impactful and be furthering the story in a way that's keeping you interested by the very least. Remember when the first season came out and everyone was talking about and the creators basically said, We pitched them a five year story, and, you know, they basically said, yes, we want it all. I'm like, okay, so I assume you guys know where this is going and how it's going to end, but it feels a little lost right now. So not lost as in the series, but my story has kind of lost its way. So I don't know, Eric, have you watched any of it? No, not, not the new one now. But I mean, I watched the first season. I don't think I watched too much of the second season. Okay, so, yeah, okay. Well, Yellow Jackets is on Showtime if you want a free subscription and then to cancel, I'm sure, just do it in a couple more weeks. It also bundles at a pretty good rate with Paramount plus what that amount is. But yeah, it seems this is really a good price. It's a streamer that I watch very little on. In fact, I think, yeah, I think Yellow Jackets is about the only thing I watch on it. Yeah, that's why I think I canceled my MGM because it was literally just from right, like, all right, I'm done. I'm done here. All right, you guys got my money and bye. I'll pay for another month. If you do another season. Wait till it's all out. Got a month watch it all cancel again. Well, I've got a friend who was really, really not into horror at all, and she avoided it like the plague. She won't do any of the haunted houses like Halloween wigs are out unless it's like, Disney oriented. And she has taken a deep dive into the world of horror in the last year. So so every Thursday we've started watching various horror films with her husband, and she chose this week to watch Pan's Labyrinth, which I have not seen in a long time. I'm not even sure if I've seen it. I must have seen it all the way through at least once, but that movie is is beautiful. It's really depressing, and there's a lot less monster time than I remembered. I thought the guy with like the eye hands was going to be like Jones, Doug Jones was going to be on a lot longer. No, no indeed. But you can see the through some of the the main fascist character and stuff like that, that recurring type archetype within I saw that one in the theater and still me, yeah, that's right, I still remember that. Knife scene just that real. Nothing's happening suddenly. Why? I was like, Holy shit, yeah, so that's but, yeah, I don't, I haven't seen it since then. I don't think I have either. I remember we walked out going, Boy, that's a downer. Yeah, yes, powerful, but, yeah, definitely, like, an interesting sort of little, little historical, you know, like, I'm always really fascinated by these big moments in countries that you feel like you haven't heard much about. So I was like, Wait, who is the leader in like, Spain during World War Two? And like, Wait, what was going on? But, yeah, just a neat, neat little story. I'm glad I I'm glad I watched it. I'm still trying to figure out how big of a fan I am of gamma Del Toro, because I thought I was a big fan, and now I'm like, I don't know. He's got a cool style. I want him to keep doing it. I just don't know. I I think he's amazing. Does amazing films. Don't always like his movies, but I like what he does with them, right? If that makes any sense, no, totally, yeah, it makes a lot of sense. But looking forward to his Frankenstein. He sure loves it. So hopefully it'll, hopefully it'll be a huge hit, and then he can do is in the madness mountains. Madness mountains, oh, it's like he's redoing John Carpenter. Holy smokes. That's gonna be interesting. I watched a okay, one decent film on AMC, plus excellent but get away with Nick Frost. Oh, and it's fun, if it wasn't for Nick Frost. And I guess Aisling Bay is the place his wife in the movie, their what they do and their performances elevate the hell out of a fairly basic film. Remind me what this is about, a bunch of family's vacation to a remote getaway takes an unexpected turn when they discover an island inhabited by a serial killer. Oh, okay, and it's, it's fun, it's, it's funny, it's a comedy, funny, okay, yeah, which is part of why you know, mccross works so well in it, yeah, their their performances make it really worth watching. The movie itself is, is fine, and the some of the stuff that happens is like, Oh, I am surprised. But yeah, Nick Frost fans, a definite watch. Okay, get away. What's that on? AMC, plus, yeah, there are probably something else by now. Primer. I keep seeing the poster, and that is not what I thought the movie was based on the poster, you can see that it's kind of, it's tough because it sounds like a heist, yeah, just from the getaway, but then it's getting away, right? They're on a vacation. Is that two words? Then? Yeah, okay, I know I need to know that. Why don't we take a little break, guys, and then when we come back, we're going to be talking about robots in disguise. No, I've been thinking about getting a cat. When you do, you have to get a litter robot, I love it. Litter robot, it's a smart litter box that doesn't smell like one, and it automatically does the scooping. Litter robot, yeah, and I don't even have to think about it until the app notifies me it's time to remove the waste bag. Hey little robot, order me a pizza. Not everything can be as smart as little robot. Say hey to little robot and goodbye to scooping the smart appliance that helps without asking. All right, we have returned. We are talking about robots. This was my sub genre, so I go first. And I was actually recommended this movie by Vanessa. Yes, I am choosing from 1987 Batteries not included. The residents of 817, East Eighth Street are about to lose everything they have. What do you mean? Those tenants are still in there tonight, I'll have them out by tonight. Nothing in this world can save them, nothing but a miracle. Steven Spielberg presents a Matthew Robbins film, welcome to America. Spaceships from a very. All fine, very small. This is history, machines that reproduce themselves. I like being a family again. What the hell is that? It's Sam, the little guys. I don't know how you got here. Oh, why you picked up? Somebody's helping them, somebody's bringing them together. Is that why you're here. Batteries not included. This was directed by Matthew Robbins, who did Eric Corvette, Summer, oh shit, Dragon Slayer, oh the legend of Billie Jean. And it was written by him and Brad Bird. Brad Bird wrote The Incredibles one and two, Ratatouille, Tomorrowland. Matthew Robbins also wrote Mimic, speaking of Del Toro, don't be afraid of the dark and Crimson Peak. Also, Garris is given a writer's credit or a story credit he did, of course, critics to hocus pocus the fly two. If you listen to his podcast, he claims that he is the writer of this. So Whoa, yeah, he only has a story credit on this is starring Hume Cronin, who was in Brewster's millions cocoon, 12 Angry Men. And Jessica Tandy, his real life, wife, who is in the birds Driving Miss Daisy fried green tomatoes. Frank McRae is in this he was in red Don Licensed to Kill and loaded weapon. And also Elizabeth Pina, Michael Carmine and John Pankow, Eric, have you seen batteries on I have not, and I'm surprised I haven't listening to that list of creative well, I'll just say this. This movie is a fucking nightmare, and I'm treating this suggestion from Vanessa as a hostile actor. So we started in New York City's East Village, where several blocks of a rundown neighborhood are being demolished to build a high rise office tower and sports complex. However, in the middle of all this rubble and construction and tear down, is one four story building with several residents who either can't move out because they're broke or won't move out because they're old and can't imagine ever living anywhere else. By the way, the developer is offering them money to move out of this shit hole, and they're like, No, we love this crime ridden neighborhood. On the ground floor of this building is a small diner, and it's run by an elderly couple who live in the building, Frank and his wife, Faye, who has Alzheimer's or dementia, some kind of generic old person disease. Meanwhile, the developer has hired a gang of small time thugs to gently rough up the old people, but also destroy their diner and their apartment so that they are forced to leave one night, the building is visited by two robots who are maybe aliens never explained, and you'll not really want to know, but in exchange for plugging into the building's power outlets, these tiny robots, which are quite adorable, start fixing the damage done to the building. At first, only Fay sees them, but she's crazy, right? So no one believes her. But pretty soon, all of the residents have seen the robots and have come to love them and have zero questions about what or why any of this is happening. These residents include starving artist Mason, who looks uncomfortably like a young Mark Marin and pregnant single Latina Marissa and even retired boxer Harry noble. So this gang of thugs, they don't like seeing things getting fixed, and they don't understand it, so they're ramping up their activities against the residents, but they can't put a damper on the shared joy of the people in the building, why Mason and Marissa are falling in love, and the diner has never had more customers, especially with these little robots helping out. How can two robots do all this work? You wonder, they can't, but that's okay, because one of the robots is pregnant, and she gives birth to two other little robots, which are immediately put into slave labor for the residents of this building. Also to make matters even more fucking uncomfortable, the robot gave birth to a third baby robot, but it was still born. Oh so Harry, the boxer who was a little addled from one too many blows to the head, steals the dead baby robot from the planter it was buried in to his apartment and is able to bring it back to life. Vanessa, Holy fuck, there's so many distressing things going on in this movie, and I can't imagine any kid sitting through it, especially the first act, which is just a bunch of elderly people complaining about going to an old folks home, and especially Faye, who has dementia and can't come to grips with the death of her young adult son several years back. Fucking the nightmare. There's also an arsonist who shows up and has a fairly elaborate plan with gas fumes and balloons or something in the basement of this building and shit like this. And I was fucking stressed. I. Fucking garbage. I hated it. Never watch this film. This is awful tagline. Five ordinary people needed a miracle. Then one night, Fay Reilly left the window open. Trivia, originally intended to be a story featured in the TV series, amazing stories. Steven Spielberg liked the idea so much, he decided to make it a theatrical release instead. A horror film was going to be titled, batteries not included, but was forced to change its name when this film was being written. That movie child's play. Oh. In Harry Noble's backstory, he is a former professional boxer who retired after suffering brain damage, became a reclusive, handy man and turned to a nine non violent philosophy. Never explained that in the movie, in the back story behind the death of Bobby Riley Faye and Frank son, Frank didn't get along so well with Bobby and would frequently lose his temper with the boy. Bobby fed up with Frank losing his temper and making him feel like he's not good enough, bought himself a car and planned to run away, but in a tragic, senseless moment as Bobby, Bobby drove, drove off in his new car, he crashed and was killed instantly. What the fuck Vanessa, have you? Had you seen this film before, yeah, but I was like, eight. Oh, I don't even know how an eight year old could keep the attention span. I think I really liked the little robots. And robots are cute. Yeah, that's all I was really 30 minutes into the movie, when they show up, you have to deal with these old people. And I'm like, if I was a kid, I would first of all be bored, yeah, because I wouldn't understand why rent control and all. That's kind of why all this shit is going on. But also then I'd start being like, Jesus Christ, this is depressing shit. When do the robots show up? I look in my defense, I was planning on watching this one and you sounded interested. So I was like, All right, why don't you check it out? I want you to watch it now. Maybe back to me. Maybe I will. I don't know if I'll be able to handle the stillbirth scene. That sounds like really rough. I might cry a lot. I when this little teleport robot shows up, I'm like, What the fuck his battery wasn't included. This is where the line from the movie comes out, because Mason, the artist, when this dead robot shows up, says, very sadly, battery is not included. Hence the title, oh, my God Lord. Oh, no, I'm so sorry. Quick. Start talking about your it was worth it. Just for the review, though, I will say I seen all caps just around my eye. It's great. Wow. Well, I went with 1999 iron giant. You're nine years old. You're watching TV, a perfectly good brain wasted, when all of a sudden you go to investigate your conclusion. You do what any kid would do. You go looking for trouble, and Sure enough, it finds you. You The Iron Giant. I don't think I've actually seen it so also distressing, but a much better film. Yes, I watched the Signature Edition, which includes two additional scenes and swaps out a commercial that's playing in the background to include Tomorrowland. This was a budget of 50 million, box office of 31.7 No, if it helps, it was a massive hit on video. Yeah, I think it made up for its sense, but at the time, it was seen as a huge failure. Writer, director Brad Bird, who wrote on the Incredibles Ratatouille, batteries not included, and Tomorrowland, directed a Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, among some of those others, starring Vin Diesel as The Iron Giant, who we know from Fast and Furious guardians Galaxy Triple X and Riddick. Um Eli marenthal plays the voice of the little boy who grows up to be Stiffler brother in American Pie films. Really didn't have much of her career. Harry Connick Jr plays Dean. He was in Hope Floats Independence Day, Will and Grace and lots of music, including the soundtrack for Harry Met Sally. Jennifer Aniston plays the mom she was in 235, episodes of friends as Rachel Green, Christopher McDonald, he plays Kent Mansley. You recognize his face because he's in 228, things, but you're like, Hmm, but from what Thelma and Louise happy, Gilmore Requiem for a Dream among many others. And John Mahoney plays the General raguard. 263 episodes as Martin crane and Fraser. I don't care about the rest, because I love that man in that show. Story follows in 1957 Maine, a sailor is caught out at sea in a giant storm. He calls for MayDay and thinks he sees the lighthouse, but instead it is a giant robot that has crash landed on Earth. His ship hits it and is torn apart, but he is placed gently back on land. Meanwhile, Hogarth, a precocious little boy, visits his mom, who's working at a local diner with his newfound pet, a squirrel, because he likes to take things and take them in and show them a special care. I wonder if that'll come in later. It escapes in the diner. It goes up the leg of a local cool artist, scrap metal shop owner slash beat neck Dean. They overhear the sailor and talking about his story about the giant robot. And of course, Hogarth, whose imagination is very immense, goes a little wild and wants to find the robot. That night, his mom has to work late, and Hogarth stays up eating snacks and watching horror films on TV. When the power goes out, he wants to figure out what's going on, and he discovers that the his yard is torn asunder, which his mom never really notices later, but that's okay. Everything is fucked up. He follows a path that leads into the woods and discovers a giant metal man who is all wound up in the power station and is being electrocuted. Hogarth turns off the power switch and saves the robot, and of course, the robot and him then become fast friends. Hogarth tries to teach him about keeping out of sight and not killing everyone, also not eating train tracks and also, again, not killing everyone. He loops Dean in to his sort of shenanigans, because Dean has a great supply of food for the robot in his scrap yard. Meanwhile, government agents arrive along with the Kent Mansley, who's leading the investigation. He's determined to uncover what happened to this town and send the army after the giant. This was a really good film. It has solid writing. It's super fun moments for each character. There's a point in which the robot is he can become dismantled. His hand is running around the inside of the little kid's house, and he's trying to prevent his mom from seeing it. And so they're sitting down to dinner, and he starts saying a very elaborate prayer, and keeps saying, like, get out of here, Satan. It's very, very cool. I really just love all of these, these little moments that they sprinkle in there. However, I would say that the there's some pacing issues in here. There were some really powerful beats that didn't quite hit home for me, because it felt just a little off. I think that if this film was made today, I probably would have cried like eight times in it. I kind of almost cried once in it. But, you know, I have, I have so much more. I'm sorry the animation looks pretty good, but it's very Don Bluth, I will say I love the robot. He looks great. He's just so likable in his animation and his you can just see so much through his eyes, even though he doesn't talk until probably about halfway through the film. This originated from the book The Iron Man from 1968 by a poet, Ted Hughes, who wrote the novel for his children to comfort them in the wake of their mother Sylvia Plath's suicide. Ted Hughes died before the film's release, but his daughter Freda, saw and loved it. The family's last name is featured in the film. The 1980 rock musician Pete Townsend chose to adapt the book for a concert album. It was released as the Iron Man, a musical in 1989 and then in 1991 Richard basley, who later became the film films lead animator, pitched a version of the Iron Man to Don Bluth, who turned it down in late 1996 while developing a project, the studio saw this film as a perfect vehicle for Brad Bird, because they wanted to launch him, which I think is crazy, because I'm like, how do. Studios do this. That's not even a thing anymore. At the time, he was working for Turner feature animation and developing a film called ray gun, which I'm not sure I ever saw. The lead today in bird's original version America and the USSR were at war, and the giant dies. Tim McCann Lee's was hired to write the script and said to him, You can't kill et and not bring him back. He was inspired to make this film as a memorial to his sister Susan Don Bluth was or sorry Brad Bird was who died at the hands of her strange husband by gun violence. Do you want to start another like five minutes here? His pitch was, what if a gun had a soul and didn't want to be a gun. So there you go. The film probably failed, because it was not advertised, hardly at all, and it came out the same weekend as the sixth son. So I was still at Suncoast when this came out, and it was huge release, so it did quite well. That's great. That's really good to hear, because it was really depressing reading about, like, all the ways it got fucked from its adversary. Like, normally you do, like cups, and you'd have, like, a year out in advance. You'd have, like, toys and all this animated feature, yeah. And there was, it was literally four months ahead. The studio kept, like, wavering back and forth on when it was going to come out. They, like, only found out the last minute. And then there was, like, a poster that got released, and that was pretty much it. So wow, this is a kind of adorable movie. It is. It's a super adorable movie. Um, yeah, it's has some really interesting, strong lines in it, like, they're all think, they all think they're gonna die from a nuclear attack at one point, and they're like, well, there's no point in running. We're all just gonna die. Go to a condensed, highly populated area and make sure we're not surviving for seven days afterwards, exactly. All righty, Eric, you want to go? Yes, yeah, I'll go here five minutes also, or 10 minutes, oh, my God, I'll do better. Also, a fully animated film, the Mitchells versus the machine. You battle. Katie used to be my little buddy. Go on nature hikes, skip rocks. Tell her. Are you excited for cam? Don't make me go. We used to be so connected. Hey, Dad, smile. You know, you can experience things a whole lot better without that cam, Dad, this is how I experiencing, I don't think, Yes, tomorrow I'm finally leaving for college. But in the meantime, I made you guys this goodbye video. You know what? This is. Our last night together. How about we make 10 seconds family, eye contact starting. Put your phone down now. No, you're allowed to blink. It's just eye contact. Oh, finally, no screens at the table. Lynn, why are you kicking me? I don't understand. I'm just gonna Oh, look, I'll watch it. Dad, it's too late. Look, I wanna watch it. Dad, this is exactly why I'm excited to leave tomorrow. Katie, I know you can fix this. Why do you need all that to take me to the airport? I canceled your plane ticket to college. We are going to drive you to school on a cross country road trip as a family behold and now I present tricking Rick Mitchell and kiss me die. Dang it Katie. Dang it Katie, dang it. Katie, Hey, Dad, can you check the trunk? Yeah, sure. Dang it. Katie, Hey, kids, there's supposed to be some great ice around here. Just a set down. We hear a pal about to drop our biggest invention yet. Meet the helper bot. We promise you they will never turn even Mom, what is that? You greetings, humans, technology rising up Sayonara, robots roaming the streets. What is this strange creature? Dogs, pig dog. Pig dog. Loaf of bread. The beaches have always been weird. No time to wash your hands. Don't worry, I never do. That's what makes us great. Oh, my girl, then we just might be weird enough to save the world. All right hands in from 2021 it's a Netflix release, or you can run it not the next Netflix, or directed by Michael ryanda, who's done two short films, and Jeff Rowe, who you might know from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mutant Mayhem. Yeah. Is two directors on this written by Michael ryanda, who wrote Gravity Falls and a bunch of shorts. Jeff Rowe who wrote Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mutant Mayhem and Gravity Falls, and Peter Sisley, who wrote a couple TV episodes, so not a deep well of history for the filmmakers in this one actor, Abby Jacobson. Jacobson, who did 50 episodes of disenchantment, 50 episodes of Broad City, Danny McBride from the righteous gemstones, 27 episodes and going Halloween. Halloween kills. Halloween ends, and much better vice principals. Maya Rudolph, 167 episodes of SNL, bridesmaids, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mutant Mayhem, plus a lot of other people like Fred Armisen, Doug the pug. Conan O'Brien, yeah, the dog in this was voiced by an actual dog. That's crazy. The whole idea of the movie is it starts with a teenage daughter who's a filmmaker. So you know, that's nice making movies her and her father doesn't understand her at all. He's a complete Luddite. He barely can use a computer. And they are, of course, not getting along. She's getting ready to go to college. Her little brother is great. She enjoys him. They get along really well. It's a dinosaur lover. The father decides they need to bond. So in a move surely not to piss off his teenage daughter, he cancels her flight to cross the country to go to the film school for the introduction week, where everybody gets to meet all the new friends she's been making online, and all the people she's looking forward to meeting, and they're going to drive so she's thrilled. The Road Trip then is up ended because a super mogul tech guy releases an update to kind of, you know, the things we talk to on our phones, depending on what kind of phone you've got, and insults the private prior one, who then proceeds to take over all of the robots that he is releasing, and starts collecting people around the world in these little pods there. I will throw out a real huge story problem I had with this. But in order to get everybody upset, she disconnects all the Wi Fi and like, how are you communicating with all your robots and shit? How are you doing a worldwide thing. What do you destroy it all anyways? But the family accidentally kills some of the road or destroys some of the robots and figure out a weird way of we're going to band together and go against this. I gotta say, this is actually a lot of fun, except for one big problem. This is a two hour cartoon, yeah, and it would have been so good with about half an hour shaved out of it, because when it's good, it's a lot of fun. But it has like three feels like we're ramping up to the end part, parts, one of them early enough that, you know it's not, but the next couple are far enough along, you're going, Oh, this isn't the ending. So that hurts. It a lot, a whole lot of what I think would have been a really fun, silly animated movie about stopping the end of the world. But the tagline, prepare to get weird, because the world depends on it. Okay, it was originally titled Mitchell's versus a machine, then changed to connected, but Netflix bought inside. We're going back to Mitchells and the machines. I mentioned Monty the dog, was originally going to be a voice actor, but instead, they brought in Doug the pug. Actually, that dog makes a lot of moolah. Sony animations, first Netflix exclusive film for what that's worth. She was going to get a theatrical release in 2020. Didn't delayed several times, and then finally just came to Netflix couple years. But it's fun. It was a fun little it sounds like you've seen it too. Yeah, I thought it was really cute and too long, but I'm surprised. I did not realize it was a Netflix Original. Yeah, it doesn't look like it was. Yeah, Sony, so you've seen their animation plenty of times, but yeah, voice acting is fun. The comedy works, but yeah, just like, Come on, let's stop this. I think this. This. Did well enough, is there a sequel, or a sequel plan or something? I didn't see anything about it, but I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, it's a moderately successful animated thing. Of course, it's on Netflix, so who the hell knows, right? If Netflix wants to do a sequel? Well, it sounds like both of you guys had good movies. Yeah, yeah. Two out of three this time, I guess it's always a it's always a gamble. So to say, no, no, you do Batteries not included. I'll do behind or something else. I can't remember what I got on that I that made me think I wanted to talk about robots. I think it was seeing our buddy, Joe Sherlock, had posted like, a picture of a Fembot or something from his movie. And I was like, I want to do something about robots, and I'm gonna find something fun and wacky like that. Oh, boy, fail. Well, it's not the robots fault, that's true. There you go, Eric. I hate to put you on the spot, but you have the next page. I've got a wide ranging idea that I'm going to expand for your sake, but I'm thinking, How about movies Stephen King related, not based necessarily on Stephen King, because I'm sure there's not a lot of those you haven't seen, but something like maybe talked about it in dance macabre or something like that, any or a Stephen King presents film, which I think we mentioned last week, sometimes was not so great, but also sometimes pretty damn good. Can it be a adaptation? Absolutely, absolutely, that was my question, too. So it's the other ones are just to expand a little bit, because I have a feeling you've seen a lot of Stephen King films, probably all except for the monkey. Well, there you go. Now I like this idea very much. Okay, well, then that brings us to the end of the show. That means we're thanking everybody for being out there and supporting us in whatever way you can. Whether that means you're liking and sharing posts, sharing when the episode goes up, word of mouth, telling your friends that, hey, here's a show I like. If you're out there on the strangeeons radio talk page on Facebook. You're interacting with us right there. We really appreciate that. If you're commenting on the YouTube that's always very helpful. If you're calling in or texting in to the strangeeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266, and really, really, really, especially if you're donating money, we appreciate that. We use it to buy equipment that's right. As far as the getting a hold of us. If you don't want to do a voicemail, you can text. Plus there's even if you go to that link I put up every week to the buzz feed or Buzz sprout thing at the top of that, if you go to it, there's a send us a text link. Oh, that'll automatically just send that. I think it goes to a different source than that, but you could text there either way. That's fantastic. So this number here we've had forever. I just assumed it was like a second line or something that you had no it's a Google, Google phone. Oh, it's a fully functioning thing. Somehow, they're my that number I used, I guess when I ordered something for vinegar syndrome, because now whenever I order something from them, the text comes through for this, like, okay, so I know we can get texts through there. So if you do text there, you know, tell us who you are, because it probably just going to show up as a number to us. Yeah, yes, that's it. Yeah, definitely do that. Cool. Also, I have a book that's probably out by the time this it is called thorns. It's a it's another horror book. It's technically a novel clocked in at over 40,000 words. So excellent. What is the requirement for novel length? The horror Writers Association considers anything over 40,000 words a novel Gotcha. But I think that in other places, it's got to be 50,000 words so and then, if you're Stephen King, it's a minimum 100,000 words. A door stopper. Can it stop? A door yes or no, right? Anyway, this is out on Amazon. It's also out where you know, if you don't want to support this evil corporation. This book is available. You know, you can go to your Barnes and Noble and order from them. You can go to your mom and pop store. If you want, whatever evil corporation you like, you can get it from. What about your website? Is it available? No, I'm not doing that shit. Fucking. Annoying, packing it and sending it yourself. You feel like you really need an autographed coffee. Reach out to me and we can make something happen. But otherwise, get it. Where you get it? And find me at crypto con, Barnes and Nobles popping up all over the place again. And I don't know if you've been to any of the new ones. They're really they're very different. They're real interesting. They're trying to be like a local bookstore. They pattern their whatever their stock is to the area they're in. I went to one very nice yesterday with my little little at Bellevue square. They just opened one, and it was really cool. And she ended up almost stealing a Curious George, which I paid for. She was very enamored with he was a perfect eye height, and she just snagged him and started eating him. So, oh, there we go. Good way to get mom to buy this for me, yep. Let me tell you, kids, you want some shit, just lick it. Your kid, your parents will feel very obligated to purchase it. You know, you you mentioned something about the last time when you were sick and you're like, I come up here and I lick everything like that was a very uncomfortable thing to say. And now here you go again. Look, my life has changed a lot. I witnessed a lot of just child looking random things, and now it's normalized for me. Okay, gang, we're coming back in seven short days when we were talking Stephen King or Stephen King related, see you next Thursday, transportation and other considerations for strange eons, radio produced by Pan Am. Airlines, when you think of traveling, think of Pan Am. You can't beat the experience. Guests of strange eons radio. Stay at econo Lodge, Everett. It's an easy stop on the road. Strangeeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Sit Uber sit, I'm so tired at the end of the day, I'm not gonna do anything interesting at that point. I'm not gonna like write the great American novel between 9pm and midnight.